
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing wire -rod | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bar and wire rod mill棒线材轧机
continuous looping wire rod mill train连续式活套盘条轧机机组
continuous looping wire rod mill train连续式活套线材轧机机组
continuous wire rod mill连续式线材轧机
control rolling of wire rod线材控制轧制
controlled cooling system for wire rod线材控制冷却系统
copper wire rod紫铜盘条
75/15 degree wire rod block 75°/15°高速线材精轧机组
drawing grade quality wire rod拉丝用线材
electrolytic copper wire rod电解铜盘条
hard wire rod硬线材
high-speed wire rod mill高速线材轧机 (【技】通常指轧制速度高于45 m/s 的现代线材轧机。其特点是:轧制速度高、产品盘重大、尺寸精度高、采用控轧控冷工艺。有的高速线材轧机的轧制速度已达120 m/s, 盘重达2 t。)
horizontal wire rod reel卧式盘条卷取机
horizontal wire rod reel卧式线材盘条卷取机
hot-rolled dual-phase low carbon steel wire rod热轧低碳双相钢盘条
hot-rolled wire rod热轧线材
mesh grade quality wire rod低碳钢线材
mesh grade quality wire rod钢筋网<用线材
Morgan high-production wire rod mill摩根高生产率线材轧机
no-twist wire rod rolling mill无扭线材轧机
quality carbon steel wire rod优质碳素钢盘条
semicontinuous wire-rod mill半连续式线材轧机
special steel wire rod特殊钢线材
water-hardened wire rod水淬盘条
water-hardened wire rod水冷盘条
wire rod盘条 (Recently, North Star announced that it will build a new minimill with 500, 000 net tons of capacity at a cost of $ 100 million to produce standard minimill products including concrete reinforcing bar, small structurals, and wire rods. 北极星钢公司于近期宣布,将投资 1 亿美元新建一座年生产能力50万美吨的小钢厂,产品包括混凝土钢筋、小型结构钢和盘条等小钢厂常规产品。)
wire rod线坯
wire rod and bar mill线棒材轧机
wire-rod guide盘条用导卫装置
wire-rod mill线材轧机
wire-rod mill盘条轧机 (In addition to the steelmaking and continuous casting facilities, a sheet rolling mill and wire-rod mill were also brought from Belgium. 除了炼钢和连铸设备外,薄板轧机和线材轧机也是从比利时引进的。)
wire-rod mill train线材轧机组
wire-rod mill train线材轧机机组
wire-rod pass线材孔型
wire-rod rolling线材轧制