
Terms for subject Geophysics containing with | all forms | exact matches only
normal space acoustilog with caliper带井径仪的常规源距声波测井
amplitude modulation with vestigial side band残留边带调幅
amplitude variation with angle振幅随入射角的变化
amplitude variation with direction振幅随方向变化
amplitude variation with offset振幅随炮检距变化
amplitude variation with offset and azimuth振幅随偏移距和方位的变化
amplitudes vary with incidence振幅随入射角变化
cross-correlation of stacked amplitude with sweep叠加振幅与扫描互相关
deviation with dipmeter地层倾角测井仪偏斜
dipolar dephasing with magic-angle spinning具有幻角旋转的偶极相移
directional survey with HDT or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量
directional survey with high-resolution dipmeter tool or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量
geogram with dip带倾角的地学环境制图
gravel pack monitoring with TDT热中子衰减时间测井砾石充填监控
gravel pack monitoring with thermal decay time热中子衰减时间测井砾石充填监控 (log)
HDT with oil base mud kit带油基泥浆仪的高分辨率地层倾角仪
high-resolution dipmeter tod with oil base mud kit带油基泥浆仪的高分辨率地层倾角仪
logging with drilling随钻测井
long space acoustilog with caliper带井径仪的长源距声波测井
mixed mode amplitude variation with offset混合波型的振幅随炮检距变化
seismic reference service with 3-axis tool具三轴仪的地震标准装置
seismic with drilling随钻地震
spontaneous potential with armour return compensated钢丝电缆外皮铠装回路电极补偿的自然电位
temperature measure with thermometer温度计温度测量
theoretic acoustic response with acoustic porosity声波孔隙度值的理论声波响应值
theoretic acoustic response with effective porosity带有效孔隙度值的理论声波响应值
transversely isotropic with a horizontal axis of symmetry水平对称轴横向各向同性
transversely isotropic with a vertical axis of symmetry垂直对称轴横向各向同性
weighted pair-group method with arithmetic average算术平均加权对组法