
Terms for subject Sports containing weight | all forms | exact matches only
age-height-weight table年龄-身高-体重登记表
body-weight categories体重分级
body weight control控制体重
body weight loss体重减轻
caloric concept of weight control体重控制的热量原理
diet for weight reduction减体重膳食
dynamic weight training exercise动力性力量练习
full-weight bearing完全负重
full weight bearing完全负重
full weight-bearing ambulation全承重步行
heavy weight training严格训练
heavy weight training大运动量训练
hold weight on left leg重心左脚
no weight limit无级别
non-weight bearing完全不负重
partial weight bearing部分负重
partial weight-bearing ambulation部分承重步行
put all one's weight onto the opponent全力压向对方
rapid weight reduction syndrome快速减重综合征
relative-weight method相对体重法
static weight training exercise静力性力量练习
weight arm重力臂
weight-bearing ambulation承重步行
weight bearing joint承重关节
weight class拔河重量级别
weight coefficient加权系数
weight control控制体重
weight control体重控制
weight cycling负重自行车赛
weight exercise力量练习
weight for standard height身高标准体重
weight gain长体重
weight-loaded device重力负荷装置
weight loading负重
weight loss掉体重
weight loss体重减轻
weight management体重控制
weight over超重
weight perception重量知觉
weight proportion比重
weight reduction体重减轻
weight reduction by diet控制饮食减体重
weight reduction by sweating岀汗减重
weight reduction on diet控制饮食减体重
weight reduction with drugs药物减体重
weight restriction体重限制
weight sensation重量感觉
weight shift重心转移
weight shift转移身体重心
weight shift身体重心移动
weight throw投掷运动
weight-to-height table身高标准体重
weight training power training力量训练负重训练
weight vector重量矢量