
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing weights | all forms | exact matches only
apparent weight视重量
atomic weight原子相对质量
average bit weight平均钻压
axial weight-on-bit轴向钻压
balance weight平衡配重
bare weight皮重
bit weight钻压
bit weight exponent钻压指数
bit weight per unit area比钻压
bit weight sensor钻压传感器
bulk weight散装重量
bulk weight毛量
buoyed weight减浮重量 (钻铤)
casing weight range套管重量范围
cheek weight加重物
circulate-and-weight method循环加重压井方法
concrete weight混凝土加重块
concrete weight-coating混凝土加重覆盖层
concrete weight-coating混凝土加重层
constant rotary speed variable weight定转速变钻压
contingency weight不可预计的重量
controlled bit weight控制钻压
coring weight取心钻压
corrosion weight grow腐蚀增量
corrosion weight loss腐蚀失重
counterbalance weight平衡块
coupon weight loss挂片重量损失
critical weight on bit临界钻压
crown weight indicator天车指重表
cumulative percent by weight累计重量百分比
damper weight挡板平衡锤
dead weight载重量
dead weight gage tester静重压力校正器
dead weight safety valve自压安全阀
dead weight tester静重压力标定台
derrick weight井架重量
diaphragm-type weight unit膜片式钻压测量装置
dip weight检尺重锤
downhole weight on bit井下钻压
drill pipe weight code钻杆重量代号
drill string weight钻柱悬重
drilling fluid weight sensor钻井液密度传感器
drilling weight钻重
drop weight打桩锤
drop weight method落锤法
dual weight indicator双管指重表
eccentric weight偏心重
eccentric weight偏心锤
effective molecular weight有效分子质量
effective weight有效悬重
empty weight无载重量
equivalent specific weight当量比重
falling weight impact test落锤冲击试验
formation threshold weight地层门限钻压
formula weight式量
fractional weight小数砝码
gauge weight检尺重锤
gram formula weight克式量
gram weight以克为单位的衡量克重
gram weight per square centimeter压力单位每平方厘米克重
heavy weight重物
heavy weight自重大的
heavy weight沉重的
heavy weight大【载】重量的
heavy-weight admixture高密度掺合料
heavy-weight drilling重泥浆钻井
heavy weight tubing加厚油管
high-weight material高密度材料
high-molecular weight high-density polyethylene高分子量高密度聚乙烯
hold-down weight保持向下的重量 (可控震源装置)
hook weight大钩悬重
hundred-weight英担 (cwt)
indicated weight标重
International Bureau of Weights and Measures国际计量局
International Committee of Weight and Measure国际度量衡委员会
interpolation weight插值权
ionic weight离子量
kill-weight fluid加重压井液
kilogram net weight千克净重
libra pound-weight磅重
libra -weight磅重
lifting weight吊装重量
light ship weight空船重量
light weight空载排水量
light-weight additive减轻剂
light-weight admixture低密度掺料
light weight cement低密度水泥
light weight concrete轻型混凝土
light weight drill pipe轻型钻杆
light weight gear轻便潜水装具
light weight insulating concrete轻质绝缘混凝土
light-weight material轻质材料
light-weight mud轻泥浆
light-weight mud低密度泥浆
light-weight processes低密度处理法
light-weight solid additives低密度固体添加剂
light-weight thermal cement低密度高温水泥
light-weight type anchor轻型锚
loading weight散装重量
loadout weight装船重量
losing weight of slurry水泥浆失重
middle part cut and weight method中段切断称重法
milling weight磨铳钻压
minimum-weight frame最轻框架
mooring weight系泊配重
mud weight in入口泥浆比重
mud weight indicator泥浆比重计
net shipped weight装船净重量
non-magnetic weight materials非磁加重材料
normal dead weight tester静重式压力表校验台
optimum bit weight最佳钻压
optimum weight on bit最佳钻压
optimum weight stacking最优加权叠加
percent by weight重量百分数
pick-up weight起钻时钻具重量
platform weight in air平台空气中重量
radical weight基团量
rotation weight旋转钻压
sack content weight袋装重量
sack weight袋装药品重量
saddle weight压重块
set of weights砝码组
set-down weight坐封负荷
set-down weight下坐重量
shipping weight货运重量
shipping weight航运重量
sliding-weight rider游动砝码
slurry weight水泥浆重量
specific weight弃用单位比重
statistical weight统计权重
submerged weight水中重量
submerged weight沉没重量
surface weight on bit地面钻压
tare weight容器重量
threshold bit weight门限钻压
threshold weight阈重
threshold weight电限重量
true weight-on-bit真实钻压
unit dry weight干容重
variable bit weight可变钻压
variable weight and rotary speed变压变速法
volume to weight ratio容重比
wait and weight method等待加重法
weight average temperature加权平均温度
weight bar加重杆
weight bar加重棒
weight barometer称重气压计
weight-bearing contact承载接触点
weight bob铅锤
weight burette称量滴定管
weight certificate重量检验证书
weight coating压重层
weight coating配重层
weight coefficient权系数
weight drop sources垂锤震源
weight drop unit落重机
weight dropper铅锤
weight eroded冲蚀量
weight fraction重力分率
weight hourly space velocity重时空速
weight indicator测井电缆张力指示器
weight-loss corrosion失重腐蚀
weight-loss coupon失重试片
weight material加重剂
weight material加重材料
weight mean带权平均值
weight moving average加权移动平均
weight on hook大钩负荷
weight-on-bit readout钻压读值
weight pen指重笔
weight percent重量百分数
weight percent concentration重量百分浓度
weight pick up钻压检测
weight pick up钻压传感器
weight-saturation method称重测岩心饱和度法
weight-set tester重力型试压工具
weight-set tool重量坐封型测试工具
weight space权空间
weight tank称重罐
weight transducer悬重传感器
weight volume percent concentration重量一体积百分浓度