
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing weights | all forms
adjusted weight校正重
adult body weight成鸡体重
adult weight成年
air-dried weight风干重
air-dry weight自然干燥重
apparent weight外表重量
asymptotic weight体重渐近线
asymptotic weight体重渐近值
birth weight出生重生时体重
body weight of eggs卵重
body weight of pupa蛹体重
body-weight ratio体重率
bone dry weight绝干重
bulk unit weight容重
bulk weight总重
bulk weight散装物料重量
carcass net weight胴体净重
carcass weight胴体重
carcass weight自重
carcass weight净重
carcass weight屠体重
carcass weight胴体重分为热 (warm或 hot)胴体重与冷 (chilled或cold)胴体重两种,前者指刚屠宰后的重量,后者指冷却24h 后的重量
carcass weight屠宰体重
clean fleece weight净毛重
clean scoured weight净毛重
clean wool weight净毛重
clean-fleece weight净毛
cocoon fiber weight茧层量
cocoon shell weight茧层量
cocoon weight全茧量
cold carcass weight冷胴体重
conditioned weight test公量检验
crated weight毛重
daily gain in weight日增重
dead weight屠体重
dead weight死重
dead weight无生命笨重物
dead weight胴体重
dead weight gauge净重仪
dressed carcass weight分割胴体重
dressed carcass weight屠宰后胴体重
dressed weight屠宰后胴体重
dressed weight分割胴体重
dressed weight胴体重牲畜胴体重指已除去内脏、头、蹄的胴体重量,家禽则指宰后仅去羽毛的屠体重
dressed weight胴体重
economic weight经济
empty live weight待宰畜净重空腹重量
eviscerated weight切除内脏体重
fasted weight禁食体重
fat weight gain肥膘增重
fat-free body weight无脂体重
feeding by weight重量计量分送饲料
feeding by weight重量计量进料
field weight放牧期肥育的重量
final weight量后体重指试验或肥育结束时的体重或某一组织器官的重量
final weight末重
fleece weight剪毛量
formula weight化学式量化合物分子式中原子量的总和,以克表示
fresh weight牧草、饲料鲜重
gain-in-weight contract按增重收费饲养合同后备母牛根据合同委托饲养的一种形式[美]
grading by weight重量分级
grain weight种子重
gram-molecular weight克分子
grease fleece weight污毛
grease fleece weight原毛
greasy fleece weight污毛重量
greasy fleece weight原毛重量
greasy weight污毛重
greasy weight原毛重
greasy weight剪毛量
greasy wool weight污毛重量
greasy wool weight原毛重量
growth-weight gain生长增重指家畜由于生长而使体重增加,与肥膘增重 (fatweight gain)相对而言
gutted weight去内脏后重量
headless weight去头胴重量
heavy hog weight大肥猪体重
heavy weight calf重型犊牛指体重 136kg 以上可供屠宰用的犊牛
hectoliter weight百升重
herbage organic matter intake live weight每单位活重食人牧草有机物重量
hot carcass weight热胴体重
hot weight鲜重
hot weight热重
hot weight刚屠宰的肉胴重量
hundred weight英担重量单位,约等于 50.80kg[英]、45.36kg [美]
increase in weight增重
increase of weight增加重量
initial weight初始重量指试验或肥育开始时,家畜的体重或某一组织器官的重量
initial weight开始体重
initial weight始重
kernel weight千粒重
killing-out weight胴体重
killing-out weight屠宰重
lamb weight羔羊体重
light-weight lamb production轻体重羔羊肉生产英国为了羔羊肉提前上市,生产的羔羊肉体重较一般的轻
litter weight窝重一窝仔畜(如猪)初生时或断奶时的总重
live weight活重
live weight体重
live weight活体重
live weight畜体毛重
live weight gain畜体增重
loss of weight体重下降
lot birth weight低出生重
marketing weight上市体重
marketing weight家畜销售体重
mature cow weight成年母牛体重
mature weight成年
mean birth weight平均出生重
meat weight净肉重
medium-weight breed蛋肉兼用种
medium-weight breed中型品种
medium-weight calf中量犊牛体重90~ 136kg 供屠宰用的犊牛
medium-weight veal中量幼犊胴体肉用犊牛胴体重31 ~50kg 者
metabolic weight代谢体重代谢体重为体重的0.75次方 (W0.75)o 家畜的基础代谢率与代谢体重成函数关系
midside wool weight中肋部毛重羔羊
minimum body weight最小体重
moisture-free weight烘干重量
molecular weight of portein蛋白质分子量
natural weight种子容积重
net weight胴体重
net weight test净量检验
original weight烘条原量 (skeins)
over weight baconer超重腌肉型猪
pig weight at 150 days日龄在 150d 时体重
pig weight at weaning断奶时仔猪体重
post-weaning weight断奶后体重
precision weight精细祛码
predicted difference of weight体重预期差
probability weights概率加权
proportion of weight to height体重率
shirt weight毛重量蚕蛹衬的重量
shrink live weight体重损耗
shrink live weight损耗体重
side weight胴体一侧重量左侧或右侧
slaughter weight活重
slaughter weight胴体重
slaughter weight屠宰体重
somatic weight体重
starting weight初始重量指试验或肥育开始时,家畜的体重或某一组织器官的重量
starting weight试验开始体重
starting weight开始体重
tare weight容重
thousand-grain weight谷物的千粒重
valenta weight当量
weaning pig weight断奶仔猪重
weaning weight断奶重
weaning weight of litter每窝仔猪断奶重
weanling weight断奶体重
weanling weight of litter每窝仔猪断奶重
weanling weight of litter断奶窝重
weight-age curve体重-年龄生长曲线
weight-age relationship体重-年龄关系
weight aid体重辅助用乘马人身体重心的转移指挥马的动作
weight-at-age curve年龄-体重曲线
weight grader农产品重量分级机
weight increment增重
weight increment重量增加
weight loss体重下降
weight losses重量损失
weight of bave茧丝量
weight of cocoon filament茧丝量
weight of cocoons per liter每升茧重量
weight of cocoons per pail每桶茧量
weight of egg produced产卵量
weight on the hoof体重
weight on the hoof活重
weight operated gravity filler自动称重装填机
weight rate重量计耗用率
weight rate重量计生产率
weight rate重量比率
weight ratio体重比肉用犊牛断奶时校正体重(或周岁重)与畜群平均值比较的百分率。由此可知犊牛发育是否正常
weight-record book体重记录册
weight specifying重量规定
wet salted weight湿腌重量
white cocoon weight全茧量
yearling weight一岁体重
yearling weight周岁体重