
Terms for subject Dermatology containing with | all forms | exact matches only
absent eyebrows and eyelashes with mental retardation眉毛及睫毛缺乏伴智力迟滞
amebic infection with gangrene阿米巴性感染伴坏疽
angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia血管免疫母细胞性淋巴结病伴异常蛋白血症
angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia血管淋巴样增生伴嗜酸细胞增多
angiolymphoid hyperplasia with follicular mucinosis血管淋巴样增生伴毛囊性黏蛋白病
cleft lip and/or palate with mucous cysts of lowerlip 裂唇和裂腭伴下唇黏膜囊肿
cleft lip-palate with abnormal thumbs and microcephaly裂唇-裂腭伴拇指畸形及小头
congenital ichthyosiform syndrome with deafness and keratitis先天性鱼鳞病样综合征伴耳聋及角膜炎
distichiasis with lymphedema双行睫伴淋巴水肿
dyschondroplasia with cavernous angiomas软骨发育不良伴海绵状血管瘤
dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas syndrome软骨发育不良伴血管瘤综合征
dyschondroplasia with hemangiomata马[富奇]-卡[斯特]综合征
dyschondroplasia with hemangiomata软骨发育不良伴血管瘤
episodic lymphopenia with lymphocytotoxin发作性淋巴细胞减少伴淋巴细胞毒素
erythrokeratodermia with ataxia红斑角皮病伴共济失调
familial rosacea-like eruption with intraepidermal epithelioma syndrome家族性酒渣鼻样皮疹伴原位上皮瘤综合征
folded skin with lipomatous nevus伴脂肪瘤性痣的皱折皮肤
105 haemangioma with thrombocytopenia血管瘤伴血小板减少
hemangioma with retrolental fibroplasia血管瘤伴晶体后纤维组织形成
hemangioma with thrombocytopenia血管瘤伴血小板减少
hereditary inflammatory vasculitis with persistent nodules遗传性炎性血管炎伴持久性结节
human infection with Dirofilaria人类恶丝虫属感染
hypotrichosis with light-colored hair and facial milia稀毛症伴浅色毛发及面部粟丘疹
idiopathic atrophie blanche associated with idiopathic livedo reticularis特发性白色萎缩伴特发性网状青斑
immune defect with absent thymus免疫缺陷伴胸腺缺乏
immune defect with deficiency of adenosine deaminase免疫缺陷伴腺苷脱氨酶缺乏
immune defect with lymphotoxic factor免疫缺陷伴淋巴毒性因子
immune deficiency with raised IgM免疫缺乏伴 IgM 增多
immune deficiency with shortlimbs dwarfism免疫缺乏伴短肢侏儒
immunodeficiency with lymphopenia免疫缺乏伴淋巴细胞减少
immunodeficiency with shortlimb dwarfism免疫缺乏伴短肢侏儒
keratoderma associated with carcinoma of the oesophagus角皮病伴食管癌
keratosis palmaris et plantaris with periodontal disease掌跖角化病伴牙周病
leukoplakia with tylosis and esophageal carcinoma黏膜白斑伴胼胝和食管癌
linear porokeratosis with giant cornoid lamella线状汗孔角化病伴巨大鸡眼样层板
livedo reticularis with summer ulceration网状青斑伴夏令溃疡
lymphomatoid papulosis with eosinophilia淋巴瘤样丘疹病伴嗜酸性白细胞增多
mucosal neuromas with endocrine tumors黏膜神经瘤伴内分泌瘤
necrotizing angiitis with granulomata变应性肉芽肿病
necrotizing angiitis with granulomata坏死性血管炎伴肉芽肿
nodular elastosis with cysts and comedones结节性弹力纤维病伴囊肿及粉刺
oculocerebral syndrome with hypopigmentation眼大脑综合征伴色素减退
oculomandibulodyscephaiy with hypotrichosis眼下颌颅面骨畸形伴毛发稀少
palmoplantar keratoderma with cancer of the esophagus掌跖皮肤角化病伴食道癌
palmoplantar keratoderma with corneal dystrophy播散性掌跖皮肤角化病伴角膜营养不良
palmoplantar keratoderma with leukoplakia掌跖皮肤角化病伴黏膜白斑
palmoplantar keratoderma with periodontosis掌跖角化牙周变性综合征
palmoplantar keratodermia with cancer of the esophagus掌跖皮肤角化病伴食道癌
palmoplantar keratodermia with periodontosis掌跖皮肤角化病伴牙周病
pancytopenia with congenital defects全血细胞减少伴先天性缺陷
peculiar progressive polyneuritis with pigmentation, edema, and plasma cell dyscrasiaPEP 综合征
polysyndactyly with peculiar skull shape多并指畸形伴特殊颅形
primary lymphedema associated with yellow nails and pleural effusion原发性淋巴水肿伴黄甲和胸膜渗出
pyogenic granuloma with multiple recurrent satellites化脓性肉芽肿伴多发性复发性卫星状损害
recurrent granulomatous dermatitis with eosinophilia复发性肉芽肿性皮炎伴嗜酸细胞增多
sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy窦性组织细胞增生病伴巨大淋巴结病
subcutaneous angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia皮下血管淋巴样增生伴嗜酸性细胞增多
thrombocytopenia with elevated serum IgA and renal disease血小板减少伴血清 IgA 升高及肾病
thymic dysplasia with normal immunoglobulins胸腺发育不良伴正常免疫球蛋白
thymoma with immunodeficiency古德综合征
thymoma with immunodeficiency胸腺瘤伴免疫缺乏