
Terms for subject Economy containing ways | all forms | exact matches only
A full-scale investigation is under way into the matter of economic nature正在对经济性质的这一问题进行全面调査
a ramp way倾斜通道
a treaty in the same way同样条款
a way bill铁路运单
a way of life生活方式
a way-port conference沿途港公会
accommodation way专用通路
act performed by way of counterclaim提出起诉
Advertising in TV at 6 p.m. is the most effective way of selling下午6点的电视广告是最有效的销售方式
air-way bill空运提单
air way bill空运提单
all the way从头至尾
all the way从远道
alternative ways可供选择的两种或两种以上方法
alternative ways可供选择的方法
American way美国的社会、政治、经济制度
any way无论如何
any way不管怎样
best known way已知的最好方式
by way of通过…方法
by way of通过
by way of经由
carve out one's way开辟道路
cost, insurance, freight inland water way到岸价格加内河运费价 (货价、保险费、运费加内河运费价)
develop in a capitalist way资本主义化
each way两面收取佣金 (经纪人既买又卖, 因此收取两种职能的佣金)
find a way out找出路
First, we need to secure the right of way for shipping from that country首先我们需取得该国的船运过境权
give way屈服
give way让步
give way撤退
hatch way舱出入口
He has found a way to utilize this material for the purpose of construction他已经发现了将这种材料用于建筑的方法
in a general way般地
in a sort of way略为
in a sort of way有些
in the way妨碍人的
in the way挡道的
It is agreed by both parties that the payment shall be made by way of letter of credit双方同意采用看用证付款方式
less time-consuming way省时的办法
middle way介于自由企业与国家计划之间的中庸之道经济
n-way classification向分类
one-way analysis单向分析
one way another想方设法
one-way fare单程票价
one way lease单程租约
one-way market单向交易市场
one way market只有买方或卖方的单方面市场
Our sales volume has gone up because of our having devised ways and means to promote the sale由于我们想方设法促销产品,所以我们销售量上去了
out of harm's way在安全的地方
out of the way不碍人
out of the way不挡道
Preparations for shipment are well under way装运的准备工作正在加速进行
put the ease in another way换句话说
regular way普通交易
regular way交易所通常交易
regular way交易所通常普通交易
regular way delivery正常交割 (在交易所规定的交割时间内交割,如政府债券于成交后的次日交割)
right of way通告权
right-of-way requirement征用铁路用地
run way inflation无法控制的恶性通货膨胀
side way movement侧向运动
smooth the way for a treaty为订立条约铺平道路
The controversies between the parties can be settled in an amicable way双方之间的这些争论可以用友好的方式解决
The distributions made in this way are valid and effectual这样办理的销售是有效的
The goods are carefully examined in the usual way before shipment我方通常在装运前仔细检査货物
The net proceeds $10.000 will be paid by way of T.T. remittance净收益一万美元将用电汇的方式汇付
The transaction was concluded by way of offset本交易是以进销相抵的方式达成的
The way of converting the shares of Party A into the shares of Party B shall be as follows...将A方股票换成B方股票其方式如下…
the way-port trade沿途货运
the way-port trade沿途贸易
They owe their reputable position both in China and in other parts of the world to the good quality of their products and the sincere way of doing business他们在中国乃至世界其他地区享有盛誉归功于他们产品质量优良和经营业务诚实
This convinced me that they are in a position to look after your export business as your agent in the most effective way这使我相信,他们能最有效地担任你方代理商处理你方的出口业务
traditional way of living传统生活方式
treat in the same way同样对待
two-way business进出口业务
two-way classification双重分类
two way flow of message双向交流信息
two-way price双向报价
two-way time双程时间
two-way trade有进有出贸易
two-way trade进出口贸易
under way在途【进行】中
way baggage中途站发放的行李
way of life生活方式
ways and means岁入财源
ways and means赋税方式
ways and means筹款
ways and means方法
ways and means advances英国的财政短期贷款
ways and means of purchasing raw materials and selling finished products原材料的购买和产品的销售方式
ways of supplying materials and equipment物资供应方式
We are glad to hear the consignment is on it's way我们很高兴听到货物已发运在途的消息
We can find our way into world market provided our products are of good quality and competitive in price只要我方产品品质上乘,价格公道,就能打入世界市场
We hope you will promote credit sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement, when it expires望促进赊销,为协议期满后续订协议铺平道路
We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill我们应该用我们的最好技能对该项施工进行有效监督
You appear to be doing business in a moderate way看来你们做生意比较稳重
You'd better say a few words by way of explanation for the late arrival你们最好对迟到稍作解释