
Terms for subject Pharmacology containing with | all forms | exact matches only
Aspirin Regimen Bayer 81 mg with Calcium拜尔阿司匹林钙 (阿司匹林-碳酸钙 (aspirin and calcium carbonate) 片剂商品名;镇痛药)
colloidal ergocalciferol with calcium维丁胶性钙 (维生素 D2胶性钙 (ergocalciferol and calcium colloidal) 的别名;钙调节药)
enteral nutrition with short peptide短肽型肠内营养剂 (短肽型肠内营养剂 (short peptide enteral nutrition) 的别名;营养药)
extract from inflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbit inoculated with vaccina virus牛痘疫苗接种家兔炎症皮肤提取物
extract from inflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbit inoculated with vaccina virus牛痘免疫病毒疫苗接种家兔炎症皮肤提取物 (从牛痘疫苗接种致炎兔皮肤真皮中提取的一种非蛋白性生理活性物质;抗炎镇痛药)
Extraneal Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with Icodextrin爱多尼尔腹膜透析液 (艾考糊精、氯化钠、乳酸钠、氯化钙及氯化镁所制透析溶液商品名;腹膜透析液)
haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome bivalentvaccine hamster kidney cell ,inactivated双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗地鼠肾细胞 (生物制品)
haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome bivalentvaccine vero kidney cell, inactivated双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗 Vero 细胞 (生物制品)
haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome bivalentvaccine gerbil kidney cell , inactivated双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗沙鼠肾细胞 (生物制品)
influenza vaccine sub-unit with MF59C. 1 adjuvant流感病毒亚单位佐剂疫苗
multivitamins with iron含铁多维片 (多种维生素-多种微量橼素 (multivitamins and multimicroelement) 的别名;营养药)
Orabase with Benzocaine口腔止痛凝胶 (20% 苯佐卡因 (benzocaine) 凝胶剂商品名;口腔止痛药)
Pregnaslide Latex hCG Test with Fast Trak Slides尿绒促性素乳胶凝集定性测定试剂 (诊断用药)
protein hydrolysate with low phenylalanin低苯丙氨酸水解蛋白 (营养药)
salicylic acid with sulfurS. S. 软膏 (皮肤科用药)
salicylic acid with sulfur水杨酸硫磺软膏
Tylenol with Codeine泰诺因 (可待因-对乙酰氨基酚 (codeine and paracetamol) 片剂商品名;镇痛药)