
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing weights | all forms
buoyant unit weight浮重力密
buoyant unit weight有效重力密
buoyant unit weight浮容重
coefficient of gross weight毛重系数
coefficient of self weight collapsibility自重湿陷系数
counter weight平衡重
counter-weight ship lift平衡重式升船机
dead weight manometer重力压力计
downstream permeable weight blanket下游透水铺盖
dry unit weight干重力密
dry unit weight干幺重
dry unit weight干容重
fill dry unit weight填筑干容重
gross weight of ship chamber船厢总重
heavy-weight concrete重混凝土
lever and weight loaded safety valve杠杆式安全阀
light-weight partition轻质隔墙
light weight steel construction轻型钢结构
load due to dead weight由自重引起的载荷
maximum dry unit weight最大干容重
measures and weights度量衡
measures and weights权度
moist unit weight湿容重
net weight有效重量
net dry weight净重
non-weight collapsible loess非自重湿陷性黄土
oversize and weight cargo重大件
rough weight毛重
saturation unit weight饱和重力密
saturation unit weight饱和容重
self weight collapsible loess自重湿陷性黄土
self-weight stress自重应力
shipping weight装运重量
short weight
soil weight土重
sole weight自重
stiffness-to-weight ratio刚度重量比
streamlined weight铅鱼
submerged unit weight浮重力密
submerged unit weight浮容重
submerged weight浸水重
suspension set weight重锤
sutle weight净重
tare weight空车重量
tare weight包装重
tare weight皮重
toe weight坝趾盖重
toe weight坝趾压重
torpedo-type weight铅鱼
unit weight of soil土的重力密
unit weight of soil土的容重
unit weight of water水的重力密度
unit weight of water水的重度
unit weight of water水的容重
volume weight体积重量
volume weight容重
weight coefficient of structure结构的权系数
weight factor权重因数
weight per cent重量百分比
weight potential重力势
weight span重力档距
wet unit weight湿重力密
wet unit weight湿容量
wire-weight gage悬锤水标尺
wire-weight gauge悬锤水标尺