
Terms for subject Wushu containing with | all forms | exact matches only
back kick with heel后蹬腿
balance with knee lifted in front前提膝平衡
balance with one knee raised提膝平衡
balance with one leg lifted up直立举腿平衡
block with cudgel格棍
block with elbow架肘
block with sword截剑
blow with the palm用手掌击打
bring feet together and block with palm并步架掌
bring feet together and point with sword并步点剑
chop at the arm with sidestep侧闪劈臂
chop with broadsword in bow step弓步劈刀
cover hands and punch with arm掩手肱捶
crawl along with an armful of peaches抱桃爬行
cut forward with the fist前劈拳
cut obliquely with broadsword edge斜劈刀
cut with arm swing抡劈
cut with broadsword sword; fist劈刀剑;拳
downward slice with spear劈枪
drinking wine stance in totters with elbow bent and torso inclining backward踉跄步拐肘仰身饮酒势
drinking wine stance with torso inclining backward仰身饮酒势
exercise with weapon器械术
fall forward with elbow bent栽碑屈肘前倾跌
fall with face down前倒
fist with the thumb side up立拳
flash palm with knee raised提膝亮掌
flying kick with body turn腾空转身飞脚
flying kick with twist腾空转身飞脚
forward step with toes landing on floor前点步
grasp the ground with toes足趾抓地
grasp with upper limbs and thrust with foot上抓下点
heel kick with body turn回身蹬脚
hold wine-cup stance with torso bent forward to probe into sea俯身探海端酒势
hook hand and block with palm勾手亮掌
integrate hardness with softness刚柔相济
intercept with sword截剑
jump and kick with the heel腾空蹬腿
jump forward with a long step大跃步前穿
kick lower leg with toes pointing forward弹腿
kick lower leg with toes pointing up蹬腿
kick sideways with outer edge of the foot铲腿
kick upward with the sole朝天蹬
kick with back of foot用脚背踢
kick with body turn转身摆腿
kick with lower leg屈伸性腿法
kick with palms apart分掌踢腿
kick with straight leg直摆性腿法
kick with stretched leg直摆性腿法
kick with the instep脚背踢
kick with the left heel左蹬脚 (leading)
kick with the right heel右蹬脚 (leading)
kick with the sole脚掌踢
kick with toes leading踢脚
leg sweeping forward with body erect直身前扫
lift knee and hold sword with both hands提膝捧剑
look around with an armful of peaches抱桃眺望
neutralize the oncoming force with waist turn转腰化解
play a sword with double hands双手剑
point sword with feet together并步点剑
point with sword点剑
poke with the cudgel拨棍
pounce on a tiger with an overturn反身扑虎
pound the ground with fist击地捶
pouring wine stance with one knee raised提膝独立斟酒势
punch fist and kick with heel蹬腿冲拳
punch with fist in bow step弓步冲拳
raise one fist and strike with the other in horse-ride step马步架打
raise the sword with straight arm挑剑
separate palms with feet together并步分掌
side somersault with twist侧空翻转体
sit astride the mountain with single whip坐山单鞭
slice horizontally with the sword平抹剑
snap with both hands at waist level拦腰双绝手
spear with hooked sickle钩镰枪
squat-prop with an armful of peaches抱桃蹲撑
stand on one leg and cut with armswing独立抡劈
stand up and strike ears with both fists起身双峰贯耳
stand upright with feet together并步直立
stand with feet apart开步站立
stand with feet together and hands clenched into fists并步握拳
step forward and cut with palm上步劈掌
strike the opponent's ears with both fists双峰贯耳
strike with fist拳击
sweep kick with body turn转身后摆腿
sweep leg backward with hands on floor伏地后扫
sweep leg forward with body erect直身前扫
sweep leg with body turn扫堂腿
sweep with the broadsword扫刀
sweep with the spear in crouch step仆步扫枪
swing leg with body turn转身摆腿
three punches with feet in fixed position原地三砸捶
thrust forward with palm前穿掌
thrust horizontally with feet together并步平刺
thrust sword with feet together并步刺剑
turn and kick with left heel转身左蹬脚
turn body and kick with left heel转身左蹬脚
turn body and snap with both hands in crouch stance转身双绝单叉
twist with the cudgel绞棍
uppercut with the fist撩拳