
Terms for subject Technology containing ways | all forms | exact matches only
active way of active fault活断层活动方式
alternative ways可供选择或采用的方法
application ways of pesticide农药施用方法
area way wall采光井墙
area way wall窗井墙
arris ways锯齿形铺砌
arris ways盖瓦对角铺砌法
arris ways屋面石板
arris ways六角形瓦铺屋面
ash sluice way水力冲灰沟
automatic dial-up two-way telephone自动拨号双向电话
bar way有栏路横木的场内小路
bar way有拦路横木的场内小路
basic road way capacity道路基本通车能力
basic road way capacity道路基本行车能力
beginning and end of water way通航起讫点
brake way惯性滑距
brake way滑距
carriage way慢车道
carrying way with engine stopped淌航
cataclasis way碎裂作用方式
channel way河槽
channel way通道
channel way河床
collective crystallization way集合结晶作用方式
communication system to provide two-way conversation双向对话通信系统
conversational way对话方式
conveyer way输水道
conveyer way廊道
coping with two-way wash压顶双向泛水
corded way坡梯道
corded way棱条坡道
covered street-way穿廊式街道
covered street way沿街建筑物连续挑檐形成的檐廊街道
covered street-way廊式街道
covered way廊道
covered way暗道
covered way隐蔽的道路
covered way覆道
crank-guide way曲柄导向槽
data way model数据通路模型
deaden the way停止前进 (航行)
deaden the way阻碍航道
declivity of ways下水滑顷斜度数
define way-point规定航路点
deformation and cataclasis ways变形和碎裂作用方式
detailed ways and means详细办法
distribution in a unified way统一分配
double way channel双线航道
double way channel双向航道
double way connection桥式接法
double way connection桥形连接
double way gradient双坡
double way launching双滑道下水
double way lock双线船闸
double way lockage双向过闸
drainage right of ways排水系统用地范围
drainage right of ways排水用地
drift way导向井
drift way流程
drift way马道
drift way漂流物
drift way漂程
drift way平峒
drift way平巷
drift way导坑
drift way坑道
drift way大车道
drift way大车路
drift way流压差
drive way马车道
drive way汽车路
dual drive way双车道
duct way管道沟槽
duct way导管
duct way管沟
duct way管式通道
dugout way路堑段
easement of way通路权
effective ways有效方式
electric motor for rolling way辊道电动机
electric two-way valve电动两通阀
electrical motor for rolling way辊道电动机
electrical two-way valve电动两通阀
entering lock in a curvilinear way曲线进闸
entering/leaving lock in a rectilinear way直线进/出闸
entry way通路
entry way入口 (道路)
flange way凸缘沟
flange way轮缘槽
flat way扁平导轨
flat way平面朝下
floor way桥面系统
floor way桥梁的桥面系统 (包括桥面及其支承部件)
four ways四岔路口
gate way出人口
gate way门口
gate way门道
gather way开始前进
grease way滑脂槽
green way绿化道路
green way绿荫道路
green way绿荫路
green way园林式道路
green way林荫
ground gained side ways旁向航摄范围
ground ways底滑道
ground ways造船滑道
hydrometric cable-way with cable suspension悬索式水文缆道
hydrometrical cable-way with cable suspension悬索式水文缆道
hystero crystallization way次生结晶作用方式
in a number of ways在许多方面
inside or outside water ways内外水槽
joint five-way turnout关节型五开道岔
joint single-way turnout单开关节型道岔
joint three-way turnout关节型三开道岔
keep out of the way让开
keep out of the way让开航路
keep-way vessel直航船
land way陆路
land way陆上通道
length of 4 way pipe四通长度
lose way减少航速
make lee way向下风
make way航行
make way向前移动
make way over the ground对地移动
make way through the water对水移动
many-way selection多路选择
monorail way单轨铁道
monorail way单轨铁路
motor-vehicle way一般汽车公路
motor-vehicle way一般汽车道路
motor-vehicle way一般汽车路
movement way of dune沙丘移动方式
multiple way cable duct电缆槽
multiple way cable duct多路电缆进线管道
multiple way cable duct多路电缆进线通道
multiple way cock多通道开关
multiple way cock多通道旋塞
multiple way cock多路旋塞
multiple way directional control valve多路换向控制阀
multiple way switch多路开关
multiple way system多腹杆体系
multiple way system多线制
number of water way水槽数目 (钻头)
numerous ways多方面
own right-of-way特别优先通行权
park way风景区干道
park way公园路
park way道路公园
periodic one-way sign定时单向通行标志
planning for one-way street单向交通街道规则
pole tram-way木杆轨道
power-driven pressure test pump for pipe ways电动试压泵
primary ways主要道路
primary ways主要公路
primary ways干线道路
public rights of way公众通行权
public way公用道路
public way公用通道
quartering way四分法取样
race way轴承滚道磨床
railway right-of-way铁路用地
restricted speed way限制行车速度的道路
reversing four way valve四通回动阀
right of way通行权
rigid two-way repeater双向刚性增音机
rolley way运输道
round-about way迂回道
round-about way大转盘
running ways滑橇
shipbuilding berth with greased launching way涂油滑道【船】
shipbuilding way造船滑道
signal of giving way让路信号
single drive way单车道
single-way cable duct单向电缆管道
single-way marshalling yard单向编组场【铁】
single-way railroad单线铁路
single-way railway单线铁路
single-way rectifier单路整流器
single-way road单向交通道路
single-way road单向路
single-way slab单向板
single-way slab system单向板系统
single-way suction单向吸进
single way suction单向吸人
single-way suction单向吸入
single-way supply单向供水
single-way switch单向开关
single-way traffic单向交通
single-way volume单向交通量
single-line two-way track单线双向运行线路
single-pole two-way switch单极双路开关
single-station way type machine单工位导轨式机床
six-way plate六孔底板
six-way plate六流底盘
six way punch pliers六孔冲孔钳
six-way valve六通阀
slab with one-way reinforcement单向加筋板
slab with two-way reinforcement双向加筋板
sloping way斜坡道
sloping wharf with cable way缆车码头
speed way高速车道
speed way快车道
speed way高速干道
speed way快行道
speed way高速公路
staircase way梯子
stationary way of operation定位作业方式
steam exhausting way排汽道
steam way蒸汽槽
steam way蒸汽道
temporary way临时线 (如建筑工地临时运料用)
temporary way临时道路
ten-way valve十通阀
third way第三种方法
tow way牵引道
tow-way cock两通旋塞
tow-way cock双向龙头
tow way slab双向配筋板
tow way slab四边支承板
tow way slab双向板
tow way system of reinforcement双向配筋
tower cable way高架索道
tram way路面轨道
tram way有轨电车道
trunk way烟道
two-way accelerator双向加速器
two-way air valve双向空气阀
two-way alternate双向交换
two-way alternative plow翻转式双向犁
two-way analysis fo variance两因素方差分析
two-way anchor双向锁定
two-way array平面矩阵
two-way array双向阵列
two way array二向数组
two-way automatic private line双向自动专用线路
two-way balanced traffic双向平衡运行 (船闸或航道)
two-way beam双向梁
two-way bit双翼钻头
two-way bit鱼尾形钻头
two-way block footing双向块形基脚
two-way block footing两向块形底脚
two-way block footing两向块状底脚
two-way block foundation两向块状基础
two-way break-before-make contact双向先断后合触点
two-way cable conduit双向线路
two-way cable conduit双向电路
two-way cable conduit双向电缆道
two-way canal双线运河
two-way canal双向运河
two-way channel双向航道
two-way channel双线航道
two-way channel双向信道
two-way channel双行航道
two-way chute双向槽
two-way chute双叉溜槽
two-way chute双向卸料
two-way chute双向卸料槽
two-way chute裤衩溜子
two-way circuit双向电路
two-way clamp双向箝位
two-way classification yard双向编组场【铁】
two-way cock双向旋塞
two-way cock两路旋塞
two-way cock双向龙头
two-way cock双通开关
two-way column双向柱
two-way column双向角柱
two-way communication双向交往
two-way communication channel双向沟通渠道
two-way concrete slab双向钢筋混凝土板
two-way conduit tile双向电缆道
two-way contact双向触点
two-way contact切换触点
two-way contact切换接点
two-way contactor双向接触器
two-way control双向控制
two-way control chart复式管理图
two-way control chart双向管理图
two-way control valve两通控制阀
two-way controlled transmission双向受
two-way conveyer双向运输机
two-way cord双芯塞绳
two-way cross双交
two-way curved arch tile拱波
two-way cylinder双向油缸
two-way detector array二维探测器阵列
two-way device双向装置
two-way discharge chute裤衩溜子
two-way distribution双向分布
two-way distributor双路分配器
two way dozer双向推土机
two-way dozer双向推土机
two-way drag双向刮路机
two-way drive双向传动
two-way dump body双向倾卸车身
two-way dump trailer双向倾卸挂车
two-way dump trailer双向倾卸拖车
two-way dump truck双向倾卸货车
two-way dumper双向倾卸车
two-way dumper双向翻斗车
two-way dumping双向翻倾
two-way duplex circuit双向单工电路
two-way duplex circuit双向双工电路
two-way dynamic microphone双路动圈传声器
two-way electrochromatography两向电色谱法
two-way elution technique双向淋洗技术
two-way entrance-exit双行出入口
two-way feed双向馈电
two-way feeding chute双通供料溜槽
two way flap valve消火栓双接口
two-way flat slab双向无梁楼板
two-way flat slab floor双向平板楼面
two-way flat slab floor双向板楼板
two-way flow双向流
two-way flow of message双向交流信息
two-way flow pumps双联泵
two-way footing双向受力基脚
two-way footing双向配筋基脚
two-way footing加筋底脚
two-way fuse plug双线保险丝插塞
two-way fuse socket双线保险丝插座
two-way glass单向透明玻璃镜
two-way grid双向网格
two-way grillage井形床格
two-way half-duplex circuit双向半双工电路
two-way hydraulic control双向式液压操纵
two-way hydraulic shock absorber双向液压减振器
two-way hypothesis二向假设
two-way inlet双向出入口
two-way intercom system双向内部通信系统
two-way intercommunication system双向内部通话装置
two-way joist双向格式搁
two-way joist双向梁
two-way joist双向龙骨
two-way joist双向格栅
two-way joist construction双向龙骨构造
two-way joist construction双向格栅构造
two-way lattice grid双向格构网架
two-way latticed grid双向格构网架
two-way launching双滑道下水
two-way layout二元配置
two-way leveling纵横向调平
two-way levelling纵横向调平
two-way limit switch双向限位开关
two-way link双向链路
two-way lock双线船闸
two-way loudspeaker双路扬声器
two-way merge sort二路归并分类
two-way mirror双向镜
two-way observation双程往返观测
two-way operation双向操作
two-way operation双向运行
two-way pallet双向镘灰板
two-way paper chromatography双向纸上色层分析法
two-way phase switcher双向移相器
two-way power feeding双边供电
two-way prestressed slab双向预应力板
two-way pulse transmission双向脉冲传输
two-way pump双向泵
two-way quotation包括买价和卖价的双向报价单
two-way radial sector accelerator双向径向扇加速器
two-way radio无线电对话机
two-way radio双向无线电设备
two-way radio交直流两用无线电设备
two-way radio communication双向无线电通讯
two-way radio system双向无线电通信系统
two-way ram双作用活塞
two-way ramp双向坡道
two-way ramp双向匝道【道】
two-way receiver双频道接收机
two-way receiver交直流两用收音机
two-way reinforced双向配筋的
two-way reinforced concrete双向钢筋混凝土
two-way reinforced concrete双向配筋的钢筋混凝土
two-way reinforced concrete双向配筋混凝土
two-way reinforced footing双向配筋基脚
two-way reinforced footing双向配筋基础
two-way reinforced foundation双向配件基础
two-way reinforced slab双向配筋的板
two-way reinforcement双向加筋
two-way repeater双向增音机
two-way repeater双向增音器
two-way reversing switch双向转换开关
two-way ribbed slab双向肋平板
two-way ribs双向密肋
two-way road双线公路
two-way road双向道路
two-way road system双线道路系统
two-way route双程航路
two-way shot双向爆破
two-way side dump car两侧倾卸车
two-way signal双面信号
two-way signal双组信号
two-way simplex connection双向单工连接
two-way simplex operation双向单工操作
two-way simultaneous双向并行
two way slab四边支承板
two-way slab四边支承板
two way slab双向板
two way slab双向配筋板
two-way slab双向配筋混凝土板
two-way slab system双向板体系
two-way slope双向坡度
two-way snow plow双向雪犁
two-way sort双向分类
two way sort merge二路分类合并
two-way space grid双向空间网架
two-way space-framed steel structure双向空间钢网架
two-way speaker双频道扬声器
two-way spout双向卸料槽
two-way spread双向排列
two-way spring butt双向弹簧铰
two-way stitch transfer双向移圈花纹
two-way stop sign双向停车标志
two-way strap叉形连接板
two-way stretch resonator双向可调谐振腔
two-way sulky plow双向乘式犁
two-way switch双联开关
two-way switch双控开关
two-way switch双投开关双头开关
two-way switch两路开关
two-way symmetric accelerator双向对称加速器
two-way synchrotron双向同步加速器
two-way system双向配筋系统
two-way system双向体系
two-way system双向系统
two-way system of reinforcement双向配筋法
two-way system of reinforcement双向配筋体系
two-way system of reinforcement钢筋双向制
two-way tap双路开关
two-way tap两路龙头
two-way television双向电视
two-way television relay双向电视中继系统
two-way three-step ship lock双线三级船闸
two-way time aligned双程时间对齐
two-way tipper双向翻斗车
two-way tipper双向倾卸车
two-way trade双边贸易
two-way traffic双线交通
two-way traffic双向交通 (量)
two-way traffic双向通信业务
two-way transit双向过闸
two-way transmission双向传输
two-way travel time两端传播时间
two-way trunk line双向中继线
two-way truss system双向桁架系统
two-way valve双通阀二通阀
two-way valve二路阀
two-way valve双通活门
two-way valve双向阀
two-way variable displacement pump双向变量泵
two-way vertical compressional wave双向垂直压缩波
two-way video双向视频
two-position four-way valve二位四通阀
unguarded flange way辙叉有害空间
unsymmetrical three-way turnout不对称三开道岔
valley way山谷道路
value of goods on the way在途货物价值
very high frequency single channel two-way radio equipment甚高频单波道双向无线电设备
wagon way货车道路
water depth on the end launching way滑道末端水深
way aloft升到顶
way beam轨道
way beam纵梁
way bracket巷道托座
way capacity道路容量
way for measurement self-potential method自然电场测量方法
way for measuring resistivity of rock and mineral岩矿石电阻率测定方法
way-freight car沿途零担车
way grinding machine导轨磨床
way headway道路车间时距
way lubricant轨润滑剂
way mark路标
way sort通路分类
way station中间停车站
way train普通客车
way train慢车
ways and means经费来源
ways and means advances财政短期借款
Ways and Means Committee财政立法委员会
ways and means of finance fund财政资金筹措办法
ways and means of taxation赋税方法
ways of airplane's magnetization compensation飞机磁干扰场补偿方式
ways of exploration勘探手段
ways of fault terminating断层消失方式
ways of going about tax evasion偷税漏税行为
ways of investment出资方式
ways to apply施工方法
ways to cure固化方法
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