
Terms for subject Securities containing with | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal fluctuation of the stock prices with rumors隨传闻出现的股价异动
act with due diligence尽职尽责
act with due diligence尽力而为
act with prudence谨慎行为
affixed with the company's seal盖有公司公章
assets value moving out of line with their fundamental worth资产价格脱离其基本价值
auditors' reports with "qualified opinion" and/or explanatory paragraph附带[保留意见]及/或[说明段落]的审计师报告
bearish reversal patterns with no price confirmations无价格确认的熊市逆转形态技术分析
become compatible with internationally accepted practices与国际惯例接轨
beforehand with one's payment预付款
beforehand with one's payment提前付款
bill discounted with collateral security担保贴现票据
bill with/without L/C有/无信用证汇票
bills and accounts payable with terms有限期的应付汇票款项
bills and accounts payable with terms有限期付款项
bond on a parity with commodity折实公债
bond on a parity with commodity与商品等值公债
bond with interest lottery有利息奖的债券
bond with put options带有认沽期权的债券
bond with subscription warrant带有新股认购权的公司债券
bond with warrant带认股权权证的债券指债券持有人以约定价格认购股票的权利
bonds guaranteed with full-amount pledged assets足额资产抵押担保债券
bonds guaranteed with unconditional and irrevocable joint and several liabilities无条件不可撤销连带责任担保债券
bonds issued with conversion privileges附转股权的债券
borrow with security无抵押借款
buy shares with loans and sell borrowed stock通过融资融券购股
buy stocks with all funds of an investor满仓投资人把其所有资金都买成证券
cash with agent for dividend发放股利现金专款
cash with fiscal agent财务代理机构的现金存在财务代理机构的资金,用于归还到期债券的本金和利息
cause of the crisis having more to do with solvency危机的主因是偿付能力
collaborating with others in securities trade证券交易中串通他人
commensurate with international standards与国际标准一致
commensurate with international standards与国际标准接轨
companies with discontinued operations in income statement损益报表中具有非持续经营记录的公司
companies with long trading suspension长期停牌公司
companies with uneven earnings records具有不规则收益记录的公司
compliance with agreement遵守协议
compliance with laws合乎法规
compound with妥协
compound with和解
compound with creditors与债权人和解
connected with a corporation与某家企业有关连
constituent fund with discretionary benefits提供适量权益的成分基金
convertible bonds with detachable trade分离交易可转换债券
convertible bonds with put带有认沽期权的可转换债券如果债券的价格没有预期上扬,认沽期权可抛出
corporate bonds with abnormal fluctuation交易出现异常波动的公司债券
corporation with foreign capital外资企业
correlations with profitability盈利相关分析
dealing with the account用此账户交易股票
debt investment with equity kicker element带股权衍生因素的直接投资
debt issue with conversion privilege带有转换股权的债券
debt with equity upside有股权优势的债务
debt with warrant带有认股权证的债券
declaration and undertaking with regard to directors董事声明及承诺
dedication with reinvestment再投资专项组合
derivative warrants with further issuance增发的衍生权证
discount with recourse有追索权的贴现
dissatisfying with a punishment不服处罚
dividend entitlements with options带期权的股息权益
dividend entitlements with options带选择权的股利权益
dividend with a source in China来源于中国的股利
documentary bill of exchange with L/C凭信用证的押汇汇票
documentary bill with L/C凭信用证押汇汇票
draft payable with terms有付款条件的汇票
draft with/without recourse有/无追索权汇票
earnings gains combined with结合盈利增长因素
enter into partnership with与某人合股
enterprise directly under the central government with full state ownership中央直属的国有独资企业
enterprises burdened with social responsibility企业承担社会责任
failure to comply with违规
failure to comply with不遵守
failure to comply with违反
failure to comply with offering rules违反上市发行规则
filing with the authority在有关部门备案
financial policy with respect to dividend与股利有关的财务政策
financing with preferred stock优先股融资
floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据
fulfilling tasks with fixed amount of investment执行投资包干
fund with guarantees带有保证的基金
funding international M&A with securities用证券进行国际并购
grow in pace with与……同步增长
growth with stability稳定增长
guaranteed with pledged assets资产抵押担保
have to be registered with the agency approving履行备案手续
hedging with forward远期套期保值
hedging with futures contract期货合同套期保值
hedging with option期权套期保值
hedging with swap contract套期保值互换合同
high price stocks with poor quality质次价高的股票
honeycombed with stops停止委托单蜂拥进人市场大量停止指令进人的证券市场
implementation with derivatives用衍生工具执行
in compliance with requirements合规
in compliance with requirements符合要求
in line with与……保持一致
institutions with special seats of bonds债券专用席位持有机构上海股票交易所内
instrument with fixed maturity带指定期日的票据
integrate with the world market与国际市场一体化
invest with full authority全权投资
issues in connection with与发行有关的
joint stock company with limited liability股份责任有限公司
letter of credit with red clause附红条款的信用证
liability with fault过失赔偿责任
like with like同等标准
limited liability companies with foreign investment外商投资的有限责任公司
make a deal with与……妥协
make a deal with与……交易
market with adverse selection带有逆向选择的市场
market with protection order有保护市价委托指令
mixed form of ownership with public ownership taking the leading role公有制主导下的混合型所有制形式
municipalities with independent planning status计划单列市中国
non-compliance with requirements未遵守规定
offer with engagement确定发行价格
opening account with stockbroker在股票经纪商处开立账户
payable with exchange应按汇率付款
payable with exchange贴水支付
principle of matching cost with revenue成本收人配比原则
promote compliance with universal standards amongst issuers, intermediaries and investors促使发行人、中介人及投资者遵守公认的标准
property deposited with recognized clearing house存放在认可结算所的财产
relative strength combined with price-to-sales ratio结合相对强度因素的价售比
relative strength combined with ROE与股本收益率结合的相对强度
repaying with dividend用股利偿还
repayment with penalty还款加罚金
restriction on dealing with property对处置财产的限制
review the compliance with credit ceilings信贷规模审核
review the compliance with credit ceilings贷款最高限额合规审核
saddled with debt欠债
Securities with foreign exchange value有外汇价值的有价证券
seller's position with respect to...与……有关的卖方立场
settle with creditor偿还债权人
settle with creditor与债权人结算
sight draft with negotiate bill of lading attached附可转让提单的即期汇票
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics中国特色的社会主义
stock company under mixed ownership with public ownership rights as the principal part混合所有公有制为主的股份公司
stock company with public ownership as the mainstay以公有制为主导的股份公司
stock segregated account with statement service附寄结单的独立股票账户
stock with multiple votes一股多权 (复数表决权)
subordinated debt with revenue participation rights附收益参与权的次级债务
subordinated debt with warrants含权证的次级债
subscription with insufficient capital欠款认购
taking back security with subordinated debt赎回附有次级债务的证券
transfer in with compensation有偿调人
transfer-out with compensation固定资产有偿转出
with all faults金融产品售后暇疵自负责
with dividend含股息
with dividend有股息
with everything to match 一全部匹配
with everything to match 一切匹配
with full recourse有金额追索权
with high PE ratio高市盈率时情况
with intent to deceive有意欺骗
with intent to defraud有意诈骗
with interest附利息债券交易中的一项要求,买方必须向卖方支付自上次付息以来发生的利息
with large stocks对大盘股票的运用
with low PE ratio低市盈率时的情况
with or without限价指令买人时须在当时市价之上加一部分的零股价差; 卖出时须在当时市价上减去零股价差
with or without限价委托
with or without a sale order跟或不跟销售指令
with or without a sale order限价销售指令
with partial recourse有部分追索权
with prejudice带有歧视性
with prejudice有偏见
with prejudice带伤害性
with-profit business可分红业务
with-profit business有利润业务
with proviso附有但书
with recourse含追索权
with recourse credit有追索权信贷
with rights有权
with warrant含认股权
with warrant附认股权证
with warrants附认股权证