
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing with | all forms | exact matches only
abdominal curl with trunk twisting仰卧起坐并转体
alternate forward raise with dumbbell持铃交替直臂前平举
bend arm with wrist turn拉臂翻腕
bend arm with wrist turning and knee bending拉臂翻腕屈膝下蹲
bend the arm with wrist turn and knee bend抓举中的拉臂翻腕屈膝下蹲
bending the arm with wrist turn拉臂翻腕
bent-arm lateral raise standing with dumbbell站立持哑铃屈臂侧举
clean and jerk with the left right arm手单臂挺举
clean and jerk with the left arm左手单臂挺举
clean and jerk with the right arm右手单臂挺举
deep knee-bend with barbell on shoulders后深蹲
deep knee-bend with feet flat两脚平行站立深蹲
exercise with weights strapped to the body身体负重练习
front abdominal pose with legs正展腹肌和大腿
front abdominal pose with one leg extended正展腹肌和单大腿
full-length costume with athletic support举重服连衣背心裤
heave press with barbell借力推
high kick with legbell负重高踢腿
high kick with leg-bell负重高踢脚
inclined sit-up with a twist头朝下仰卧起坐转体
inclined sit-up with a twist头朝下仰卧起坐并转体
jump and skip with bar负铃跳
jump on toes with bar on neck负铃提踵跳
lean back with the trunk上体后仰
lift with a jerking motion借力推
one hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one hand snatch with the right arm右手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the right arm右手单臂抓举
pointed angle sitting with legs pressed against forehead高举腿坐头触膝
pullover and press on back with bridge仰卧挤推
pullover and press on back with bridge仰卧挺腹推举
seesaw press with dumbbell交替推哑铃
shoulder and uplift with both arms双手挺举
shouldering and uplifting with both arms双手挺举
side-to-side bend with bar单臂负铃体侧屈
snatch with squatting下蹲式抓举
spread with both arms双手推举
spread with one arm单手推举
spreading with both arms双手推举
spreading with one arm单手推举
squat with the weight on the neck后蹲
squat with the weight placed on the neck后蹲
squat with weight负重下蹲
stair climbing with bar负铃登台阶
stand jerk with knee bending不分腿挺举
stand jerk with knee bending原地挺不分腿挺举
stand jerk with knee bending原地蹲
standard curl with E-Z curl bar曲杠弯举
standing jerk with knee bending原地挺不分腿挺举
standing triceps press with dumbbell站立哑铃臂屈伸
start with a dive style俯冲式起举
start with a get-set style预备式起举
step on bench with bar负铃蹬板凳
touch the ground with the buttocks臀部触地犯规
touch the ground with the knee膝触地犯规
touch the ground with the knee膝盖触地
triceps bench press with dumbbell仰卧头后弯举哑铃
triceps bench press with dumbbell仰卧头后弯举
vertical jump with bar负铃蹲跳
with the body erect躯干挺直
wrench with both arms双手抓举
wrench with one arm单手抓举
wrenching with both arms双手抓举
wrenching with one arm单手抓举