
Terms for subject Business containing with | all forms | exact matches only
absent with leave准假离职
acceptance with two bank names双具名银行承兑汇票
accordance with stipulation of the present regulation按照本条例规定
accordance with the agreement根据协议
accordance with the principle根据原则
accordance with the principle of accounting按照会计原则
accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing根据平等协商原则
accordant with与…一致〔相合,相调和〕的
According to my condition, could you recommend a metal security door with the proper size to me?根据我的情况,你能推荐一款大小合适的金属防盗门吗?
account with persons对人账户
accounts agree with document账证相符
accounts agree with other accounts账账相符
accounts agree with physical inventory账实相符
accounts with persons对人账户
act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands独立自主
act with decision当机立断
adjust payment in accordance with the price index of certain commodities折实
adjustment of output in line with consumer preference依消费者偏好调整产量
adjustment tax with different rates for different enterprises一户一率调节税
administrator with the will annexed遗嘱执行人
advisory corporation dealing with production and engineering咨询工程公司
agency coupled with an interest有利害关系的代理
agency coupled with an interest不可撤销的代理指代理人按约取得佣金,此种代理依法是不可撤销的
agency coupled with an interest结合利益的代理
aid to families with dependent children美国对有儿童抚养的家庭补助
aid with no conditions attached无条件援助
aid with no strings attached无条件援助
allocation of products with no compensation产品无偿调拨
along with和…一起
along with与…一道
alongside with与… 一道
alternative with unequal service lives非同期服务方案
amalgamate with与…合并
amply supported with funds资金充足
analogy with case examples案例类推法
annual financial statement appended with an audit report年度决算报表附查账报告
any other party jointly and severally liable with the debtor与债务人连带负责的其他方
any other party jointly and severally with the debter与债务人相连的责任人
approach M with向 M 提出N (N)
assemblage with parts provided来件装配
assets with norm定额资产
assurance with participation利益分配保险
auditing with the computer电脑审计
authority commensurate with responsibility权责相称
authority with responsibility有权有责
automatic scheduling with time integrated resources allocation资源综合自动安排
autonomous associated labour with enterprises as the basic unit以企业为基本单位的自主联合劳动
average balance of current fund with norm定额流动资金平均余额
balance account with...与…结清账目
balance sheet audit with review of operation作业检查的平衡报表审核
balance surplus with deficiency调剂余缺
balance with foreign banks abroad存放外国银行余额
balanced budget with surplus有盈余的平衡预算
bank deposit with ceiling银行限额存款
barge train with intermediate drop-offs and pick-ups中途装卸船队
basing production on demand and integrating production with demand以需定产、产需结合
be behind hand with payments支付误期
be filed with...备案
be financed with proceeds of the World Bank credit用世界银行信贷
be furnished with陈设有
be furnished with安装有
be furnished with备有
be in arrears with wage拖欠工资
be out of keep with the times不合时宜
be unable to cope with a situation左支右绌
beforehand with one's payment准备提前付款
behindhand with one's rent拖欠房租
bill and accounts payable with terms有条件应付票据和款项
bill and accounts receivable with terms有条件期收款项
bill discounted with collateral security附证券担保的票据贴现
bill discounted with collateral security已贴现附证券担保的票据
bill of lading with reservation不洁提单
bill with attached documents附单票据
bill with attached documents跟单汇票
bill with collateral securities抵押票据
bill with collateral securities有抵押品的票据
bill with credit附信用证汇票
bill with L/C附信用证汇票
bill with L/C附信用证的汇票
bills discounted with collateral securities有抵押品贴现票据
bills discounted with collateral securities附证券担保的贴现票据
bind the order with a deposit定金订货
bond with stock purchase warrant有购股权债券
bond with uncertain or contingent income不确定或有额外收入的公司债
bond with warrant有认股权债券
bonds with stock purchase warrants附有购买股票权的债券
bring price into conformity with value价格符合价值
build a trade bridge with...与…建立贸易联系
bursting with business买卖兴旺
business with a small capital小本经营
cancel with report charge纳费销号
cargo carried together with bill单货同行
cargo incompatible with each other in stowage禁忌混装的货物如茶叶与肥皂
carry with随…携带
cash and deposits with banks account现金及银行存款账户
cash with discount带折扣付现
cash with order定货付现款发出定单或签约后立即付现
check with符合
check with核对无误
check with script请与原稿校对
chemical industry concerned with products for daily use日用化工
cheque against deposit with limit限度支票
Chinese-foreign enterprise with cooperative business operations中外合作经营企业
close with such a bargain同意此笔交易
collection with immediate settlement立即结算收款
collection with immediate settlement代收立即清算的债款
combine foreign trade with the increased production of enterprises工贸结合
combine foreign trade with the introduction of new technology技贸结合
come down with捐款
come down with出钱
come to terms with与…达成协议
companies with limited liability有限责任公司
company sales with...与…合伙贩卖
company with reduced capital减资企业
compared with last month与上月比
compared with last year与上年比
complex whole with multiple indicators多种标志复杂总体
complied with照…办事
comply with符合
comply with the term of contract符合合同条件
comply with the terms of contract按合同条款办理
compound with creditors债务人与债权人和解
compound with one's creditors与债主谈判结清债务
concept of machining revenue with expense收入和费用配合观念
concurrent with discharge与卸货同时支付
concurrent with discharge运费卸货时支付
conducting economic activities in line with economic law按经济规律办事
confer with script请与稿件对照
conform with the contract与合同相符
connected with和…连接
connected with与…有关
Connection With...关于...
Connection With...与…有关
connotation expansion of reproduction with one's own funds自筹内涵扩大再生产投资
consignment with limit限价寄售
contest with a person与人竞争
continuous game with bell shaped kernel有钟形核的连续对策
contract with an absent part非对话要约合同
control with uncertainty不确定的控制
Convention Concerning Customs Clearance of International Goods Traffic with Road Vehicles国际公路车辆货物结关公约
convergence with probability依概率收敛
cooperation with foreign countries in technology对外技术合作
correspond with the invoice与发票相符
cover with gold leaf包金
credit someone with a sum贷记某人账户一笔金额
credit with T/T reimbursement clause附有电报索汇条件的信用证
credit with T/T reimbursement clause附有电报索汇条款的信用证
cubic design with three associate classes三相关组立方设计
cumulatively punished with a fine并科罚金
current account with branch office分公司往来账户
current account with buyer买方往来账户
current account with head office总公司往来账户
current account with subsidiary company子公司往来账户
current asset with norm定额流动资产
current assets with quota定额流动资产
current fund with norm定额流动基金
current fund with quota限额流动基金
curve with declining absolute growth递降的绝对增长曲线
cusum chart with decision intervals or V mask带有决策间隔或V时标的累积和图
cut off with a shilling取消继承权
decision-making with information有信息决策
deposit with consideration有偿存储
design with replication用复制品设计
develop with practice在实践中成长
discount on bills with government bonds as collateral以公债为保证的票据贴现
discussed with与…进行了讨论
dispense with sample不需样品
dividend from venture with foreign investment中外合资企业股利
do business with foreign firm对外成交
documentary bill of exchange with L/C附有信用证的跟单汇票
doing business with civility文明经商
double room with bath带洗澡间的双人房间
draft payable with terms附有条件的汇票
draft with recourse有追索权汇票
drafts payable with terms附有条件汇款
drawn with recourse对出票人负责
drift with age随年限而发生的偏移
drift with use随使用而发生的偏移
element with distributed parameters分布参数元件
encumber a property with a mortgage以财产作抵押
encumbered with debts附有债务
encumbered with debts负债累累
encumbered with mortgage带有抵押权
enter into a partnership with...合伙
enterprise run with Chinese and foreign capital中外合资经营企业
enterprise with foreign capital外资企业
EOQ model with quantity discount数量回扣经济订货量模型
EOQ model with resource constraint资源限制经济订货量模型
EOQ model with shortage permitted允许缺货经济订货量模型
equation with constant coefficient常系数方程
establish good relation with customer与顾客建立良好关系
even up account with与…结清账目
expected profit matrix with revised probabilities修正概率后的期望利润矩阵
expenses of overall testing with load负荷联合试车费用
experience with students教学生的经验
experience with students教学经验
experiment with partial confounding部分混区实验设计
faced with two alternatives面临两种选择
factor of provision of labour with basic assets用基本资产来规定劳动力数量的系数
factorial with replicates重复阶乘
fail with the rent欠租
feedback with evaluation评核反馈
fertilize the country's economy with foreign capital利用外资以繁荣本国经济
file with备案
financial policy with respect to dividends有关股息发放的财务政策
fit in with its surroundings适应环境
fixed saving with draws定期储金提款
flush with money随身携带大量现金
forecasting with regression model回归模式预测法
forecasting with time series用时间数列预测
frame with back portion raise后高车架
frame with narrowed front前狭车架
fulfilling task with fixed amount of investment定额投资包干
game with perfect recall全记忆对策
gear with direct adjustment of the eccentric, reversing偏心轮调整回动装置
gear with oil relay governor油继动器调节装置
gear with through drive直接传动变速装置
gear with two spring draw双簧牵引装置
get away with逃避惩罚
glut with product产品过剩
go in with联合
go in with入股
go with the tide顺应潮流
goods which conform with the contract与合同相符的货物
governing with two sliding valve双滑阀调节
government telegram with priority优先传递国际政务电报
group with operator带算子群
guaranty with conditions有条件担保
hammer with fixed cylinder crank定缸曲柄气锤
hammer with sliding cylinder crank滑缸曲柄气锤
handle with great care小心轻放
handle with great care特别当心轻放
hoisting speed with full load满载起吊速度
hold with赞成
hold with同意
holder with good title正当持票人
holder with good title合格持有人
holder with good title拥有所有权人
holiday with pay假日工资
import with original packing原装进口
imprint with every footstep—步一个脚印
in accordance with the seriousness of the case视情节轻重
in account with与…有生意来往
in account with与…有账务往来
in agreement with同意
in agreement with和...一致
in compliance with按照
in compliance with依从…
in connection with与…有关
income tax concerning joint venture with Chinese and foreign investments中外合资经营企业所得税
increase with years逐年增加
increase with years逐年〔一年一年〕增加
increase with years与年俱增
indent with limit限额双联订购单
indent with limit限额订购单
indent with order限价订单
index number with changed weights可变权数指数
index number with fixed base period定基指数
industrial product amount calculated with a unit in kind工业产品实物量
in-parallel with并联
input-output model with additional restraint means of ecological balance附带生态平衡约束的投入产岀模型
in-series with串联
inspection with a delayed decision滞后判定检验
inspection with testing试验检验
installed generating sets with a combined capacity of装机容量
installment,distribution plan with partner's loan有合伙人贷款的分期分配计划
instrument with fixed maturity date定到期日的票据
intangible assets with a prescribed period of use约定使用期限的无形资产
intentional interference with property故意损坏财产
interference with public function妨害公务
interference with right of privacy妨害私人秘密
interference with the exercise of public function妨害执行公务
internal shareholding system within enterprises with employee participation职员参股型企业内部股份制
international settlements in connection with foreign trade对外贸易国际结算
international trade of processing with customer's materials国际来料加工贸易
interrelated parts with specific purpose特定目的相关因素组合体
invest with full authority授予全权
invoice with document attached附有单证的发票
invoice with documents attached附单发票
irrevocable letter of credit with documents attached不可撤销的跟单信用证
joint stock company with limited liability股份有限公司
joint venture enterprise with foreign investment中外合资企业
joint venture with Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营
joint ventures combining production with marketing产销联合企业
jostle with one for market与某人争夺市场
juggle with factor歪曲事实
keep account with与…开有账户
labor market with a hierarchical mobility分层次流动的劳务市场
law of value with competition竞争价值规律
lease with option to purchase有权购买的租赁
leaving a share of the profits with利润留成
ledger account with balance column余额栏式分户账
letter of credit with red clause附红色条款信用证指附预支条款
letter of credit with telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause附电汇条款信用证
level with the current market与当前市场价格持平
liability with interest带息债务
life insurance with dividend人寿分红保险
life insurance with dividend附红利的人寿保险
linear system with time lag有时滞线性系统
link production with sales产销见面
list sampling with complete lists完全名单名单抽样
list sampling with incomplete lists不完全名单名单抽样
loan for consumption with consideration有偿消费贷款
lodge M with向N提出申诉,起诉 M (N)
low pay with high employment低工资、多就业
mail matter with value declared报价邮件
make an agreement with与…达成协议
make terms with与…达成协议
management in accordance with commercialization商品化经营
manufactured to customer specifications with customer-suppled materials顾客来料特制加工
manufacturing with orderer's drawing来图制造
margin deposited with the bank存入银行保证金
mass service system with delay等待服务系统
matching cost with revenue成本与收入配合
matching cost with revenue成本与营业收入相配合
mechanism with regulates the economy automatically自动调节经济机制
meet with a good sale适销
meet with a ready sale畅销
meet with stiff competition遇到激烈竞争
meet with wide approval博得广泛好评
men with spirit有灵魂和道德的人
Minis try for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries对外经济联络部
model with balking错误模型
model with k explanatory variables具有 k 个解释变量的模型
moment with respect to就动差而论
monetary system with the price index as the standard物价指数本位币制
monkey with a long tall抵押
no-par stock with stated value有账面价值的无面值股票
no-par stock with stated value无面值股票的宣布面值
not complied with未依从…
not complied with不符合…
not complied with未遵照…
on a par with与…同价
order with supplied sample来样定做
order with the supplied sample来样定做
ordinary private telegram with urgent transmission and delivery加急普通电报
originate with one of the clients由客户提出
Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there我们的产品已在海外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎
out of line with the market与市价不符
overdraft with banks同业透支
parallel with和…平行
parallel with和…并行
part cash with order部分付现订货
part cash with order部分付现的订货
party jointly or severally liable with the debtor与债务人连带负责的当事人
payable with the banker's charge付款时连同支付银行费用
payment with the letter of credit用信用证付款
payment with the order凭证付款
payment with the order凭指示付款
periodic payment with present value of 1现值1的定期付款
place with向…投保
place with投入
plan with fixed-time horizon固定时限计划
play along with与…合作
possessed with a lust for gain利欲熏心
power generation with solar energy太阳能发电
principle of matching cost with revenue收益与成本匹配原则
principle of matching cost with revenues收益与成本配合原则
problem with equality constraints等式约束问题
problem with inequality constraints不等式约束问题
problem with losses损失问题
problem with waiting等候问题
process with after-effect后效过程
processing with imported material进口来料加工
processing with imported materials supplied by customer进口来料加工
processing with materials provided来料加工
processing with purchased materials购料加工
processing with supplied designs来样加工
produce with low cost廉价产品
purchasing with cash现金购买
purchasing with credit赊购
put goods on sale with the prices clearly market明码销售
queue with alternating priority交替优先顺序排队
queue with balking故障排队
queue with break-down事故排队
queue with simultaneous瞬时出现排队
queue with splitting蜕变排队
quit score with...和…结清账目
redundancy with renewal经更换过多
relation with superiors and subordinates和上下级关系
remain with属〔归〕于
remove leaking package and wash off acid with water移开破漏包件并用水冲冼腐蚀物
repayment with penalty带罚金偿还
repayment with penalty附带罚金的还款
rest with由…担负
rest with在〔归,系〕于
right side up with care正面朝上
right side up with care小心
run all enterprises with diligence and frugality勤俭办一切事业
run off with money卷款潜逃
sales with reserve有保留出售
sample with partial部分样本
sample with replacement置换样本
sampling inspection with an adjustment调整型抽样检验
sampling inspection with screening筛选型抽样检验
sampling inspection with screening挑选抽徉检验
sampling with ordering有序抽样
sampling with unequal probabilities不等概率抽样
securities with variable yield不固定收益的证券
selection with a uniform sampling fraction同样抽样组成中选择
selection with equal probability相等概率中选择
selection with interchange互换选择法
Service Telegram or Advice with Urgent Transmission and Delivery加急业务公电
service with privileged interruptions特许中断服务
service with waiting伺候服务
settle with creditors与债权人清算账务
settlement via bank with purchaser's acceptance托收承付结算
settlement with foreign exchange on account记账外汇结算
settlement with foreign exchange on bank现汇结算
settlement with retiring partner与退伙人结算
She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料
ship goods with a permit准予卸船
siding with employees站在职工一边
sight draft with attached bill of lading跟单即期汇票
single with bath带洗澡间的单人客房
spotted with rust有锈班
square with the world私人无账
stock with par value有票面价值的股票
stock with voting power有表决权股票
straight line depreciation with rate changes折旧率变更的直线折旧法
structure with no replacement不可替代设备
subsidiary ledger combined with book of original entry日记分类账
subsidiary with initial start-up losses开办期亏损的子公司
sundry deposit with native bank: floating account本国银行杂项存款浮动利率户
sundry deposit with native banks地方银行杂项存款
system of supplying the enterprises with funds free of charge企业资金无偿供给制
system with finite waiting room限制候机室方式
system with limited holding time限制保留时间方式
system with refusal使用优先取舍方式
system with renewal使用更新方式
system with variable structure可变结构方式
system with variable utilization可变效应系统
system with waiting排队方式
take with replacement采用替换办法
tamper with a document窜改文件
tamper with a document篡改单证
tamper with an officer向官员行贿
telegram with multiple address分送电
telegram with multiple addresses分送电报
telegram with urgent transmission and delivery加急 RCT 报
telephone with dial自动电话机
temper justice with mercy恩威并施
termination forth with clause立即终止生效条款
test with immediate replacement直接取代检验
They placed an order of 500 rubber toys with us他们向我们订购了 500个橡胶玩具
things with defects有瑕疵物
together with与…一起
trade of processing with customers materials来料加工贸易
trade with a concentration of capital资本密集型行业
trade with a concentration of manpower劳动密集型行业
trade with payment on open account记账贸易
trades with concentration of capital资本密集型'行业
trades with concentration of capital资本密集型行业
trades with concentration of manpower劳动密集型行业
trades with concentration of technology技术密集型行业
trading with enemy act对敌贸易法
transfer-in with compensation有偿调入
transfer-out with compensation有偿调出
universal surfaces with linear vectogram具有线性向量图的万有曲面
used with用于…
used with和…同用
wage difference in joint venture with foreign investment中外合资企业工资差额
We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers我们给出的是最优惠的价格,有很多客户与我们合作
wet with damp潮湿渍
with a small surplus略有结余
with all faults一经售出
with all faults如有瑕疵概不负责
with all faults不保证商品没有瑕疵
with approved of authority经有关当局批准
with particular average负单独海损责任即货运中由于海上自然灾害及意外事故造成的损失,保险人负责赔偿,包括单独海损在内
with particular average水渍险
with care小心
with due diligence恪尽职守
with effect生效
with effect from自…起生效
with every care and attention兢兢业业
with exchange附托收费即汇票上注明托收费由付款人(承兑人)负支付责任
with holding and payment of tax by agent代扣代缴税
with holding income tax预提所得税
with no down payment赊购
with no down payment不必交付现款
with off a score还债
with other goods与其他货物合运
with prior concurrence of事前征得同意
with quarterly settlement按季度结算
with recourse有追索权指持汇票人如遭拒付,有权向发票人或背书人追索票款
with reference to参照
with reference to关于
with regard关于 (to)
with rights附有拥有一切权利
with the consent of...经…同意
with transhipment转运
with transhipment转口
with transhipment中转
with warrants有许可证
with you与你
With Your Information供参考
worn with use用坏的
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