
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing with | all forms | exact matches only
auger with hydraulic feed液压给进式螺
bit with teeth耙式钻头
canal with earth section无衬砌渠道
composite foundation with settlement-reducing piles沉降控制复合桩基础
composite foundation with settlement-reducing piles减沉复合桩基础
dam with core wall心墙坝
design with nature适应自然的设计
drilling with counterflow反循环冲洗钻进
eccentric load with moment有弯矩的偏心荷载
excavate with timbering支撑挖掘
flood with hundred-year recurrence百年一遇洪水
grab with rope-suspended clamshells绳索悬挂合瓣式抓斗
line with casing用套管护孔
pile connected with melted sulphuric paste硫磺胶泥接桩
retaining structure with anchor锚定式挡土结构
retaining wall with stepped back踏步式挡土墙
shield with balanced earth pressure土压平衡式盾构
shield with compressed air全气压盾构
shield with partially compressed air半气压盾构
shield with partially compressed air局部气压盾构
stabilization with cement水泥稳定
thin-wall tube with liners带衬薄壁管取土器