
Terms for subject Mathematics containing with | all forms | exact matches only
be attended with带来
be attended with伴随有
be connected with与… 连接〔有关〕
be occupied with + ing从事
busy oneself with忙于
compiler with a random number generating function用随机数表产生函数的编辑程序
be concerned with参与
be concerned with与…有关
be concerned with牵涉到
cubic designs with three associate classes三相关组立方设计
fix with怀着恶意地瞪着
generating random numbers with a specified distribution一种特定分配乱数的产生
be identical with和…等同(完全)一样,相等
manifold with boundary带边流形
mesh with与…啮〔咬〕合
be out of contact with和…失去联系
process with independent increments独立增量过程
sampling with replacement放回抽样,重复抽样
sampling with replacement退还抽样法
sampling with replacement需要抽换样品
selection with arbitrary probability接任意概率抽选
selection with equal probability接等概率抽选
selection with probability proportional to size按与大小成比例的概率抽选
selection with variable probability接任意概率抽选
symmetry with respect to a line关于直线的对称
symmetry with respect to a plane镜对称
symmetry with respect to a plane关于平面的对称
symmetry with respect to a point关于点的对称
system with one degree of freedom一维系统
system with several degree of freedom多维系统
with due regard for适当地考虑到
with due regard for给…以适当的考虑
with one stroke一次的努力
with one stroke一举
with profit有益
with the aim of为了
with the understanding that...如果…
with the understanding that...条件是…
with the understanding that...以…为条件
with this provision在这种条件下