
Terms for subject Space containing weights | all forms
actual gross weight实际总质量
additional weight配重
additional weight附加质量
adjust weight配重
adjust weight平衡质量
allowable take-off weight容许起飞重量
all-up weight总质量
balance weight平衡质量
bare weight空重
basic weight基本质量
bimodal molecular weight distribution双峰型分子量分布
binomial-weight filter二项式加权滤波器
charge weight装药质量
charge weight ratio装填比重 (装药量与药室容积之比)
coarse-to-fine weight ratio粗细粒度重量比
coating weight loss涂层重量损失
code weight汉明重量 (一个码组中所有非零符号的数目)
code weight码重
complete round weight全弹重
complete round weight完整弹质量
complex weight复数加权值
construction weight结构质量
counter weight平衡质量
dead-weight tester砝码式压力测试仪
design gross weight设计总重
design landing weight设计着陆质量
design maximum weight最大设计质量
design weight设计质量
drag/weight ratio
drag-weight ratio阻力质量比
drop weight impact testing落重冲击试验
effective propellant weight有效推进剂质量
empty weight空重
energy to weight ratio能量质量比
engine thrust-weight ratio发动机推重比
engine-plus fuel weight发动机加燃料质量
expendable weight消耗质量
external tank lift-off weight外贮箱起飞质量
falling weight test冲击试验
fiber weight of unit area单位面积纤维质量
full weight总重
full weight全重
gross dry weight总干重
gross lift-off weight起飞总质量
gross lift-off weight起飞总重
gross take off weight起飞总重
gross takeoff weight起飞总质量
gross takeoff weight起飞总重
gross vehicle weight飞行器总重
gross weight起飞[满载]质量
gross weight总[毛]重
gross weight总质量
Hamming weight汉明权 (重)
identification weight识别权系数
improved light-weight solar array改进轻型太阳电池阵
impulse-weight ratio冲量-重量比
impulse-to-weight ratio冲量重量比
inverse of weight matrix权逆阵
KGW thousands of pounds gross weight千磅总重 (此词不正规,建议少用)
landing gross weight着陆总重量
landing weight着陆重量
layer weight层权 (将弹道按高度分层,每层对应的权即层权,它反映每层对弹道诸元的影响程度)
lean body weight无脂体重
lift-off weight起飞重量
light weight轻型[轻便]的
light-weight deployable communication轻型可展开的通信
light-weight hybrid solar array轻型混合式太阳电池阵 (航天器的)
light-weight radar unit轻型雷达装置
light-weight search radar轻型搜索雷达
light weight thermal imager轻型热成像器 (装置)
manufactured empty weight制造空重
mass-balance weight配重
material weight loss材料重量损失
max landing weight最大着陆重量
max take-off weight最大起飞重量
maximum gross weight最大总重量
maximum landing weight最大着陆重量
maximum take-off weight最大起飞重量
maximum VTOL weight垂直起飞和着陆最大重量
mean molecular weight平均分子量
method of equal-weight substitution等权代替法
missile gross weight导弹全重
modulus-weight ratio比模量
modulus-weight ratio模量-重量比
molecular weight average平均分子量
molecular weight relative molecular mass分子量 (相对分子质量的旧称)
net dry weight净干重
normal gross weight正常总重
number-average molecular weight数均分子量
on weight of fabric按织物重量
on weight of fibers按纤维重量
open-loop weight prediction开环权值预测
operational take-off weight工作起飞重量
optimal weight最佳加权值
optimum stage-weight ratio最佳级间重量比 (多级火箭的)
orbital weight轨道重量
orbiter lift-off weight轨道器起飞重量 (美国航天飞机的)
overload gross weight超载总重
packed weight包装重量
payload weight有效载荷重量
pound weight磅重 (1 磅质量所受的地球重力,简写为 lbf, 1 磅力= 4. 44822牛顿)
power-weight ratio推重比
power-weight ratio功率重量比
power-to-weight ratio推重比
power-to-weight ratio功率重量比
regulated take-off weight规定起飞重量
spacecraft variable weights航天器可变重量
standard zero fuel weight无燃料的结构重量
strength weight ratio强度重量比 (对材料,即"比强度";对结构件,通常为断裂应力与重量之比)
structural weight结构重量
structure to propellant weight ratio结构系数 (发动机结构重量与推进剂重量之比)
structure to propellant weight ratio发动机结构重量比
super light weight tank超轻贮箱
take-off gross weight起飞总重
take-off weight起飞[发射]重量
take-off weight drift起飞质量偏差
tdw tonnes dead-weight (死重)
tension weight张力重锤
throw weight投掷重量 (导弹的)
thrust-weight ratio推重比
thrust/weight ratio推重比 (发动机的)
time-varying weight时变加权
total fuel weight燃料总重
total weight loss总重量损失
turbopump equivalent weight涡轮泵当量重量
turbopump power weight ratio涡轮泵比功率
ultra-high molecular weight超高分子量
unit weight单位权
variance of unit weight方差因子
variance of unit weight单位权方差
vertical take-off gross weight垂直起飞总重
viscosity-average molecular weight度平均分子量
volumetric weights容积质量
warhead weight战斗部重量
warhead weight弹头重量
weight and balance重量与平衡
weight and balance system重量和平衡系统
weight-carrying ability载重能力
weight density比重
weight density重量密度
weight flow rate重量流率
weight function estimation权函数估计
weight gradient重量梯度
weight load factor负载因素
weight load factor载重系数
weight matrix权矩阵
weight to power ratio of solar array太阳电池阵的重量功率比
weight unit单位权
wetted weight湿重
yield-to-weight ratio比威力 (核弹头威力与其质量之比值)
yo-weight system翻转系统
zero-fuel weight无燃料重量