
Terms for subject Automobiles containing weights | all forms
a light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of up to 3750 pounds装载后总重不大于3750磅的轻型货车
accessory weight附件重量
actual weight实际负荷
adhesion weight附着载荷
adhesive weight车轮粘接的平衡质量
adhesive wheel weight车轮粘接的平衡质量
admissible weight允许重量
advance weight点火系统离心提前重块配重
allowable gross weight满载后总重量
allowable gross weight允许总质量
allowable gross weight容许总质量
an LEV II light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of 3751 pounds to a gross vehicle weight of 8500 pounds符合低排放车辆2阶段标准、装载后总重达 8500磅的轻型货车
apparent weight外观重量
apparent weight
approval weight核定允许载质
authorized axle weight允许轴荷
authorized towed weight允许牵引质
authorized towed weight, braked挂车有制动器允许牵引质
authorized towed weight, unbraked挂车无制动器允许牵引重量
authorized towed weight without brakes无制动器允许牵引重量
authorized trailer weight允许挂车重量
authorized trailer weight with brakes有制动器的挂车允许质重量
authorized trailer weight without brakes无制动器的挂车允许重量
authorized weight允许重量
automobile weight汽车空车重
axle weight轴载荷
axle-weight indicator轴载荷指示器
axle-weight limit底盘轴载荷限制极限
axle-weight limitation底盘轴载荷限制极限
axle-weight proportioning轴载荷分配
axle-weight rating轴载荷
axle weight rating车桥载荷
axle-weight shifttransfer荷载移动
back axle weight后桥载荷
back weight平衡重
baggage weight行李质量
balance weight平衡质量配重
balance-weight lever带平衡重的杠杆
balance-weight pliers车轮平衡重拆装钳
balancing weight平衡重块
ballast weight压舱物
ballast weight平衡重
bare chassis dry weight净底盘干质量
bare chassis kerb weight净底盘整备质量
bare chassis weight净底盘质量
bob weight配重
braked authorized trailer weight有制动器挂车最大允许质
braked permissible trailer weight车辆有制动器挂车最大允许质
braking weight transfer制动时重量转移
calculated weight计算质
capacity weight净载质
capacity weight汽车有效载荷
car weight汽车质
carbon weight fraction碳质量分数 (US)
cargo weight货物质
cargo weight rating货车载质量额定值
center weight重心
centrifugal advance weight离心提前装置重块
centrifugal weight离心配重重块
change of axle weight底盘轴载荷的变化
chassis weight底盘质
clip-on weight车轮夹装式平衡重
clip-on wheel weight夹装式车轮平衡重
clutch weight离合器旋转平衡配重
coefficient of weight on front wheel前轮质量分配系数
combination gross vehicle weight列车总重
combination gross vehicle weight组合车辆总重量
combination test weight汽车列车验定总质指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量
combination weight牵引车和挂车综合总质
complete vehicle curb weight整车整备质量
complete vehicle dry weight整车干质量除燃油和冷却液外准备运行的车辆质量
complete vehicle kerb weight整车整备质量整车干质量加燃油,冷却液和附件质量之和
complete vehicle weight整车质
controlled weight transfer可调节重量分布
conversion weight换算质
counterbalancing weight平衡质量
curb weight全装备后自重
curb weight整备质量
curb weight整车装备质量
dead vehicle weight车辆自身质量
dead weight车辆自身质
dead weight固定负载
dead weight capacity载质量
dead-weight capacity载重吨位
dead weight cargo capacity货物载重吨位
dead weight/dry weight静重
dead weight/dry weight自重
dead weight/dry weight静载荷
dead weight metric tonnage载重吨位
dead-weight of vehicle车辆自身质量
dead-weight tonnage载重吨位
design gross weight设计制造厂规定最大总质
design gross weight车辆设计制造厂规定的最大总质
design weight车辆额定制造厂规定的
design weight设计质
distributed weight车辆分布质量
double-weight dual range governor喷油泵双飞锤两级式调速器
double weight limiting speed喷油泵双飞锤限速
double weight limiting speed governor双飞锤限速调速器
drop-weight test落锤冲击试验
dry car weight汽车干质量
dry weight净质量
dry weight车辆
dry weight of complete vehicle with chassis and cab具有底盘和驾驶室的整车干质量净重
dynamic axle weight底盘车桥动载荷
dynamic axle-weight transfer底盘车桥动载荷转移
dynamic weight distribution车辆动态重量分配在行驶情况下,车桥或车轮的重量分配
dynamic weight shifttransfer底盘动态重量转移移动
dynamic wheel weight车轮动载荷
dynamic wheel-weight shifttransfer车轮动载荷转移移动
emission test weight排放物测试重量
emission test weight车辆排放物测试重量
empty weight车辆
engine dry weight发动机净质除燃油、润滑油、冷却液外的发动机重量
engine weight发动机质
equivalent value weight重量当量
equivalent value weight等价重量
eyeballing result weight检测站用语检查权重
filled weight液罐车满载液体时的重量
freight by weight按重量计的运费
front axle weight rating前桥额定载荷
front-axle weight前轴载荷负载
front-axle weight rating前轴额定载荷
full weight (gross weight)
full weight总重 (gross weight)
full weight总质 (gross weight)
gearbox weight变速器重量
governor balance weight调速器飞块飞锤、平衡锤、平衡重
governor weight喷油泵调速器飞锤
gross axle weight底盘最大轴载质量
gross axle weight最大轴载质量
gross axle weight rating汽车轴额定总最大
gross axle weight rating轴额定总质
gross axle weight rating front前轴额定总质量载荷
gross combination test weight汽车列车验定总重量指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量
gross combination weight最大允许质量
gross combination weight总共同质量牵引车带挂车的最大总质量
gross combination combined weight汽车列车牵引车带挂车总质
gross combination weight rating总共同质量
gross combination weight rating最大额定质量
gross combination weight rating最大允许质量
gross trailer weight挂车总重
gross trailer weight挂车总重量包括自重及载重
gross trailer weight rating挂车额定总质量
gross train weight车列车总重
gross vehicle weight车辆最大总质量
gross vehicle weight rating车辆最大允许额定总质量
gross vehicle weight rating车辆额定总质量指:车辆整备质量+最大载质量
gross vehicle weight, rear汽车额定总质量中的后轴载荷
gross weight车辆总质
gross weight
gross-weight range汽车总质量等级范围
gross weight rating额定总质量
gross weight rating额定最大允许总质
gross weight-to-payload总质量与有效载质量之比
handicap weight车赛障碍质
handlebar weight摩托车方向把重量
heavy weight car重型车
heavy weight truck自重大的货车
heavy weight truck大载质量货车
heavy weight vehicle重型车在日本是指总质量超过 2.5 吨的汽车
hitch weight牵引装置重量作用于牵引处的向下垂力
homologation weight发动机验收重量
horsepower per unit of weight机动车辆单位质量功率
hydraulics weight液压系统质
inertia weight旋转件转动惯量重力
inertia weight传动系统台架试验惯性配重
inertia weight class惯性重量级 IWDS德语集成轴密封环式传感器大众车上常用作曲轴位置传感器
inertia weight class排气分析/车辆重级类别分级
kerb weight汽车整备质量全装备和加注工作液后的汽车自重
kerbside weight汽车整备质全装备和加注工作液后的汽车自重
laden condition weight车辆满载后总质
laden weight车辆满载后总质
lateral weight transfer横向重量转移
lead weight车轮铅配重
legal gross weight法定的总质
legal weight额定质量
light weight车辆轻型
light-weight advanced super response engine轻量、高热效率、低摩擦损耗发动机
load weight货物质
loaded vehicle weight装载后车重
loaded vehicle weight车辆装载后总质
loading weight装载重量
loading weight载质量
low-weight alloy轻合金
luggage weight行李重量
manufacturer's maximum axle weight厂定标称最大轴载质量
manufacturer's maximum total weight厂定标称最大总质
manufacturer's maximum weight厂定标称最大载质
manufacturer's towed weight标称厂定拖挂质
manufacturer's weight标称厂定
max axle weight最大轴重一个车桥对地面最大压力
max loading capacity weight轮胎最大负荷能力
maximum authorised total weight最大允许总质量
maximum authorized total weight车辆最大允许总质量
maximum authorized weight最大允许质
maximum axle weight底盘最大轴载质
maximum gross weight车辆最大总质
maximum loaded vehicle weight汽车最大装载质
maximum manufacturer's axle weight标称厂定最大轴载质量
maximum manufacturer's total weight标称厂定最大总质
maximum manufacturer's weight标称厂定最大质
maximum manufacturer's weight of a road train汽车列车标称厂定最大总质量重量
maximum manufacturer's weight of a vehicle车辆标称厂定最大装载质
maximum road-train weight汽车列车最大总质
maximum total weight车辆最大总质
maximum trailer weight最大挂车质
maximum weight-and-load capacity最大重量和载质量
maximum weight of a road train汽车列车最大总质
maximum weight per metre车辆最大质量每米车辆各轴重除以该轴与最邻近轴中心之间的水平距离,如此所得到的最大数值
maximum weight, technically permitted汽车标称厂定最大质
middle weight vehicle中型车各国不相同,例如在日本是指乘用车以外,总质量在1.7〜2.5吨的车辆
net weight发动机干质量
net weight净质量
nominal capacity of holding weight标称载质量
nominal weight额定公称重量
normal occupant weight汽车设计额定乘员质量英国规定为68kg
normal passenger weight设计额定乘员质量
normal vehicle weight汽车额定质
normal weight额定标准质量重量
nose weight前端质量
nose weight牵引杆施加于牵引车的垂直载荷
occupant weight汽车乘客质
operation weight工作重量对雪地车而言是整车整备质量+80kg
optical weight视重
oscillating weight动重量
otal weight总重
otal weight总质量
oversize and weight cargo长大、笨重货物
oversize/weight transport超限运输
package weight毛重
package weight包裹重量
package weight成套机组重量
pay weight收费重量吨位
payload weight净载质量
payload weight distribution有效载重量在车桥上的分配
permissible total weight车辆允许最大总质
permissible towed weight挂车允许拖挂质
permissible towed weight, braked挂车有制动器的允许拖挂质
permissible towed weight with brakes挂车有制动器的允许拖挂质
permissible towed weight without brakes挂车无制动器的允许拖挂质
permissible trailer weight允许挂车质
permissible weight允许质
permitted trailer weight挂车允许质
permitted weight允许质
piston weight活塞重量
power/weight ratio单位质量功率
power/weight ratio发动机/汽车功率/质量比
power-weight spectrum车辆功率-总重相关统计谱
power-to-weight ratio单位质量功率
power-to-weight ratio发动机/汽车功率/ 质量比
press-fit weight车轮压配合平衡块
provisional weight可卸临时荷载
pull-back weight平衡锤
pull-back weight配重
radial weight径向载荷
radial weight车轮垂直负载
rated weight额定重量
ratio, curb weight-to-total weight车辆整备质量与总质量之比
ratio, vehicle curb weight-to-total weight of vehicle车辆整备质量与车辆总质量之比
ratio, vehicle kerb weight-to-total weight of vehicle车辆整备质量与车辆总质量之比
rear axle weight rating后轴负荷额定值
rear-axle weight底盘后轴负荷
rear-axle weight rating后轴负荷额定值
reference weight车辆标准重量车辆整备质量加 75kg
road-train weight汽车列车质
rotor weight转子发动机转子重量
rough weight毛质量
seated load weight座位负重
shipping weight车辆载质
shipping weight发货重量
single-weight limiting speed调速器单飞锤限速
single-weight variable speed单飞锤全程调速
single weight variable speed调速器单锤全程变速
single-axle weight底盘单轴载荷负载
sprung weight车辆悬架上质量
sprung weight distribution簧上质量按各轴分配
standard weight标准质
static axle weight底盘静态轴载
static weight shifttransfer底盘静态重量位移转移,移动
static wheel weight车轮静态负荷
static wheel-weight shifttransfer车轮静态负荷位移转移,移动
stick-on wheel weight车轮/平衡重粘合的重块
stick-on weight粘贴式配重
straight weight engine oil单级机油
stripped weight无驾驶室和车身、加满燃料的空车重量
superfluous weight多余质
tape weight车轮粘着平衡重块
tare weight"中和"
tax ation weight纳税质
test weight试验时的重量
tongue weight牵引杆载荷
total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight总油耗与惯性重量比
total fuel consumption divided by inertia test weight总燃油消耗与惯性试验质量之比
total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight按汽车惯性重量计总油耗
total lorry and trailer weight货车汽车列车货车与挂车总质
total permissible weight车辆允许总质
total truck and trailer weight汽车列车货车与挂车总质
total weight总质量
total weight of road train货车汽车列车总质
towed weight牵引质量
towed weight with brakes有制动器的牵引负荷
towed weight without brakes无制动器的牵引负荷
towing weight牵引重量
trailer nose weight挂车牵引凸耳重量 (vertical coupling load, nose weight, drawbar load)
trailer nose weight牵引杆法向荷载 (vertical coupling load, nose weight, drawbar load)
trailer weight挂车总包括自重及载重
trailer weight牵引质
trailer weight挂车质
transmission weight变速器质
transport weight运输工具重量
trial weight平衡重量配重
ultra light weight轮胎超轻量级
unbraked authorized trailer weight车辆/ 挂车无制动器挂车的容许质
unbraked permissible trailer weight车辆 /挂车无制动器挂车的容许质
unit weight相对密度
unladen kerb weight干,净
unladen kerb weight车辆整备质量
unladen vehicle weight车辆整备质量
unladen vehicle weight车辆干自,净
unladen weight干,净
unladen weight车辆整备质量
unloaded weight干,净
unloaded weight车辆整备空车质量
unspringing weight悬架簧下重量
unsprung weight车辆簧下质
useful weight车辆有效载质
valet weight化合价当量
vehicle capacity weight车辆有效载荷装载质量
vehicle curb weight车辆整备质
vehicle dead weight车辆自
vehicle dead weight车辆干质量
vehicle design weight车辆设计质
vehicle dry weight车辆干质量净重,自重
vehicle empty weight空车重量含油料及附件
vehicle empty weight车辆整备质量
vehicle kerb weight车辆整备质量全装备时自重
vehicle weight汽车质
vehicle weight fully equipped全车整备质量空车质量加上制造厂为该车辆供应的辅助或备用装备的质量。参阅 vehicle empty weight
verified weight车辆鉴定核实重量
verified weight with all fluids filled up车辆各种液体加满后的鉴定重量
volume weight体积重量
weight-adjustment device重量调节装置
weight-batching plant定量称重计量料斗
weight bias重量偏置前后悬架支承重量不等
weight borne by a semitrailer tractor落在半挂牵引车上的载荷
weight by volume体积重量
weight cargo按质量计费的货物
weight carried per axle车桥分配重量
weight carried per axle单轴承重载荷
weight-carrying capacity载重能力
weight-carrying capacity装载质量
weight-carrying joint承载球关节
weight class排放分析/车辆载质量分类
weight class of vehicle车辆载质
weight compensation配重
weight compensation重量补偿平衡
weight counterbalance平衡重
weight counterbalance配重
weight decrease重量减少下降
weight-displacement ratio发动机量排量比如升/千克
weight displacement ratio量排量比
weight dist量分配
weight dist, f/r车辆前后桥质量分布
weight distribution质量重量,重力,载荷分布
weight empty空车重量
weight empty车辆自身质量
weight empty自身质量
weight equalizer平衡重
weight error权差
weight error加权计权,权重误差
weight-handling equipment起重运输设备
weight horsepower单位重量功率
weight housing cover离心式调速器飞锤壳盖
weight item重量分力
weight law车辆荷重限制法规规定
weight lever带配平衡
weight-lifting equipment起重设备
weight limit重量限度极限
weight limitation重量限制极限
weight meter地磅
weight meter车辆重量测量器
weight minimum最小重量
weight of car车重
weight of car车辆质量
weight of engine发动机重量
weight of entire vehicle车辆总重
weight of entire vehicle整车质
weight of load负重
weight of load车辆载质
weight of load载荷重
weight of transmission变速器质
weight of vehicle车辆质
weight on the车桥分配重量
weight on the车桥承重载荷
weight on the axle底盘荷重
weight per axle车发配重量
weight per axle车桥承重载荷
weight per axle车桥载荷
weight per output单位输出功率发动机重
weight per unit area压强
weight per unit area单位面积质
weight-power ratio发动机量功率比单位:kg/kW
weight rating额定质载荷
weight rating of gross vehicle汽车总额定重量
weight ratio车辆质量比
weight-reduced crankshaft轻量曲轴
weight-reduced flywheel减重飞轮
weight reduction自重减轻
weight regulation排放有害物总质量规定
weight-saver spare tire小型备用胎
weight shift质量转移
weight shift底盘量重新分布
weight support pin分电器离心重块支销
weight-to-power ratio量功率系数
weight-to-power ratio发动机量与功率之比
weight torque ratio车辆量转矩比单位:kg/N•m
weight transfer质量转移
weight transfer制动瞬重量转移
weight transfer底盘量重新分布
weight transfer adjuster轮式拖拉机驱动轮重量转移调节机构
weight tray运货托盘
weight truck自重大的货车
weight truck大载质量货车
weight with all fluids filled up车辆各种工作液加满后的净质
wet weight车辆湿重车辆加满燃油、润滑油、冷却水、工作液的自重
=wet weight湿重加注后的重量
wheel balance weight车轮平衡质量重(块)
wheel weight车轮平衡
wheel weight车轮负荷
wheel-weight pliers车轮配重钳
wheel-weight shift车轮负荷转移移动
wheel-weight tool车轮平衡重工具