
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing with | all forms | exact matches only
After facial cleaning, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20 minutes later, then wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or a paper towel洁面后,打开包装并取出面膜,轻轻敷于面上,20分钟后揭开面膜,用纸巾或清水抹去脸上剩余精华液即可
After using skin care products, apply proper amount onto the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with finger pulp, evenly extend it onto the whole face, and focus on the blemishes涂抹完保养品后,用指腹取适量抹于额头、两颊、鼻子、下巴,然后均匀地抹开于整个面部,瑕疵处可特别加强涂抹
Apply the toner to your face with a clean cotton ball用干净的棉球将爽肤水涂抹在脸上
Do not wear frosty eye shadow, and avoid anything with a blue undertone不要使用霜状眼影,以及避免使用蓝色底色的化妆品
How to use: After cream in the morning and evening, apply an appropriate amount to the face, and spread it to the whole face with a cotton pad, especially on the dark skin, until it looks natural使用方法:早晚用于乳液后,取适量点于面部,然后用化妆棉轻轻延展涂至全脸,在肌肤暗黄处可多量使用,涂匀成自然状态
I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水
I think the color of this lipstick looks good with your skin tone我觉得这种颜色的口红很配你的肤色
Put adequate amount on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, spread gently from top to bottom with finger tips, and pat evenly取适量点于前额、鼻子、两颊、下巴等部位,用指尖由上而下地涂匀整个脸部和颈部,轻轻拍打均匀即可
Skin solution: Wash up with a soap-free cleanser like Dove Cool Moisture Foaming Facial Cleanser and then apply moisturizer to damp skin皮肤保养大法:用不含肥皂成分的清洁品洗脸如多芬清凉润肤泡沫洁面乳,然后涂上润肤露保湿
Soak a cotton pad in lotion and wipe over the whole face and neck, pat until being absorbed, and then follow with milk or cream用本品浸湿化妆棉,均匀涂抹在面部和颈部,轻拍直至吸收,再使用乳液或者面霜
The anti-acne cosmetics with the characteristics of diminishing inflammation, moisturizing and skin-protection were designed, according to the mechanism of acne production针对粉刺的产生机理,设计了具有消炎、保湿、护肤作用的祛痘化妆品
Usage: After facial cleansing, dispense proper amount onto the palm, foam it with fresh water, evenly apply onto the face and completely massage, and then rinse it使用方法:洁肤后,取适量于掌心,加清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于脸部并充分按摩,再用清水冲洗干净
West midlands spray their undergarments with perfume to make them smell better英格兰中西部的人为了让内衣的味道更好,会在上面喷洒香水