
Terms containing wildlife conservation | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
environ.Conservation and Wildlife保护与野生动植物
tech.conservation area of wildlife野生生物保护区
desert.conservation of wildlife野生动物保护
tech.conservation of wildlife野生生物保护
environ.conservation of wildlife野生物的保护
ecol.conservation of wildlife野生物的养护
org.name.Forest and Wildlife Conservation Group森林及野生动植物保护组
org.name.International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation国际狩猎和野生动物保护理事会
desert.wildlife conservation野生动物保护
hydroel.st.wildlife conservation野生生物保护
environ.wildlife conservation A series of measures required to maintain or restore the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna and flora at a favourable status野生动植物保护 (为维持或恢复自然栖息地和野生动植物物种数量在一个合理的状态所需采取的一系列措施。)
anim.husb.wildlife conservation野生动物保护
ecol.wildlife conservation野生动物资源保护
hydroel.st.Wildlife Conservation Society国际野生生物保护学会