
Terms for subject China containing with | all forms | exact matches only
ability to cope with应对能力
abnormality with the fetus胎儿异常
accord with符合
accord with the legal procedure符合法定程序
act in accordance with objective laws按客观规律办事
act in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures依法按程序办事
act in conformity with the law依法规定行事
act in conformity with the rules依法规定行事
act strictly in accordance with the law严格依法办事
actively yet prudently proceed with reforms in the political system积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革
actively yet prudently proceed with work积极稳妥推进工作 (of)
administer public finance in strict accordance with the law严格依法理财
administer taxes in accordance with the law依法治税
advance with the times与时俱进
after consultation with协商后
agreement shall be complied with从其约定
allowance commensurate with the length of teaching教龄津贴
amortize in accordance with relevant regulation按照规定摊销
apply the dual operation system characterized by the combination of centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of operation by households under a contract实行家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制
appoint people on one's merit and people with both political integrity and professional competence任人唯贤、德才兼备
appoint personnel in Central Government departments in accordance with the law依法决定中央国家机构组成人员
apportion among themselves the task of maintaining contact with their constituencies代表分工联系选民
arm with配备
armed with guns for the discharge of official duties配备公务用枪
arrange for the candidates to meet with voters安排组织代表候选人与选民见面
at variance with the variety prescribed不按照规定的品种
attach with a time limit for its termination附终止期限
basically complete establishment of a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics基本形成中国特色社会主义法律体系
be allocated with以划拨方式取得
be basically in conformity with the relevant provisions of the current laws与现行法律的有关规定基本一致
be compatible with international practice按照国际上的通行做法
be compatible with the country's current state of economic development and international standard与我国目前的经济发展进程相适应、与国际标准趋同
be compatible with the overall plan for land use与土地利用总体规划相衔接
be confronted with problems面临问题
be dedicated to working with all nations同世界各国人民一道致力于
be handled with reference to the provisions of the relevant articles of this Law参照本法有关各条的规定办理
be in conformity with the characteristics of the people's congress system符合人民代表大会制度的特点
stipulations be in conformity with the present conditions法律规定符合当前实际情况
be in keeping with the aim符合其宗旨的
be in line with conditions in China符合中国国情
be in line with specific situation of China符合中国实际
be in line with the actual work situation of people's congresses符合人大工作实际
be in line with the trend of the times in the world today符合当今世界发展潮流
be not in conformity with what is stated in所载不相符合
be punished in according with the law依法予以惩戒
be vested with independent judicial power享有独立的司法权
be vested with legislative power享有立法权
behavior incompatible with his or her post行为与其所任职务不相称
bilateral friendship groups with legislatures立法机构议会间双边友好小组或者协会
bribe a voter or deputy with money or other things of value以金钱或者其他财物贿赂选民或者代表
build a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology社会主义精神文明的建设
built with the investment投资建设
carry oneself with dignity举止端庄
carry out deputies's duties in accordance with the law代表依法履职
carry out extensive exchange and cooperation activities with other parliaments and congresses深入开展同外国议会的交流合作
carry out inspections of compliance with the law开展执法检查
carry out our duties with even greater drive and work tirelessly代表恪尽职守
carry out the duties with identity papers持证上岗
channels through which deputies interact with the people代表联系人民群众的渠道
charge with the duty to handle emergencies负有处置突发事件职责
charged by law with the duty of arbitration依法承担仲裁职责
charged with a criminal offence确定有罪
child with disabilities残疾幼儿
Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries中国人民对外友好协会
city with a municipal government设市城市
civil relations with foreigners涉外民事关系
claims with salvage at sea海难救助的请求权
claims with sea towage海上拖航合同的请求权
close contact with密切联系
collaborate with any other person与他人串通
collaboration with会同
collecte taxes in strict accordance with the law严格依法征税
collide with each other相撞
collusion with each other in bidding串通投标
collusion with each other in offering bidding price相互串通投标报价
combination with the school plan结合学校的计划
combine education with labour教育和劳动相结合
combine posts with ranks职务与级别相结合
combine prevention with emergency response预防与应急相结合
combine prevention with treatment防治结合
combine protective measures with rescue effort while putting stress on the former预防为主、防御与救助相结合
combine punishment with reform惩罚和改造相结合
combine teaching with production产教结合
come up with提出
company with the state being the sole investor国有独资公司
compatible with the level of economic development同经济发展水平相适应的
compatible with the status与其地位相适应
compete with one another for lavishness讲排场、比阔气
compliance with accounting and auditing norms and general financial regulations遵守会计准则、审计准则、财务通则
compliance with the minimum wage standards执行最低工资标准
comply with international trade norms运用国际贸易规则
comply with the conditions履行条件
comply with the order of payment履行支付令
comply with the punishment decision履行处罚决定
comply with the relevant statutory requirements符合法定条件
comply with the stipulations of the new law符合新法律的规定
conclude an agreement with the pledgor与出质人协议
conflict with the Constitution与宪法相冲突
conformity with the provision prescribed by law符合法律规定
conjunction with会同
connect islands or connect an island with continent连岛
consolidate and deepen exchanges and cooperation with legislatures in neighboring countries巩固和深化同周边国家立法机构议会的交流与合作
consult with on an equal footing平等协商
consult with the Committee向委员会咨询
cooperate with each other相互配合
cooperation with foreign entities对外合作
cope with办理
cope with处理
cope with根据
cope with应对
cope with the aftermath of a disaster善后
correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law正确处理加强人大监督工作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系
correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party正确处理加强人大监督工作和坚持党的领导的关系
counsellor with the rank of minister公使衔参赞
coupled with sustained rapid economic growth随着经济持续较快增长
crack down on crimes in accordance with the law依法打击刑事犯罪活动
creat a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics by2010 到 2010 年形成中国特色社会主义法律体系
cultivate and strengen contacts with legislatures in developed countries发展和加强同发达国家立法机构议会的关系
daim with collision of ship船舶碰撞的请求权
deal with作出处理
deal with査处
deal with根据
deal with办理
deal with应对
deal with sth. according to law依法处理
deal with according to law依法办理
deal with and finish办结
deal with by other organs由其它机关处理
deal with cases of public security办理治安案件
deal with foreign affairs处理外交事务
deal with in a responsible manner负责处理
deal with negotiable instruments票据业务
deal with the complaints, charges or exposures made by citizens处理公民的申诉、控告或者检举
deal with the matter without delay立即作出处理
deal with whoring activity査处嫖娼活动
dealing with emergencies抢险
dealt with deputies's suggestions办理代表建议
death penalty with immediate execution死刑立即执行
death sentences with a suspension of execution死刑缓期执行
debate with each other互相辩论
debate with the public prosecutor同公诉人互相辩论
decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除
decision with legal effect发生法律效力的决定
have decision-making power with regard to operation and management自主经营权
declare bankrupt in accordance with the law依法宣告破产
deepen and expand economic exchanges and trade with other countries深化和扩大与各国的经贸往来
deputies interact with the people代表联系人民群众
deputies who are familiar with the topic under discussion or are involved with the concerned area相关领域和熟悉情况的代表
develop diplomatic relations with other countries发展同各国的外交关系
develop exchanges and cooperation with开展交流与合作
develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations开展同外国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作
develop relations with foreign countries based on equality, mutual benefit, peace and friendship发展与世界各国的平等互利、和平友好关系
direct traffic in conformity with standards指挥规范
disagree with the review decision对复议决定不服
discrimination against person with disabilities歧视残疾人
dispatched with authorization授权发送
dispense with无须
dispense with the sub-committee不设下属的委员会
disposed of along with it一并处分
dissatisfy with the arbitral award对仲裁裁决不服
dissatisfy with the decision made after administrative reconsideration对行政复议决定不服
disservice to persons with disabilities侵害残疾人
do its utmost with maximum sincerity国家以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力
the state do its utmost with maximum sincerity国家以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力
do not agree with the reconsideration对复议不服
employment for persons with disabilities残疾人劳动就业
encumber with an easement负担地役权
endow with使具有
endow with赋予
endowed with administrative functions具有行政管理职能
enforce laws with civility文明执法
enjoy equal right with men享有同男子平等的权利
enter into an agreement with a worker与劳动者约定
enter the territory of China with guns携带枪支入境
enterprise with investment投资企业
enterprise with investment of Taiwan compatriots台湾同胞投资企业
enterprises that have long operated in the red with debts surpassing their assets长期亏损、资不抵债企业
entrust another voter with a proxy vote by written authorization书面委托其他选民代为投票
entrusted with the appraisal of受托评估
equal right with a man同男子平等的权利
equip with guns配置枪支
equipped with guns for civilian use配置民用枪支
equipped with the appropriate professional qualification具备相应职业资格
establish and improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics建立和完善有中国特色社会主义法律体系
establish ties with legislatures in over 140 countries同 140 多个国家的立法机构议会建立了联系
establishment in accordance with the law依法成立
expand channels through which deputies interact with the people拓宽代表联系人民群众的渠道
fail to comply with the present Law不符合本法规定
family of persons with disabilities残疾人家庭
fit with the economic and social development与经济建设和社会发展相适应
force persons with disabilities to work强迫残疾人劳动
friendship with other countries对外友好
from the vantage point of adherence to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics从坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的高度
a law fully accords with the principles and policies of the Party introduced since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee法律全面贯彻了党的十一届三中全会以来的方针政策
fully ensure that public finance is handled in accordance with the law全面推进法治财政建设
function and duty commensurate with the post与其职务相适应的职责
gases with toxic substances有毒物质气体
gather people to engage in affray with weapon持械聚众斗殴
get tough with严厉打击
govern for the people and with their support坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政
government administration in accordance with the law依法行政
groups investigating compliance with a law执法检查组 (on)
guideline of developing agriculture with the help of science and education科教兴农方针
handle affairs in accordance with objective laws按客观规律办事
handle affairs in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures依法按程序办事
handle affairs in conformity with the law依法规定行事
handle affairs in conformity with the rules依法规定行事
handle affairs strictly in accordance with the law严格依法办事
handle problems in accordance with the law and government policy依法按政策处理
handle public finance in strict accordance with the law严格依法理财
have always devoted itself to developing friendly contacts with legislatures in developing countries一贯致力于发展同发展中国家议会的友好联系
have sth. closed down in accordance with the law依法予以关闭
deputies have division of labour in their contacts with the voters代表分工联系选民
have nothing to do with无关
have sexual intercourse with发生性关系
have sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of fourteen奸淫幼女
help deputies maintain close contact with the people密切代表与人民群众的联系
help persons with disabilities助残
hills mountains covered with grass草山
hire workers in accordance with the law依法招用职工
hold in compliance with law依法举行
hold responsible in accordance with law依法负责
hold with any other person与他人共同持有
households that comply with family planning regulations计划生育家庭
hunt with a gun持枪猎捕
imported with special permission特准进口
impose a death sentence with a two-year suspension of execution判处死刑缓期二年执行
improve deputies's ability to perform their functions in accordance with the law提高代表依法履职的能力
improve economic systems, laws, regulations and policies related to doing business with other countries完善涉外经济体制和法规政策
improve the legal framework for the socialist property rights system with Chinese characteristics从法律上完善中国特色社会主义物权制度
in accordance with existing conditions根据情况
in accordance with legal procedure依照法定程序
in accordance with procedures prescribed by law依照法律规定的程序
in accordance with regulations按规定
in accordance with related provisions of the Oversight Law按照监督法的有关规定
in accordance with the comments of the Standing Committee根据常委会组成人员的审议意见
in accordance with the concrete conditions and practical needs根据具体情况和实际需要
in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress根据循序渐进的原则
in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Constitution依照宪法规定的程序
in accordance with the provision of the amendment to the Constitution根据宪法修正案的规定
in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph依照前款规定
in accordance with the provision of this Law依本法规定
in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations依照法律、行政法规规定
in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws依据宪法和法律规定
in accordance with the provisions of in the preceding paragraph依照前款规定
in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph依照前款规定
in accordance with the relevant provision of the Constitution依照宪法的有关规定
in accordance with the requirements and demand of society根据社会需求
in accordance with the results of the examination by the Standing Committee根据常委会组成人员的审议意见
in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances根据情节轻重
in accordance with the statutory limits of power and procedures依照法律规定的权限和程序
in accordance with the statutory limits of power and procedures依照法定的权限和程序
in accordance with the statutory procedures按照法律规定的程序
in accordance with this law依照本法
in accordance with this law根据本法
in areas with poor public security治安混乱地区
in compliance with依据
in compliance with one's defined duties按照规定的职责
in compliance with state policies遵守国家政策
in compliance with the basic principles laid down in the Constitution遵循宪法的基本原则
in compliance with the condition for planning符合规划条件
in compliance with the duty依据职责
in compliance with the statutory procedure按法定程序
in conformity with相符
in conformity with与某事物或者潮流相符合或者相一致 (smth)
in conformity with smth符合或者遵守公认的规则、准则、法律等
in conformity with the aim与其宗旨相符
in conformity with the functions and powers依据职权
in conformity with the law依法
in conformity with the requirement for overall planning of the town根据镇总体规划的要求
in strict accordance with legally specified limits of authority and procedures严格按照法定权限和程序
income exempted from tax with the approval of经批准免税的所得
inconsistent with不同
inconsistent with the facts失实
individuals with equal standing in society社会平等主体
infect with epidemic disease and the excrement染疫动物及其排泄物
inherit in accordance with law依法继承
interfere with干涉
interfere with妨害
interfere with a voter or deputy in the free exercise of his right to vote and stand for election妨害选民和代表自由行使选举权和被选举权
interfere with each other相扰
interfere with the educational system of the State妨碍国家教育制度
interfere with the witness when the latter gives testimony干扰证人作证
investigate and deal with查处
investigate and deal with violations of law in the use of energy査处违法用能行为
investigate compliance with a law执法检查
investigate compliance with a law执法检查,检查法律实施情况
investigating and dealing with究办
investigations of compliance with a law执法检查
investigations of compliance with the law执法检查
involved in a labor dispute with the institution与本单位发生劳动争议
involved with copyright涉及著作权
join with other person in attacking a referee围攻裁判员
joint ventures with Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
joint-venture insurance company with foreign equity外资参股的保险公司
keep in close touch with the people保持同人民的密切联系
keep in touch with the deputy to the people's congress at that level联系本级人民代表大会代表
keep pace with the times与时俱进
lack the qualification commensurate with the task不具有相应资质等级
lawfully equipped with guns for the discharge of official duty依法配备公务用枪
laws concerning commercial relations between individuals with equal standing in society有关社会平等主体间商事关系的法律
laws concerning property and personal relations between individuals with equal standing in society有关社会平等主体间财产关系和人身关系的法律
let us work together with one heart and one mind万众一心
live with同住
loan with discounted interest贷款贴息
lodge a protest with向... 提出抗议
maintain close contact with the electoral units which elected deputies保持同原选举单位密切的联系
maintain close contact with the people密切联系人民群众
maintain close ties with the masses密切联系人民群众
maintain friendly relations with other countries同世界各国和睦相处
maintain good communications with积极与代表沟通 (smb)
maintain ties with people联系群众
the state make every effort with the utmost sincerity国家以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力
make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State依法就关系国家全局的重大问题作出决定
make sales with prize有奖销售
make those that already comply with the stipulations of the new law stronger and more detailed对符合新法律规定的加以深化和细化
manage state affairs, economic and cultural affairs, and the affairs of society in accordance with the law依法管理国家事务、管理经济和文化事业、管理社会事务
mixed with fake commodities as genuine ones以假充真
mixed with strange objects混有异物
modified in accordance with law依法变更
moldy and infested with pests霉变生虫
monitor implementation of the opinions contained in the reports on compliance with a law跟踪检查执法检查报告所提建议的落实情况
mutually supplementary with each other's own advantages优势互补
National Day for Supporting Persons with Disabilities全国助残日
nationalities with exceptionally small populations人口特少的民族
nationality with a smaller population人数较少的民族
neither dissented from nor complied with the order of payment不提出异议又不履行支付令
Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks关于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定
nominate the candidates with joint signatures书面联名提出候选人
not commensurate with与..... 不相称
not satisfied with the amount of compensation对赔偿数额有异议
not satisfied with the decision on penalty for administration of public security对治安管理处罚决定不服
not satisfied with the review decision不服复议决定
offer services with civility文明服务
organs endowed with administrative functions directly under the State Council具有行政管理职能的国务院直属机构
overdraw with ill intentions恶意透支
oversight and management of compliance with the law执法监督管理
oversight with the force of law具有法律效力的监督
oversight with the force of law carried out on behalf of the state and the people代表国家和人民进行的具有法律效力的监督
owned by collective in accordance with the law由法律规定属于集体所有
party with the right to dissolve解除权人
pay by the administrative organ with money drawn from the local government's finance从各级财政列支
pay, with subsidy from the state, by the collective国家补助、集体支付工资
people with both political integrity and professional competence德才兼备
people with vision有识之士
perform deputies's duties in accordance with the law代表依法履职
perform deputies's functions in accordance with the law代表依法履职
perform the task in accordance with the law依法执行任务
person who shares interests with利害关系人
person with disabilities残疾人
person with disabilities in rural areas农村残疾人
person with full capacity for civil conduct完全民事行为能力人
person with limited capacity for civil action限制民事行为能力人
person with the right to the use of house sites宅基地使用权人
place which has actual connection with the dispute与纠纷有实际联系的地点
poorly performing enterprises in industries with excess production capacity产能过剩行业劣质企业
press ahead with a reform推进改革 (to)
priority in having one's claim paid with the pledged movable就该动产优先受偿
proceed with the expansion of trials推进扩大试点工作 (to)
proceed with the litigation进行诉讼
product with any defect产品存在缺陷
products with registered Chinese intellectual property rights using core Chinese technologies拥有自主知识产权和核心技术的产品
prohibit in accordance with law any organization or individual from disturbing the socio-economic order依法禁止任何组织或者个人扰乱社会经济秩序
promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries推动对外关系全面发展
promote government administration in accordance with the law促进依法行政
promote mutual support and cooperation with in international affairs加强在国际事务中的相互支持和合作
promote the development of friendly, good-neighborly cooperative relations with neighboring countries推动周边国家间睦邻友好合作关系的发展
protect in accordance with law依法保护
protect the property of the obligees in accordance with law依法保护权利人的物权
provide deputies with information为代表提供信息资料
provide services with manners文明服务
provide with military instructors配备军事教员
provide with nursing care提供护理
provided with the consent of a joint group meeting or a plenary meeting经联组会议或者全体会议同意
putting prevention first and combining prevention with fire fighting预防为主、防消结合
rally closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary紧密团结在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央周围
ratify or abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定
recommendation with regard to the adjustment调整建议
record local statutes with the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee and the State Council报全国人民代表大会常务委员会和国务院备案的地方性法规
registered with ill will恶意注册
rehabilitation institution for persons with disabilities残疾人康复机构
rehabilitation of persons with disabilities残疾人康复
remittance differences with correspondent bank联行汇差头寸
resolutely deal with all breaches of the law or disciplinary regulations坚决查处违纪违法案件
resolutely punish in accordance with the law all types of actions that violate laws and regulations坚决依法惩处各种违法违规行为
review deputies' experience in performing deputies' duties in accordance with the law总结代表依法履职的经验
right and interest of persons with disabilities残疾人权益
right of mortgage with respect to a ship船舶抵押权
right of persons with disabilities残疾人权利
right of persons with disabilities to work残疾人劳动权利
rights with respect to culture and education文化教育权利
rob with a gun持枪抢劫
safeguard the rights and interests of women and minors in accordance with the law依法保障妇女和未成年人权益
sea filling to connect islands or connect an island with continent填海连岛
self-discipline with regard to prices价格自律
sell with other services bundled捆绑销售
serve twice with a summons according to law经两次依法传唤
serve twice with summons两次传票传唤
serviceman and veteran with disabilities残疾军人
set up in a city with districts在设区的市设立
set up mechanisms for regular exchanges with the parliaments or congresses of other countries建立与外国议会定期交流机制
shield smuggling with arms武装掩护走私
simply impose with supplementary punishments独立适用附加刑
special preferential policy with respect to enterprise income tax企业所得税专项优惠政策
standardize the forms of oversight to comply with the law依法规范监督形式
start with work positions and links where problems often occur从最容易发生问题的岗位和环节入手
steadily proceed with reform of the fiscal and tax systems稳步推进财税体制改革
stealthily connect one's telecommunications line with that of another person盗接他人通信线路
stock company with limited liability股份有限公司
strengthen and improve the mechanism for regular exchanges with other parliaments and congresses巩固和完善与外国议会定期交流机制
strengthen consultations with加强磋商
strengthen contacts with local people's congresses加强与地方人大的联系
strengthen the building of a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology加强社会主义精神文明的建设
strengthen unity with加强团结 (the people)
strictly comply with laws, regulations and standards for energy saving and environmental protection严格执行节能环保法规和标准
strictly comply with the basic laws of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions严格按照特别行政区基本法办事
support persons with disabilities助残
support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law支持审计机关依法开展审计工作
system of annual vacation with pay带薪年休假制度
take an oath in accordance with the law依法宣誓
take up a matter with向... 交涉
tamper with statistical data篡改统计资料
teach students in accordance with their aptitude因材施教
test of the energy-using equipment with respect to energy efficiency用能设备能源效率检测
the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics中国特色社会主义事业
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China CPC with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央
the Chinese Peopled Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries中国人民对外友好协会
the draft is composed of five parts, with 247 articles under 19 chapters草案共 5 编、19 章、247 条
the ethnic groups with small populations人口较少民族
the ethnic minorities with exceptionally small populations人口特少的民族
the ethnic minorities with extremely small populations人口特少的民族
the law on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资经营企业法
the leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心
the local people's congresses of the areas with a relatively large number of returned overseas Chinese归侨人数较多地区的地方人民代表大会
the Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员的救助管理办法》
the principle of "one country, two systems", under which "Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong" and" Macao people administer Macao" with a high degree of autonomy"一国两制"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治的方针
the principle that the Party must exercise self-discipline and be strict with its members竞要管党的方针
the Program for Advancing All Aspects of Government Administration in Accordance with the Law全面推进依法行政实施纲要
the right to land contractual management they enjoy in accordance with law依法享有的土地承包经营权
the scientific concept of development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观
the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics建设中国特色的社会主义理论
those infected with an epidemic染疫的
together with一并
town with an administrative status建制镇
towns with exceptionally large populations人口特多的镇
trade in future contract with oneself as the counterpart of transaction自买自卖期货合约
trade with oneself自买自卖
transfer in accordance with the law依法转让
transfer together with the case随案移送
transferred simultaneously with the property itself财产交付时起转移
transferred with a recommendation to initiate a prosecution移送起诉
treat unequally as compared with the local undertakings与本地经营者不平等待遇
treaties and agreements China concluded with foreign states我国与外国缔结的条约、协定
treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states同外国缔结的条约和重要协定
treaty concluded with a foreign state同外国缔结的条约
under the leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央领导下
unfamiliar with不通晓
unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary紧密团结在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央周围
unite with Taiwan compatriots团结广大台湾同胞
unsatisfied with the decision on administrative sanction对行政处罚决定不服
unsatisfied with the order对裁定不服
uphold the principle of "one country, two systems", according to which "Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong" and "Macao people administer Macao" with a high degree of autonomy坚持"一国两制"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治的方针
uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures坚持民主集中制、集体行使职权、集体决定问题、依法按程序办事的原则
uphold the spirit of advancing with time弘扬与时俱进的精神
with a view to考虑到
with a view to着眼于
with a view to为了
with a view to developing为了发展
with a view to standardizing legislation为了规范立法活动
with no serious consequences尚未造成严重后果
with people's interest in mind外交为民
with reference to the provisions of this Law参照本法的规定
with regard to
with regard to a matter that falls within the limits of power of two or more departments under the State Council涉及两个以上国务院部门职权范围的事项
with regard to economic law在经济法方面
with relevant evidence attached thereto并附有关证据
with respect to至于
with respect to就..... 而言
with respect to a candidate that has been determined对确定的候选人
with respect to certain questions直接选举中的若干问题 (concerning the direct election)
with respect to the labor dispute in question就该劳动争议事项
with respect to the scope of关于... 的范围
with stress on有针对性的
with stress on mediation着重调解
with the additional penalty of deprivation of political rights附加剥夺政治权利
with the approval of a people's court经人民法院许可
with the approval of the election committee经选举委员会同意批准
with the approval or by decision批准或者决定
with the approval or by decision of a people's procuratorate经人民检察院批准或者决定
with the approval or by decision of a people's procuratorate or by decision of a people's court经人民检察院批准或者决定或者人民法院决定
with the concerted efforts of everyone involved在各方面的共同努力下
with the consent of the Standing Committee of the current National People's Congress NPC session经全国人民代表大会常务委员会许可
with the entry into force of a law法律实施后
with the exception of restricting freedom of person除限制人身自由以外的
with the sources clearly indicated表明出处
with the utmost sincerity以最大的诚意
with universal binding force具有普遍约束力
without complying with what is approved of未按照批准内容
work hard to ensure public finance is handled in accordance with the law by tightening financial oversight and management狠抓依法理财和财政监督管理
work hard with a pioneering and innovative spirit开拓创新
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