
Terms for subject Desert science containing weights | all forms
air dried weight风干重
average percent of sediment weight平均沙重百分数
dressed weight净重
gram-molecular weight克分子量
green weight青重
green weight鲜重
leaf weight ratio叶重比
molecular weight摩尔量
reliable weight可靠权重
sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒重量
sediment weight percent沙重百分数
tail weight尾重
thousand grain weight千粒重
unit weight单位体积重量
unit weight of dry soil土的干容重
weight barometer重力气压表
weight for volume容重
weight for volume容积重量比
weight for weight重量重量比
weight loss减重
weight loss on heating加热减重
weight on feet活重
weight snow-gauge称雪器