
Terms for subject Agriculture containing weights | all forms
absolute weight千粒重
accessory weight补加重量
accessory weight副重
air-dry weight风干重
approximate weight近似重
approximate weight约重
ash weight灰分重
average dressed carcass weight平均胴体重量
average seed weight平均种子重
basic weight标准重量克/平方厘米纸的重量
body weight gain体增重
body weight of larva蚕体重
body weight of live livestock牲畜活重
bunker weight毛重
bushel weight英斗容重
calculated oven-dry weight理论烘干重
calculated oven-dry weight计算烘干重
cell weight细胞重量 (pondus cellularis)
cocoon shell weight茧层重
cocoon weight茧重
coefficient of weight权系数
conditioned weight test正量检查
counter weight抗衡
crank-shaft balance weight曲轴平衡块
critical rolling weight临界滚动重力
critical rolling weight临界滚动重量
culm weight秆重
damp weight湿重
damp weight鲜重
drained weight去汁重量
dressed weight屠体重
dried weight干重
dry cell weight细胞干重
dry root weight根干重
dry shoot weight地上部干重
dry shoot weight茎干重
dry-weight basis干重基础
dry-weight composition干重成分
dry-weight per unit root length单位根长干重
dry-weight yield干重产量
ear weight穗重
effect weight有效权衡
effective weight有效权衡
egg weight蛋重
egg weight卵重
electronic balance weight sorter电子秤重量分级机
equal weight同等权量
equal weight同等权衡
false weight不足砝码
final weight最终体重
flour weight base粉重标准
full weight饱满度
full-weight of grain子粒饱满度
gain in weight增加重量
grading by weight重量分级法
grain weight种子绝对重量
grain weight粒重
grain weight per liter每升粒重
gram equivalent weight克当量
gross take-off weight最大起飞重量指运输机起飞的总重量
heavy weight tractor重型拖拉机
high molecular weight particle高分子量颗粒
histone-DNA weight ratio组蛋白-DNA 重量比
increased weight增重
initial dry weight原始干重
kernel weight子粒重
kernel weight种子重
kernel weight per plant每株种子重
leaf area per unit leaf weight每单位叶重的叶面积
leaf areal weight叶面积重
leaf area/plant weight ratio叶面积/株重比率
leaf dry weight叶干重
leaf weight叶重量
leaf-area/leaf-weight ratio叶面积/叶重比率
leaf-blade weight叶片重
lean meat weight瘦肉重
length/weight ratio长/重比率
light-weight cheesecloth bag轻质布口袋育种用
light-weight tractor轻型拖拉机
light-weight typewriter轻型打字机
light-weight typewriter轻便打字机
litter weight同窝子畜总重
live weight gain增重
living weight活重
low molecular weight RNA低分子量 RNA
marketable tuber weight上市块茎重
marketable tuber weight percentage上市块茎重率
mean fruit weight平均果重
mean fruit weight果实平均重量
mean seed weight平均种子重
meat weight纯肉重
mechanical weight sizer机械重量分级机指用机械秤称重的分级
medium weight typewriter中等重量打字机
moist weight青重
moist weight湿重
moist weight鲜重
molar weight[体积]克分子量
molecular weight exclusion limit分子量排除极限
molecular weight marker分子量标记
molecular weight standard分子量标准
molecule weight分子量
natural weight容积重{种子}
net weight实重
nominal weight名义重量
normal weight规定量
number-average molecular weight[平]均数分子量
operating weight车辆使用重量包括驾驶员和油、水
oven drying weight烘干重
packed weight包装重
panicle weight穗重
panicle-weight type穗重型
partial panicle weight type偏穗重型
peanut pod weight花生荚果重量
per unit weight[每]单位重量
percentage of cocoon shell weight茧层
plant weight株重
post-harvest weight loss采收后重量损失
projection weight投射重量
pupal weight蛹体重
rate of dry-weight干重率
raw dry weight原干重
reduce in weight减重
reduce one's weight减轻体重
relative volume weight相对容重
reliable weight可靠重量
respiration rate per unit root weight单位根重呼吸量强度
RNA of low-molecular weight低分子量 RNA (oopRNA)
root weight根重
scoured wool weight纯毛量
seed volume-weight种子容量
seed volume-weight种子比重
seed weight种子重量
seed weight per capsule每蒴种子重
seeds liter-weight种子升重每升种子重量
seeds volume weight种子容量
seeds volume weight种子比重
shipping weight船舶吨数
shipping weight装载量
slaughter weight屠宰重
slaughtering weight屠宰体重
slight weight轻型锤
specific power weight单位功率重量
specific weight比重量
specific weight of seed种子比重
specific weight of wood木材比重
starch weight per acre每亩淀粉重量
straw weight秆重
strength-to- weight ratio[机器]强度与重量比
synaptic weight突触权重
tape for estimating live weight推定活重尺
tape for estimating live weight估计活重尺
thinning weight疏伐量
thousand grain weight种子绝对重量
thousand kernel weight种子绝对重量
thousand kernel weight千粒重
to the whole paddy weight出米率
to the whole paddy weight精米率
to the whole paddy weight簸谷比率
total weight全重
total weight of straw总秆重
true weight实际重量
tuber weight块茎重
ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene超高分子量聚乙烯
vine weight蔓重
visual weight estimation method目力重量估计法{种子}
weaning weight断乳时体重
weight- barograph重力气压计
weight burette称重滴定管
weight composition重量成分组成
weight crate配重盘
weight heat capacity重量热容量
weight-loaded accumulator重力式蓄能器
weight normality重量规定度
weight of a head穗重
weight of branches枝条量
weight of cocoon filament茧丝重
weight of culm秆重
weight of culm-base秆基重
weight of dry matter干物质重
weight of dry substance干物质重
weight of egg produced产卵量
weight of eggs produced per moth每蛾产卵量{蚕}
weight of 1 000 grains千粒重
weight of grains per unit area单位面积籽粒重
weight of individual head单穗重
weight of 1000 kernels千粒重
weight of kernels per plant每株种子重
weight of kernels per plant单株粒重
weight of one package每包重量
weight of one section每组重量
weight of 100 plucked shoots百芽重
weight of 100 pods百蒴果重
weight of 100 pods百荚重
weight of root per plant每株根重
weight of straw茎秆重
weight operated vacuum regulator重力控制式真空调节器
weight pan配重盘
weight per grain粒重
weight per 1000 grains千粒重
weight per kernel粒重
weight per 1000 kernels千粒重
weight platform称台
weight platform载重板
weight proportion重量比例
weight requirement重量规格
weight sample称重样品
weight separation重量分离
weight sizer[按]重量分级机
weight sorter[按]重量分级机
weight sum加权和
weight supported by front wheel前轮荷重
weight supported by rear wheel后轮荷重
weight transfer adjuster重量转移调节装置
weight tray压载箱
weight tray输送承载底板
wet cell weight细胞湿重
wet weight青重
wheel ballast weight车轮配重
whole cocoon weight全茧重