
Terms for subject Statistics containing weights | all forms
base period weight基期加权
base period weight基期1/4尤
changing weight index number移动加权指数
changing weight index number本期加权指数
changing weight index number移动1/4尤ㄖ甘3/4期1/4尤ㄖ甘
constant weight常数
crossed-weight index pl. indices交叉加权指数
crossed-weight index number交叉加权指数
current weight index number移动加权指数
current weight index number本期加权指数
current weight index number移动1/4尤ㄖ甘3/4期1/4尤ㄖ甘
fixed-weight index pl. indices固定加权指数
fixed-weight index pl. indices固定1/4尤ㄖ甘
fixed-weight index number固定加权指数
fixed-weight index number固定1/4尤ㄖ甘
height and weight chart身高和体重图
landed weight卸货重量
landed weight到岸重量
moving current weight移动本期权数
moving weight移动权数
moving weight index number本期加权指数
moving weight index number移动加权指数
moving weight index number移动1/4尤ㄖ甘3/4期1/4尤ㄖ甘
ratio harvesting weight渔获重量
standard set of weights标准小砝码
standard set of weights标准砝码组
type weight crossing权型交叉
variable weight可变加权
weight base加权基础
weight base1/4尤ɑ
weight coefficient权重系数
weight correlation bias加权相关偏误
weight function权函数