
Terms for subject Commerce containing with | all forms | exact matches only
a catalogue with pictures and prices有图片与价格的商品目录本
a company with large finances资金雄厚的公司
a policy with extensive coverage保险范围广的保单
accommodate a company with a loan向一家公司提供借款
achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour以最少劳动取得最高效率
advertisement with wide coverage覆盖范围广的广告
advise with us on technical improvements与我们商量有关技术改进的问题
an estate with encumbered mortgage带抵押的土地
arrange with a bank to provide finance for the exporter与银行商定向出口人提供资金
arrange with sb. about incentive pay与某人商谈按产量奖励付酬
arrange with creditors与债权人商量
As soon as new supplies arrive, we'll lose no time to communicate with you一俟新货到来,我方即与你方联系
assembling with components supplied by clients来件装配
associate with several companies in the production of the goods与几家公司联合生产该货物
At present, the market is glutted with fruit目前市场上水果充斥
bargain with a customer over the price与客户讨价还价
bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles要其长期供货
bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles与一厂家订约
be bound to supply the goods in accordance with the stipulations理应按规定供货
be burdened with a heavy debt负债累累
be familiar with ACCY熟悉会计工作
be in negotiation with another party与另一方进行谈判
be in treaty with sb. for与某人就某事进行谈判 (sth)
be interested in building up business with a country有兴趣发展与某国的贸易
be not acquainted with the market conditions不了解市场情况
be overloaded with duties职务负担过重
bill of lading with reservation不清洁提单
bill with credit凭信用证开具的汇票
book with sb. 1,000 M/r向某人买进1,000公吨
break off negotiation with the seller中止与卖方的谈判
Buyers need the commodities badly to cope with the seasonal rush买主急需这些商品以应付季节性购买热潮
carry on commerce with a country与某国通商
charter a vessel with a ship company向一家轮船公司租船
China has sprung with a bound into a TV set producing country中国已一跃成为一个电视机生产国
Chinese goods are quite popular with users in San Francisco中国货在旧金山很受用户欢迎
CIF London with 5% commission伦敦到岸价,含5%佣金
clap up a bargain with the buyer与买主匆匆成交
close an account with a bank与一家银行结束账户
close with the seller's offer接受卖方报盘
come into conflict with international trade practices与国际贸易惯例相违
come into personal contact with the new customer与新客户建立私人联系
come to a compromise with a customer与客户达成折衷
come to an arrangement with sb. on sole agency与某人达成独家代理协议
come to terms with a customer与一客户达成协议
communicate with the customers与客户联系
compete with other sellers in trade在贸易中与其他卖主竞争
comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract与合同上所规定的质量标准相符
comply with the stipulations in the contract遵守合约规定
comply with the terms of payment遵守付款条款
comply with the terms of the L/C遵守信用证条款
conclude a transaction with somebody与某人成交
conclude an agreement with somebody与某人达成协议
conform with the regulations符合法规
consult with an authority on the subject就该问题与专家协商
contract in collaboration with others与他人共同承包
contract with a firm for 1,000 M/T cement向某公司订购1,000公吨水泥
correspond with customers与客户通信
credit the seller with US $10,000给卖方贷记10,000 美兀 (credit US $10, 000 to the seller)
credit with T/T reimbursement clause带电汇条款的信用证
damage through contract with other cargo与其他货物接触受损
debit a person's account with US$10,000把10,000 美元登入借方账上 (000 to (against) a person's account)
debit us with US 100,000 to our A/C把100,000 美元贷记我方来往账户
Differences have arisen between the two parties with respect to the effectiveness of the contract双方对合同的有效性产生纠纷
Drafts drawn in compliance with L/C shall be honoured on presentation依照信用证所开具的汇票应见票即付
endorsement with recourse有条件背书
endorsement with recourse限制性背书
enter into a direct relationship with the end users与最终用户建立直接联系
enter into business negotiations with the buyer与买主进行贸易洽商
enter into negotiation with a customer开始与客商进行磋商
enterprise with substantial resources资源雄厚的企业
entrust sb. with the property把财产交由某人保管
establish business relations with a customer与一客户建立贸易联系
facilities to be accorded with the relevant personnel技术贸易应对有关人员提供的便利
file an application with the competent authorities向有关当局提出申请
fluctuate in line with market conditions随市场情况波动
form an affiliation with another company与另一家公司联营
Fragile goods must be handled with care小心搬运
Fragile goods must be handled with care易碎物品
General supply of goods has not caught up with general demand商品总供给赶不上总需求
Goods are to be marked with our initials in a triangle货物应标上我方缩写名称并外加三角形
hold talks with a customer与一客商举行会谈
If the goods are not in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price如果货物与合同条款不符,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款
If the goods are not in conformity with the terms of the sales contract, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price如果货物不符合销售合同条款,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款
If you can assure regular supplies, we're ready to place substantial orders with you如果你方保证经常供货,我方将乐于向你方大量订购
If your price is moderate, we'll place a substantial order with you如果你方价格适当,我方将向你方订购一大笔货物
illustrate with cuts附图说明
in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit根据平等互利原则
in accordance with the stipulations依照规定
in accordance with the telexes exchanged根据双方往来电传
In case of the insolvency of the buyer, the seller has a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted with the possession to them如果已脱离对货物的占有,而买方无力清偿货款时,卖方具有对货物的停运权
in conformity with the stipulations of the contract与合同规定相符
In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price在岀口交易中卖方通常在未收到货款前让岀对货物的占有权
In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事人有约定外,优先适用惯例
In this case the buyer's interest is not compatible with ours买方利益与我们不相一致
In this case the buyer's interest is not compatible with ours在这种情况下
inconformity with the stipulations in the contract与合同规定不符
invoice with documents附提货单据发票
It is not in accordance with the spirit of the law它与法律精神不符
keep up correspondence with a company与一公司保持通信
large industries with sophisticated technology技术复杂的工业
lodge an application for a loan with a bank向银行提岀贷款申请
make products with indigenous equipment用土设备生产产品
make wide associations with customers与客户建立广泛联系
Market prices usually vary with the season市场价格通常随季节不同而变化
milk chocolate with high milk content家用牛奶巧克力
natural mineral water fortified with carbon dioxide from the source在水源强化二氧化碳的天然矿泉水
negotiate with a customer over specifications of goods就货物的规格与客商谈判
not in accord with the stipulations in the contract与合同规定不符
obtain a practical acquaintance with business techniques对贸易技巧有一些实际了解
obtain practical acquaintance with business techniques对贸易技巧有实际了解
open an account with a bank在一家银行开户
open an account with the Bank of China在中国银行开户
orders accompanied with cash随附现金的订单
Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors我们的价格算是很公道的
Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors与竞争对手相比
Our products have met with wide endorsement in the market我方产品已得到市场的广泛赞许
Our products have met with wide indorsement in the market我方产品已得到市场的广泛赞许
payable with banker's charge付款时连同支付银行费用
payable with exchange可以交换形式支付
payable with exchange按汇率支付
payable with interest at..., per cent per annum from date hereof to due date of arrival of remittance in London付款时加付利息,按年利百分之…,由开票日至汇款应到达伦敦之时计息
payable with negotiating bank's charges何款时连同支付议付行费用
payable with stamps付款时连同支付印花税
payment with order订货付款
periodical debt service with equal installments of both amortization and interest定期等额还本付息
personnel associated with the work of the fair交易会有关工作人员
Please bring the insurance clause in your L/C into correspondence with that in the S/C请将你方信用证中的保险条款与销售合同中的一致起来
Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market以免失去销售机会
Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market请与我方合作并迅速装船
Please furnish us with further details as early as possible请尽早为我们提供进一步细节
Please return one copy of the contract, completed with your signature请寄回经你方签署的合同一份
processing with customer's materials来料加工
processing with materials supplied by foreign clients来料加工
processing with the samples supplied by clients来样加工
provide sb. with necessary information向某人提供必要的信息
reproduce with complete fidelity原样复制
selection with equal probability按均等概率抽选
selling with repayment of principal还本销售
sever trade relations with a country与一国断绝贸易关系
Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing箱内一部分货物丢失了
Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing有几箱被人动过
sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached附可转让提单的即期汇票
sole proprietorship with unlimited liability独家经营并具有无限责任的商号
standard rules dealing with the adjustment of general average理算共同海损的标准规则
stock with voting power有表决权的股票
succeed with the public大受公众欢迎
sweetened mixture with cocoa加糖可可混合物
tally with the facts与事实相符
tamper with account books窜改账册
telegram with multiple addresses同文电报
terms to be agreed with leading underwriters受主导保险人所同意的条款约束:无须再行磋商
The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证
The agreement should be drafted with great care协议应十分仔细地草拟
The buyer agreed with some reservations但他有些保留
The buyer agreed with some reservations买主同意了
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade买方在一定情况下
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade有权拒绝接受货物
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade如果货物包装与买方要求或行业惯例不相符合
The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定
The buyer was urgent with us for further particulars买方强烈要求我方作更详细说明
The buyer's opinion jars with us买主的意见与我方不一致
The buyers reject the goods, alleging that the quality is not in conformity with that of the sample买主拒收货物,声称货物质量与样品质量不符
The company is encumbered with debts公司负债累累
The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任
The description of the goods in the commercial invoice shall correspond with that in the L/C商业发票上的规格说明必须与信用证致
The expenditure does not correspond with the income支出与收入不相适应
The exporter is not in direct contractual relations with the foreign customers出口人与国外客户无直接契约关系
The factory was encumbered with a heavy mortgage这家厂子抵押了一大笔押金
The goods were shipped per S.S. Prince to Hong Kong thence connecting with S.S. Hero to London然后由英雄号轮联运到伦敦
The goods were shipped per S.S. Prince to Hong Kong thence connecting with S.S. Hero to London货物由王子号轮发运至香港
The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致
The L/C should be in keeping with the contract信用证应与合同相一致
The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker据报导班轮与一石油货轮相撞
The market is firm with an upward tendency行市坚挺趋涨
The merchandise is sold with a franchise of 5%该商品按5%免赔率出售
The output of the factory has increased by fifty percent as compared with last year与去年比该厂产量增加了百分之五十
The packages shall be marked with our usual shipping marks包件上必须刷上我方通常使用的装船标志
The price increases bore most severely upon the people with fixed incomes物价上涨对固定收入的人们影响最大
The principal authorizes the agent to procure contracts with third parties on his behalf委托人授权代理人代表他向第三者招揽订货合同
The purchases were paid for with cash这些购置均用现金支付
The quality is. not quite consonant with the price质量与价格不很相称
The quality of our products stands comparison with that of rival products我们的产品质量经得起与竞争对手的产品质量相比
The quality of the goods shall be in strict accordance with that of the sample货物品质必须与样品品质严格一致
The quality to the goods, properly speaking, is not fully in conformity with the stipulation in the contract严格地说,货物质量与合同规定并不完全相一致
The ship sank through a collision with an oil tanker这条船与一石油货轮相撞后沉没
The shipment does not correspond with the specifications offered到货与所报规格不符
The shipment is not in accord with the type sample发货与标准样品不符
The shipping documents shall exactly coincide with the stipulations in the covering L/C装运单据必须与有关信用证的规定完全一致
The stipulations in L/C shall be in strict agreement with those in the contract信用证规定必须与合同规定严格相符
The stipulations in your L/C should be in accordance with those in the contract你方信用证规定应与合同中的规定相符
The tea market is firm with upward tendency呈上升趋势
The tea market is firm with upward tendency茶叶市场坚挺
The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with the exclusive agency at present目前成交业务量尚不足以委托贵方为独家代理
The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符
There is a slim possibility of entering into an agreement with the buyer与买方达成协议的可能性极小
There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
These articles don't assort with the type samples这些商品与标准样品不符
These cargoes must be shipped on a steamer with cold storage这些货物必须由有冷藏设备的船只装运
These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion在代理人促销下这些货物畅销于市场
These terms collide with international practices这些条款与国际惯例相抵触
They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory他们已向我厂订购自行车10,000辆
This obtains with most people这是众所公认的
This offer does not comply with the buyer's requirement这一报盘不符合买主要求
This type is identical in quality with to that one这—— 型号与那一型号质量相同
treat buyers with neglect怠慢买主
treat with sb. on equal terms在平等基础上与某人谈判
We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with the customer我们正在考虑是否与客户达成交易
We believe the quality will meet with your approval我们相信货物质量将得到你方认可
We can not dispense with a further supply of spare parts我方不能不需要更多的备件供应
We can supply you with all kinds of dress materials我方可向贵方提供各种衣料
We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you所以对你方报盘未能取得任何进展
We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you由于别的竞争人售价低于你方
We cannot reconcile out position with yours in this respect在这方面我方主张无法与你方一致
We don't agree with your implication in your letter that we ignored your requirements我方不同意你方信中的言外之意,即言我方对你方要求未予重视
We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex接到代理人的电传后我们立即与他联系
We have eventually come to terms with our client我方与客户最终达成交易
We have no dealings with those customers我们与那些客户没有业务来往
We hope to place further orders with you in this line我们希望今后继续向你方订购这类商品
We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line我们希望在推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作
We hope you'll cooperate with us in perfect harmony我们希望你方与我方协调一致地予以合作
We maintain that these two problems should be dealt with separately我方坚持认为这两个问题应分别予以处理
We may at least conjecture with fair certainty that the business negotiations will be successful我们至少可以相当肯定地推测贸易洽商将会取得成功
We send here with a sample cutting of this matter我们寄此种料子剪样一份
We should get in contact with our overseas buyer immediately我们应立即与我们的海外客户联系
We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required我方目前可以向你方提供所要求的货物
We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required特此通知你方
We thank you for your letter of May 12 with enclosures感谢贵方五月十二日函及其附件
Welcome to Wharton Furniture World, there are a lot of furniture for your choices with satisfaction欢迎光临沃顿家具世界,众多家具总有一款让你满意
We'll deal with the subject in our next letter我们将另函处理这一问题
We'll take up the matter with the party concerned我方将向有关方提出这一问题
We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities我方已承接大批订单,无力接受追加订货数量
We've closed several deals with Mr. Cook我们与库克先生结束了几笔交易
with all faults不保证货物无瑕疵
with all faults一经售出概不退换
with all risks包括一切险
with all risks保险综合险
with average保险水渍险
with average单独海损负责赔偿 (亦用 with particular average (缩为 WPA))
with best regards信函结尾谨致问候
with care小心亦缩为 W/C, w.c.
with other goods与其它货物一起
with participation from all concerned在有关各方面都来参加的情况下
with participation from all concerned在有关各方都参加的情况下
with particular average保险水渍险
with particular average单独海损负责赔偿
with particular average单独海损负责赔偿,水渍险
With reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight关于付款条件,我方只接受即期信用证
with reference to the patent law参照专利法
With regard to S/C No. 5012, please ship the goods as soon as possible关于第5012 号销售合同,请尽快装运货物
with respect to关于亦缩为 w-r-t
with respect to quality of goods关于货物质量
with that与此
with that以此
with this此外商业信函中还常用
with this附此
Your enquiry coincided with our offer你方询盘与我方报盘同时发出
Your L/C is in disagreement with the contract你方信用证与合同不一致
Your L/C is not in correspondence with the s/c你方信用证与销售合同不符
Your letter of credit is at variance with the contract你方信用证与合同有岀入
Your statement is in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously你方的声明与先前所作的承诺相抵触