
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing with | all forms | exact matches only
APC with adaptive bit allocation具有自适应比特分配的自适应预测编码
asymptotic stability with probability one概率为1的渐近稳定性
bipolar with three-zero substitution3 零置换双极性
bipolar with zero extraction具有抽取零的双极性
bipolar with 8-zero substitution8 零置换双极性
bipolar with zero substitution零置换双极性
call hold with announcement附有通知的呼叫保持
call hold with announcement具有通知的呼叫保持
call with reverse charging对方付费的呼叫
camp-on with recall遇忙再占
camp-on with recall遇忙二次呼叫
camp-on with recall有回叫的预占
events with equal possibility同等概率事件
interference with reception接收干扰
interference with reception伴随接收的干扰
interference with transmission传输干扰
interference with transmission伴随传输的干扰
isolation with P-N junction PN结隔离
loss distortion with frequency损耗的频率失真
malicious call trace with flash拍叉簧追寻恶意呼叫
modulation with a fixed reference固定基准的调制
optical cable connector with focusing junction有聚焦结的光缆连接器
optical fiber connector with focusing junction有聚焦结的光纤连接器
ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients常系数线性常微分方程
path finding with collision-free无碰撞路径寻找法
relay point with coupling有耦合转接点
signaling point with SCCP relay function具有 SCCP 接力功能的信令点
time assignment with sampling interpolation抽样内插时分
waiting with music音乐等待
We started investing in cell phone parts production and assembly in 2003, with this business accounting for 37 % of the revenue in the first half of this year2003 年起,我公司开始投资手机部件生产和组装业务。到今年上半年,此项业务已占到公司全部收入的37%
With the development of electronic technique, high-energy-density portable powers are demanded more and more随着电子技术的发展,高比能量的移动电源需求量越来越大