
Terms for subject Technology containing wind | all forms | exact matches only
aberration of wind风动差
action of the wind风力作用
additional factor for wind-force风力附加率
adverse wind迎面风
air-conditioned wind tunnel空气调节风洞
all in the wind太靠风
allow for wind风压差修正量
alongshore wind沿岸风
alongshore wind海岸风
alternation wind反复变向风
amount of wind风量汽流量
angle attack of wind force风力攻角
Antarctic west wind drift南极冷流
Antarctic west wind drift南极西风洋流
anti trade wind反季
anti trade wind反信风
anti-wind cap防缠
anti-wind cap防塞罩
anti-wind shield防缠罩
anti-cyclonic wind反气旋风
apparent direction of wind视风向
apparent wind相对风
Arctic eastern wind current北极东风流
associated wind联合风
averaging wind平均风
back of wind风向反转
backing wind风向反转
backing wind回旋风
Bali wind巴厘风
baric wind law白贝罗定律
basic wind speed基本风速
bating wind逆风
beam resisting horizontal wind load防风梁
beam wind横向风
between wind and water船体水线附近
Biram's wind meter毕拉姆式风速计
biting wind刺骨寒风
blanker wind橡皮布紧轴
blast of wind阵风
blower wind machine鼓风机
bottom chord wind bracing下弦风撑
brave the wind and waves乘风破浪
broadside wind横风
cable for anti-wind vibration防风震缆索
canyon wind山风
canyon wind重力风
capacity of the wind风沙负荷量
capacity of wind风的挟带力
cardinal wind主导风向
centre of wind pressure风压中心
chill wind factor寒风指数
chopping wind方向不定风
chopping wind风向不定的阵风
close-circuit wind tunnel回路式风道
closed-jet wind tunnel闭口式风洞
coefficient of wind force风载系数
combined wind box复合进风废气箱
compressed-air wind tunnel变密度风洞
constant wind恒定风
critical wind speed临界风速
critical wind speed of flutter颤振临界风速
critical wind-speed of overturning a train列车临界翻车风速
critical wind-speed of overturning single car单车临界翻车风速
cross wind侧向风
cross wind侧面风
cross-wind compensation侧面风力补偿
cross-wind component空气动力侧向力量
cross-wind landing侧风降落
cross-wind sign横风标志
day with wind of gale force大风日
density of wind-sand current风沙流密度
desert wind沙漠风
design wind设计风力
design wind velocity设计风速
diabatic wind profile非绝热风速廓线
diameter of wind pipe风管直径
diaphragm type wind pressure gage膜片式风压表
diaphragm type wind pressure gauge膜片式风压表
differential ballistic wind差动弹道风
differential wind差动风
digital multipurpose wind speed gage多功能数字风速仪
digital multipurpose wind speed gauge多功能数字风速仪
direction of cardinal wind常风向
direction of prevailing wind常风向
direction of strong wind强风向
diverge nt wind发散风
dominant wind direction最多风向
dominating wind盛行风
dominating wind常风
Doppler wind多普勒风
drift angle under wind/current pressure流压偏角
drift due to wind吹流
dry hot wind干热风
dry wind干燥风
duration of wind风时
dust from wind erosion风蚀尘埃
dust from wind erosion风蚀粉尘
dust wind尘风
dynamical wind rose风力风向动态图
dynamical wind rose风力玫瑰图
dynamical wind rose风向风力动态图
east wind drift东风飘流
easterly trade wind东贸易风
eddy wind涡旋风
eddy wind小旋风
effect of wind风的影响
effect of wind风力影响
effective wind blocking area有效风阻面积
effective wind load有效风载
Egyptian wind埃及风
Eiffel wind tunnel埃菲尔式风洞
electric wind对流放电
electric wind shield wiper电动风挡刮水器
electrical wind对流放电
electrical wind shield wiper电动风挡刮水器
end panel columns resisting wind load端墙抗风柱
end panel columns resisting wind load抗风端跨柱
equivalent head wind等效逆风
equivalent tail wind等效顺风
erosion by wind action风蚀
erosion by wind action风的侵蚀 (作用)
extreme wind velocity最大风速
filling wind纬管式成型
film-wind tap卷片扳手
fire wind大火风暴引起的风
fly up in the wind船首急速转向风
fog wind雾风
following wind
following wind送尾风
force eight wind八级风
force of wind风力
force of wind风压力
force twelve wind十二级风
force-one wind一级风
force-two wind二级风
forward wind key速进键
function of wind loading风荷作用
fundamental wind pressure基本风压
general wind force一般风力
generalized wind wave spectrum普遍风浪谱
geologic process of wind风的地质作用
geological process of wind风的地质作用
geostrophic-wind level地转风高度
geostrophic-wind scale地转风风速标尺
get beam to wind使船横风
glacier wind冰川风
glass filament wind-up玻璃丝的卷绕
going alongside with no wind and current无风无流靠码头
going alongside with offshore wind吹开风靠码头
going alongside with onshore wind吹拢风靠码头
gradient wind斜面风
gradient wind倾度风
gradient wind level地转风高度
gravity wind山风
gravity wind下降风
ground wind地面风
ground wind indicator地面方向仪
gusty wind阵风
haul her wind船首向上风靠近
haul to wind船首向风
haul to wind掉转向风
height variation coefficient of wind pressure风压高度变化系数
heliotropical wind日成风
heliotropical wind日转风
helm wind舵轮风 (英国北部河谷寒冷东北强风)
high resistance wind高电阻绕组
high wind风暴
high wind暴风
high wind七级风
high wind狂风
high wind劲风
high wind diagram强风图
high-pressure wind tunnel高压风洞
high-speed solar wind高速太阳风
high-speed wind-up高速卷取
home wind回港风
horizontal wind bracing水平抗风撑架
horizontal wind direction水平风向
horizontal wind system水平风系
hotshot wind tunnel热射式风洞
hug the wind靠风航行
hurricane wind台风
hurricane wind飓风
hurricane-force wind强飓风
hypersonic wind tunnel超声波风洞
hypervelocity wind tunnel特超声速风洞
icy wind冰冷风
icy wind寒风
inclination of the wind风的偏差角
inclination of wind风向与等压线的交角
induction wind tunnel诱导风洞
intensity of wind velocity风速强度
interlocked film wind and shutter mechanism卷片和快门联锁机构
isopleth of wind speed等风速线
jet-effect wind急流效应风
jet-stream wind喷射气流
junk wind亚洲的东南季风
junk wind行船风
keep the wind尽量守住上风 (防下风有险礁)
king-and-queen post and wind filling中柱、双柱与风撑
land wind陆风 (从陆地吹向海洋的风)
land wind向海风
Lbe wind尔伯风
leading wind direction主导风向
leaning against the wind凭借风势
level raised by wind风吹水位升高
lie athwart the wind横风停泊
linear wind-wave interaction线性风浪相互作用
littoral wind沿岸风
load due to wind pressure荷载
load due to wind pressure风压荷载
local coastal wind地方性陆风
local wind地方性风
local wind地域风
local wind局部地区风
local wind direction区域性风向
local wind direction地方性风向
local wind direction局部风向
local wind pressure局部风压
logarithmic wind speed profile风速对数廓线
logarithmic wind speed profile对数风速廓线
longitudinal wind force纵向风力
longitudinal wind force coefficient纵向风力系数
longshore wind海岸风
main direction of wind主要风向
main wind主导风向
main wind direction主要风向
Matanuska wind马塔牛斯加风
maximum peak gust wind speed最大瞬时风速
maximum quantity of wind最大风量
maximum wind and shear chart最大风速和风切变图
maximum wind force最大风力
mean wind和风
measured wind实测风
measurement wind测风
measures of wind-sand treatment风沙防治措施
meteorologic wind tunnel气象风洞
microwave wind field scatterometer微波风场散射计
minimum speed of wind for carrying sand起动风速
moderate wind四级风
moderate wind中度风
moment of resultant wind force coefficient合成风力矩系数
moment of wind pressure风压力矩
monsoon and trade-wind littoral climate滨海季风一信风气候
most frequency wind direction最常见风向
most frequent wind direction风向最大频率
most frequent wind direction最常见风向
most frequent wind direction最多风向
motion characteristic of wind风的运动特征
mountain wind重力风
mountain wind山风
mountain wind下降风
mountain-gap wind山口风
natural tunnel wind自然隧道风
natural wind天然风
navigational aid in wind finding导航测风
neutral wind shear中性风切变
night wind夜风
no-wind heading无风艏向【航海】
no-wind position空中位置
no-wind position无风点
no-wind position indicator无风位置指示器
noise wind tunnel噪声风洞
non-adiabatic wind profile非绝热风速廓线
non-critical wind velocity非临界风速
non-return-flow wind tunnel非回流式风洞
non-stationary wind不稳定风
north wind北风
northwest wind西北风
NRM wind scale北洛基山脉风级
off-ice wind下冰风
off-sea wind离海风
off-sea wind海风
off-sea wind向岸风
offset wind离岸风
offshore wind海风
offshore wind陆地风
offshore wind吹开风
offshore wind离海风
offshore wind陆风 (从陆地吹向海洋的风)
offshore wind power system海上风力发电系统
on-berth wind吹拢风
on-ice wind上冰风
onshore wind海风
onshore wind吹拢风
onshore wind向岸大风
opposing wind迎浪风
outside wind pressure洞外风压力
outside wind pressure室外风压
overwater wind speed水面风速
Pacific wind system太平洋风系
periscopic wind gage潜望式风速计
periscopic wind gage sight潜望式风速观测器
periscopic wind gauge潜望式风速计
periscopic wind gauge sight潜望式风速观测器
planetary wind system行星风系
plow wind犁风
polar solar wind极区太阳风
power law wind profile风廓线幂指数律
power law wind profile幂指数风廓线
predicted wind angle提前风向角
pressure due to wind风压力
pressure of wind风压力
pressure wind tunnel高压风洞
prevailing direction of wind常风向
prevailing direction of wind主导风向
prevailing wind恒风
prevailing wind常风
prevailing wind主导风
prevailing wind direction常风向
prevailing wind runway主导风跑道
principal wind direction主导风向
propulsion wind tunnel推进机风洞
propulsion wind tunnel推进式风洞
protection from the wind防风
protection from the wind防风设施 (防风林、挡风墙等)
provide shelter from the wind防风
puff of wind阵风
pulsation wind velocity脉动风速
purline roof with inclined struts and wind filling有斜支撑和填充墙檩支屋顶
purline roof with king post and wind filling有正立柱和填充墙的檩支屋顶
purline roof with three posts and wind filling有填充墙的三柱檩支屋顶
purline roof with two posts and wind filling有填充墙的两柱檩支屋顶
quarter wind尾舷风
queen-post and wind filling双柱架与填充墙
quiet-time solar wind宁静太阳风
radar wind雷达测风
radar wind sounding雷达测风仪
radar wind system雷达测风装置
radio sonde and radar wind sounding无线电探空仪和雷达测风 (联合装置)
radio sonde and radio wind station无线电探空测风站
radio sonde wind sounding无线电探空仪测风
radio wind测风雷达
radio wind无线电测风 (仪)
radio wind observation无线电测风观测
radio wind sounding无线电高空测候仪
radio wind station无线电测风站
radius of maximum wind最大风速半径
raise the wind起风浪
range of wind tide风潮差
rated wind pressure计算风压
recording wind vane自记风向标
recording wind vane自记风向计
recurvature of wind风的转向
removable wind crank卷片扳手
resisting wind force抗风化 (能力)
resisting wind force抗风力
resultant wind force合成风力
resultant wind force coefficient合成风力系数
ride the wind顶风停泊
Robin Hood's wind罗宾汉风
rolling car resistance due to wind effects货车溜放风阻力
rose diagram of wind direction风玫瑰图
round wind半圆形风
round wind跟日风
rubber wind seal橡胶防风条
R-year windR 年一遇大风
sail into wind逆风航行
salt wind海风
salty wind damage盐风灾害
salty wind damage盐风损害
salty wind protection forest防盐林
sand-bearing wind带沙风
sand-bearing wind风沙流
sand-bearing wind含沙风
scale of wind-force风级 (表)
scale of wind waves风浪等级
scale-seven wind七级风
scant wind微风
sea and land wind海陆风
sea wind enduring tree耐海风性树木
sea wind wave风浪
sea wind wave海洋风浪
sea wind wave海洋表面波
sea-surface wind海面风
sea-surface wind speed海面风速
sectional wind分段绕组
sector wind扇形风
sediment stirred up by wind wave风浪掀沙
setting depth of wind pipe风管下置深度
shifting of wind风向改变
side wind侧气流
side wind侧面风
side wind旁风
side wind横向风
simplex wave wind单波绕组
simulated wind pressure模拟风压
single-layer wind单层绕组
single-layer wind单层线圈
single-wave wind单波绕组
sinking depth of wind pipe风管沉没深度
skew angle of wind风的卸交角
slant of wind一阵顺风
south wind南风
southeast trade wind东南信风
southeast wind东南风
southwesterly wind西南风
spin wind tunnel螺旋风洞
spot wind定点风
spring cloth wind-up motion弹簧卷布装置
spring wind tape弹簧卷尺
stable wind稳定风
standard wind pressure标准风压
starting wind-speed起沙风速
steady wind恒风
steel wind-bracing wall钢抗风墙
steer against wind逆风航行
stern to wind when backing倒车尾找风
stiff wind强风 (六级风)
straight-through-type wind tunnel直流式风洞
stress of wind风应力
strong wind风暴
strong wind暴风
strong wind强风 (六级风)
subgradient wind次梯度风
sun wind日风
sun wind太阳风
sun wind海陆风
super-geostrophic wind超地转风
super-gradient wind超梯度风
supersonic wind tunnel超声波风洞
surface wind海面风
surface wind水面风
surface wind stress表面风应力
sustained wind speed持续风速
sustained wind velocity持续风速
system of wind风系
tangential stress of the wind切向风应力
tangential wind stress切向风应力
temperature wind温度风
terrestrial wind system陆成风系
test section of a wind tunnel风洞试验段
thermal slope wind热梯度风
thermal wind equation热成风方程
trade-wind belt信风带
trade-wind circulation信风环流
trade-wind cumulus信风积云
trade-wind current信风海流
trade-wind desert信风沙漠
trade-wind equatorial trough信风赤道槽
trade-wind front信风锋
trade-wind region信风区
trade-wind system信风系统
transfer of wind load风载传递
transferred wind转移风
transonic wind tunnel跨音速风洞
transportation of wind风的搬运作用
transverse wind force coefficient横向风力系数
traverse wind挡路风
traverse wind逆吹风
tropic wind observation system热带风观测系统
tropical wind observation system热带风观测系统
true wind direction真风向
tunnel wind隧道风
tunnel wind friction隧洞风摩擦
turbulence of wind风紊动
turbulence of wind阵风性
turbulence of wind风涡流
turbulent wind旋风
turbulent wind structure湍动风结构
type of wind-sand damage风沙危害类型
type of wind-sand landform风沙地貌类型
uncertain wind变向风
uncertain wind不定向风
under the wind在下风的
under the wind下沉风
unsteady wind不稳定气流
upper wind上层风
upper wind chart高空风图
upper wind girder上风联杆
upper wind observation高空风观测
upwind wind source of pollution逆风污染物
urban wind城市风
vacancy wind空位风
valais wind瓦拉伊斯风
value of wind load风荷载值
variable cross-section wind tunnel可变载面风洞
variable wind不定
variable-density wind tunnel变密度风洞
ventilated wind tunnel通气式风洞
vertical wind tunnel直立式风洞
water-level raised by wind风激水位
weak wind微风
west wind belt西风带
west wind drift西风
west wind drift西风漂流
west wind drift南极绕极
width of sand-driving wind风沙流宽度
wisper wind威兹珀风
with wind顺风 (航行)
wood wind instruments木管乐器
zonal wind西风带
zonal wind带状风
zone of trade-wind信风带
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