
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing weights | all forms
additional weight附加重量
average unit weight平均容量
balance weight平衡重
batching by weight按重量配料
buoyant weight浮重
calculated self-weight collapse计算自重湿陷量
coefficient of self-weight collapsibility自重湿陷系数
compacted volume weight捣实容重
concentrative axle weight集中轴重
concentrative weight of axle集中轴重
conversion unit weight换算容重
conversion weight of soil换算土重
counter weight block平衡重块
dead weight自重
dead weight静重
dead weight of member构件自重
dead weight of shaft of pile桩身自重
dense volume weight紧密容重
effective unit weight有效容重
elastic weight弹性荷载
elastic weight method弹性荷载法
hammer weight锤重
heavy weight concrete重混凝土
light weight aggregate轻质骨科
light weight aggregate轻骨科
light-weight concrete轻质混凝土
light weight section轻型型钢
light weight steel shape轻型型钢
loose volume weight松散容重
mixing ratio by weight重量配合比
natural unit weight天然容重
non-weight-carrying structure非承重结构
overall weight总重
pile weight桩身自重
proportioning by weight重量比
raft weight排筏重
ram weight锤重
saturated unit weight饱和容重
self weight自重
self-weight collapse loess自重湿陷性黄土
self-weight non-collapse loess非自重湿陷性黄土
self-weight non-collapse loess非湿陷性黄土
self-weight of steel bridge钢桥自重
self-weight pressure自重压力
ship weight船只重
specific weight重度
sprung weight簧上重量
subsidability of loess under its own weight黄土自重湿陷性
train weight列车载重
tremendous weight很大的重量
unit weight容重
unit weight单位重
unit weight in water浮容重
unit weight of filler填料容重
unit weight of soil constituents土粒单位重
unit weight of soil particles土粒单位重
unit weight of soil particles土粒容重
unit weight of water水容重
unsprung weight簧 下重量
volume weight of particle颗粒容重
volume weight of soil土的容重
water content in per cent of dry weight含水率
weight above the spring簧上重量
weight of a structure itself结构自重
weight of body体重
weight of hammer ram打桩锤重
weight of raft排筏重
weight of ship船只重
weight of soil column土柱重
weight of steel bridge钢桥自重
weight of unit volume单位容量
weight of wheel轮重
weight under the spring簧 下重量
weighted mean of unit weight平均容量
wet unit weight湿单位重
wet unit weight湿容重
wheel weight轮重