
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing wind | all forms | exact matches only
acceleration along wind顺风向加速度
across wind横向风
adverse wind反向风
aeroelastic force induced by structures motion through the wind结构由于风产生运动所引起的空气弹性力
against wind逆风
applied wind作用的风
average wind pressure平均风压
backward wind逆风
basic wind distribution drawing for the whole country全国基本风压力分布图
basic wind-pressure value基本风压值
Beaufort scale for wind蒲福风级
Beaufort wind-scale蒲福风级
bottom wind brace下风撑
class of wind strength风级
coefficient of bodily form for wind load风载体型系数
coefficient of height change of wind pressure风压高度变化系数
coefficient of wind force风力系数
coefficient used to determine wind load用于确定风荷载的系数
contrary wind逆风
critical velocity of wind临界风速
critical wind velocity临界风速
cross wind横向风
cross wind侧风
cross-wind direction横风向
damage by wind风害
design wind pressure设计风压
direction along wind顺风方向
disaster of Tacoma Narrow Bridge damage due to wind塔可马海峡大桥由于风毁坏的事故
dynamic wind rose风力玫瑰图
factor of height change of wind pressure风压高度变化系数
fluctuating wind load脉动风载
force 4 wind四级风和风
force 8 wind八级风大风
force 9 wind九级风强风
force 7 wind七级风疾风
force 2 wind多年冻土地区路基
force 1 wind一级风
force 5 wind五级风清劲风
galloping along wind顺风方向驰振
gradient of wind velocity风速梯度
highest speed of wind最大风速
instantaneous maximum wind velocity瞬时最大风速
intensity of wind load风荷载强度
intensity of wind pressure风压强度
intensity of wind pressure for standard design标准设计风压强度
land Beaufort wind scale陆地蒲福风级
lateral wind侧风
lateral wind bracing侧向风撑
load due to wind pressure风力荷载
lower wind bracing下风撑
maximum wind velocity最大风速
moment of wind pressure风压弯矩
natural gust wind自然阵风
near-surface wind近地风
non-stationary wind不定风
non-steadystate wind不定风
non-uniform character of turbulent wind涡旋风的不均匀性
non-uniform wind loading不均匀风荷载
opposed wind逆风
out of the wind背风
permanent wind恒定风
power spectrum of wind force风力功率谱
predominant direction of wind主风向
protect against the wind防风
random wind load随机风荷载
resisting area for wind受风面积
roadbed wind disaster路基风害
sea wind海风
seasonal wind季节风
static wind force静态风力
steady wind恒定风
stochastic wind load随机风荷载
storm wind暴风
storm wind暴风11 级风
stress due to wind load when flanges continuously supported翼缘连续支承时风荷载产生的应力
stress due to wind load when flanges discontinuously supported翼缘非连续支承时风荷载产生的应力
stress due to wind load when top flange continuously-supported顶翼缘连续支承时风荷载产生的应力
stress due to wind load when top flange discontinuously supported顶翼缘非连续支承时风荷载产生的应力
strong wind烈风
strong wind疾风
structural responses to wind结构对风的反应
subgrade in wind drift sand region风沙地区路基
subgrade wind disaster路基风害
transverse wind force横向风力
turbulence of wind风速变动频率
turbulent wind紊流风
unsteady wind不稳定风
unsteady wind不定风
upper wind bracing上风撑
value of basic wind-pressure基本风压值
vibration due to wind风振
wind-blown deposit风积层
wind born soil风积土
wind brace抗风联杆
wind cable抗风缆索
wind cable抗风索
wind direction rose风向玫瑰图
wind effect coefficient on structure风对结构的效应系数
wind force classification风力分级
wind-force diagram风力图
wind force rose风力玫瑰图
wind from opposite direction迎面风
wind gradient风梯度
wind gusts风阵
wind high tide暴风海啸
wind instrument风速仪
wind leeward area背风面面积
wind leeward face背风面
wind load风力荷载
wind load风载
wind load acting with imposed load与所施加的荷载同时作用的风荷载
wind load intensity风荷载强度
wind-load on structure结构上的风载
wind load on train列车上的风荷载
wind load stress风载应力
Wind of Beaufort二级风轻风
wind of Beaufort force 8fresh gale八级风大风
wind of Beaufort force 11十一级风暴风 (storm)
wind of Beaufort force 0零级风 (calm)
wind of Beaufort force 7七级风疾风 (moderate gale)
wind of Beaufort force 9九级风强风 (strong gale)
wind of Beaufort force 10十级风狂风 (whole gale; severe gale)
wind of Beaufort force 12十二级风飓风 (hurricane)
wind of Beaufort force 4四级风和风 (moderate breeze)
wind of Beaufort force 6六级风强风 (strong breeze)
wind of Beaufort force 3三级风微风 (gentle breeze)
wind of Beaufort force 5五级风清劲风 (fresh breeze)
wind oscillation风振
wind pressure coefficient风压系数
wind rose风玫瑰图
wind rose diagram风玫瑰图
wind shift风向急转变
wind tunnel experiment风洞试验
wind velocity indicator风速仪
wind velocity rose风速玫瑰图
wind velocity rose风速图
wind ward迎风