
Terms for subject Surgery containing with | all forms | exact matches only
acute cholecystitis with hemorrhage急性胆囊炎并发出血
anal atresia with perineal fistula肛门闭锁会阴瘘
anal atresia with urethral fistula肛门闭锁尿道痿
anal atresia with vaginal fistula肛门闭锁阴道痿
anal atresia with vestibular fistula肛门闭锁前庭痿
burn combined with poisoning烧伤合并中毒
burn combined with spinal injury烧伤合并脊髓损伤
bypass grafting with prothesis人造血管旁路移植术
communicating branch with meningealbranch 脑膜支交通支
communicating branch with ulnar nerve尺神经交通支
construction of vagina by continuous pressure with stent模具持续压迫阴道形成术
cranio-facio-plasty with preservation of bilateral frontal spur保留额骨两侧骨棘的颅面整形术
cranio-facio-plasty with preservation of frontal bar保留额骨横梁的颅面整形术
esophagogastrectomy with colon interposition食管胃切除术与结肠间置术
esophagogastrectomy with Roux-enY esophagojejunostomy食管胃切除术与鲁氏 Y 形食管空肠吻合术
free skin graft with subdermal vascular plexus含内皮下血管网的皮片
hemostasis with tourniquet止血带止血法
partial mammectomy with free nipple transplantation乳房部分切除乳头游离移植
radiography with molybdenum target tube钼靶 X 线球管摄影
reconstruction of thumb with free second toe to hand transfer by vascular anastomosis吻合血管的第二趾移植拇指再造术
reconstruction of thumb with tubed pedicle flap皮管植骨拇指再造术
renal tuberculosis with contralateral hydronephrosis肾结核对侧肾积水
short colon associated with imperforate anus短结肠伴肛门闭锁畸形
short femur with coxa vera短股骨伴髋内翻
simple hypothermic storage with initial cold perfusion早期冷灌流和低温保存
thrombocytopenia with absence radius血小板减少症伴桡骨缺如
urinary retention with overflow incontinence充盈性尿失禁