
Terms for subject Textile industry containing weights | all forms | exact matches only
absolute dry weight绝对干重
according to weight从量
according to weight按重量
actual gross weight实际毛重
actual gross weight实际总重量
actual net weight净重
air-dry weight湿重 (标准回潮时的重量)
area weight织物单位面积质量
area weight织物单位面积重量
arrival weight到货重量
arrival weight terms到货重量条件
aw actual weight实际重量
balancing weight调节锤
basis weight织物单位重量
bottom weight fabric厚实织物
bottom weight fabric厚重织物
breaking weight断裂重量
certificate and list of measurement and weight体积重量证明书
certificate of measurement and weight容积重量证书
chain weight链条重锤
chain weights加重链
Chinese scale of weights市制秤
claim for short weight短重索赔
cloth weight织物重量
color light-weight feeling色轻重感
color light-weight feeling色彩轻重感
commercial weight交易重量
commercial weight买卖重量
commercial weight商业重量
conditioned weight公定重量
cup weight杯重
dead weight all told总载重量
dead weight capacity净重量
dead weight capacity实载重
dead weight metric ton载重公吨
dead weight ton and capacity载重量与容积,载重吨位与容积
dehydrate weight干重
demi-gross weight半毛重
dressmaker's weights裁缝用小重锤
effective carriage weight有效载重
estimated weight估重
fabric weight织物重量
fabric weight布料的重量
fabric weight面料克重
fall weight中厚春秋服面料
feather-weight zipper轻质拉链
fiber weight纤维重量
finished weight整理后重量
finished weight成品重量
gain in weight重量增加
General Conference of Weights and Measures国际计量大会
grains weight格令重
grey weight坯布重量
gross for net weight以毛作净
gross laden weight总载重
gross shipping weight装船毛重
gross shipping weight装运重量
gross shipping weight装船重量
gross shipping weight启运总重
gross shipping weight装运总重
gross shipping weight启运重量
gross shipping weight总载货重量
gross weight带皮重量
gross weight包括消耗纱量
gross weight-to-payload ratio总重量与有效载重量比率
gr.wt. gross weight毛重
hair weight纤维重量
heavier-weight fabric较厚型织物
heavy weight重磅
heavy weight cargo重量货物
heavy-weight fabric厚重织物
heavy weight fabric厚重织物
heavy-weight geotextile厚重型土工布
heavy weight jeans厚重牛仔裤
heavy weight mail matter重大邮件
heavy-weight material厚重缝料
heavy-weight texture厚重织物
heavy-weight zipper粗齿拉链
insurance against loss in weight保短量险,承保短量险
international legal weight国际法定重量
kilogram gross weight千克毛重
laden weight载货总量
lead disc weights铅盘挂锤
lead pellet weights铅丸挂锤
light weight轻量
loaded weight装载重量
loss in weight缺量
loss in weight减重
loss in weight重量损耗
loss of weight缺量
material weight缝料重量
maximum gross weight最大毛量
medium weight中等重量衣料
medium weight fabric中厚织物
medium weight fancy suitings中厚花呢
medium weight interfacing中厚里衬
medium weight interfacing中等克重的里衬
medium weight material中厚缝料
midfiber yarn-dyed medium weight fancy suiting色织中长厚花呢
midfibre yarn-dyed medium weight fancy suiting色织中长厚花呢
net net weight纯净重
net net weight净净重
net weight淨重
net weight
net weight of load净载重
nt.wt net weight净重
n.wt. net weight净重
official weight公定重量
on weight of cotton按棉的重量计
on weight of fabric按织物重量计算
on weight of fiber按纤维重量[计算]
packed weight带包装的重量
paper weight镇纸
payload weight有效载重量
percentage of weight gain溢重率
percentage of weight loss短重率
pile weight绒头重量
previous weight交运重量
previous weight发票重量
real net weight实际净重法
real weight实际重量
rough weight约重
sell by weight按重量出售
service weight hosiery耐磨袜
service weight hosiery耐穿袜子
service weight hosiery耐穿袜
service weight hosiery耐磨袜子
service weight stocking耐磨袜
service weight stocking耐穿袜
service weight stockings耐穿袜子
service weight stockings耐磨袜子
shipped weight final装船重量标准
shipped weight final以装运重量为准
shipped weight terms以装运重量为准
shipping weight交运重量
shirting-weight fabric细平布
short weight短量
shortage in weight短量
silk bundles irregular in weight丝包轻重不一
standard weight公称砝码
stitching of heavy weight fabric厚料缝纫
summer weight clothes夏服
summer-weight shoes夏鞋
suttle weight净重
top-weight fabric轻薄织物
top-weight fabric薄型织物
trade weight商用砝码
tropical weight薄型织物重量
unit of weight权数单位
unit of weight权单位
unit weight measuring device织物单位重量测量装置
unloaded weight空车重量
value-weight ratio价值重量比率
vary in weight重量各异
verification of weight查核重量
verification of weight重量检验
volume weight容量
volume weight容积重量
water retention on air-dry weight湿基轧余率
weight average length重量平均长度
weight belt一种平衡人在水中浮力的重量带
weight bill重量单
weight cargo按重量计费的货物
weight declared检验重量
weight deduction减量处理
weight factor权数
weight giving finish增重整理
weight guaranteed担保重量
weight insured保险重量
weight insured承保重量
weight jacket砂背心
weight jacket训练用的负重衣
weight jacket厚夹克衫
weight lifter's belt举重宽腰带
weight lifter's wear举重服
weight lifting shoes举重鞋
weight lifting suit举重服
weight linear meter每米长重量
weight list重量单 (memo)
weight loss treatment减量整理
weight loss treatment碱减量整理
weight-minus finished fabric减量整理织物
weight network加权网络
weight of American cotton fiber美棉纤维重量
weight of cloth织物重量
weight on board装载重量
weight pan秤盘
weight pan自动称量器
weight per square meter布料每平方米
weight per square meter每平方米重量
weight per yard布料某个幅宽的每码重量
weight per yard每码重量
weight percent重量百分比
weight test重量检验
weight/twist ratio重量/捻度比
weight/twist ratio重捻比
weights and measures度量衡
winter weight fabric冬季用厚重织物
winter-weight fabric冬季用厚重织物
yarn weight纱重
yarn-dyed light-weight seersucker色织薄型弹力绉
yarn-dyed medium-weight wool-like fancy suiting色织中长厚花呢