
Terms containing ways | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a hundred and one ways千方百计
China, polit.actively explore ways to strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC积极探索加强和改进人大监督工作
commer.advanced ways of loading and unloading operations先进装卸操作方法
manag.advanced ways of working先进工作法
gen.all the way一直
bowl.all the way一路全中
gen.all the way远远
gen.all the way特地
gen.all the way自始至终
gen.all the way全部
gen.all the way从头到尾
gen.all the way一路上
gen.all the way一路
gen.all the way along一直
gen.all the way along始终
econ.alternative ways可供选择的两种或两种以上方法
econ.alternative ways可供选择的方法
busin.alternative ways选择方法
tech.alternative ways可供选择或采用的方法
gen.any way总之
gen.any way两种情形之一
tech.application ways of pesticide农药施用方法
China, lawapproved ways of quarrying and exploiting准许的采挖方式
tech.arris ways盖瓦对角铺砌法
tech.arris ways屋面石板
tech.arris ways锯齿形铺砌
archit.arris ways金属板屋面
archit.arris ways龟甲六角形石板
tech.arris ways六角形瓦铺屋面
gymn.back uprise and flank vault to support rear-ways后摆上侧摆越成后撑
water.res., ecol.bacteria continuing toluene degradative path ways细菌延续甲苯降解路径
gen.barge one's way through强行通过
gen.barge one's way through挤出一条路
gen.be in a fair way to很可能
gen.be in a fair way to有…的希望
gen.be in the way of妨〔阻〕碍着
gen.be of my way of thinking和我的想法一样
gen.be on the way out将要过时〔陈旧,淘汰〕
gen.be set in one's ways顽固不化
gen.be sloped transversely each way from the center line从中心线向两侧倾斜
gen.be under way正在航行〔进行,前进,运转〕
gen.be well on the way toM 在往M的道路上前进了很长一段距离
archit.bed ways床身导轨
manag.behavior in a few ways少数方式的行为
el.both ways在两个方面
el.both ways在两方面
el.both ways双路
el.both ways双向
el.both ways用两种方法
gen.break a way开路
gen.break a way排除困难
gen.bullock one's way猛冲
gen.bullock one's way猛闯
gen.by the way在路途〔过程〕中
gen.by the way同时
gen.by the way顺路〔便〕
gen.by the way另外
gen.by the way顺便〔附带〕说说
gen.by the way顺便说一下
gen.By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间
gen.By the way, is the Internet connection available here?对了,这儿可以上网吗?
gen.By the way, what is the exchange rate for Chinese yuan today?顺便问一下,今天人民币的兑换率是多少?
gen.by way of作为
gen.by way of取道
gen.by way of处于…状态
gen.by way of终由
gen.by way of用…方法
gen.by way of以便
gen.by way of行将 (+ ing)
gen.by way of快要 (+ ing)
gen.by way of做出…样子
gen.by way of当做
gen.by way of example举例来说
gen.by way of example例如
gen.by way of exception作为例外
gen.by way of feint用声东击西的策略
gen.by way of parenthesis顺便
gen.by way of parenthesis附带地
gen.by way of precaution作为预防手段
gen.by way of precaution为小心起见
gen.by way of trial试试
interntl.trade.cable-ways & tramways缆车
desert.caravan ways商道 (荒漠地区古来商队的自然通道和路径,一般用骆驼驮运货物)
desert.caravan ways商队路
gen.carve out a way开辟道路
checkers.change way改变方向
busin.change ways变换方法
busin.change ways to cater to market demands适应市场需求
gen.clear way valve全开阀
gen.cleave one's way throughM 排开 M 前进
textilecolor ways色位
gen.come in one's way为…所碰到〔利用,经历,擅长〕
consult.committee of the whole on ways and means全院筹募委员会
commer.Committee of Ways and Means美国众议院财政委员会
gen.Could you tell me the best way to get to the museum?能告诉我去博物馆的最佳路线吗?
textilecountrified ways土气服装
textilecross ways grain横向丝绺
textilecross ways grain横向纹路
gen.cut both ways两边倒
gen.cut both ways互有利弊
dril.cut both ways模棱两可
gen.cut both ways对双方都起作用
gen.cut both ways两面都说得通
gen.cut both ways骑墙
tech.declivity of ways下水滑顷斜度数
tech.deformation and cataclasis ways变形和碎裂作用方式
tech.detailed ways and means详细办法
gen.devour the way马等兼程急进
gen.Do you want to buy a one-way ticket or a round trip ticket?您想买单程票还是往返票?
gymn.double-leg circles in cross support front-ways鞍马动作马头全旋面向内
gymn.double-leg circles in cross support rear-ways鞍马动作马头全旋面向外
gen.double-pole n-way switch双刀 n 掷开关
tech.drainage right of ways排水系统用地范围
tech.drainage right of ways排水用地
gen.drift one's way through漂过
gen.Economy fare for one way trip from New York to Shanghai is $800从纽约飞往上海的经济舱票价为800美元
tech.effective ways有效方式
interntl.trade.effective ways of importing technology引进技术的有效形式
gen.either way两边都
gen.either way两种情况都
gen.either way总之
gen.either way反正
gen.either way不管怎样
China, lawenvironmental ways of tourism环保旅游方式
gen.feel one's way试探着
gen.feel one's way谨慎从事
gen.feel one's way摸索前进
gen.fight one's way艰苦奋斗
gen.fight one's way through the press挤过人丛
gen.find one's way达到 (into, to)
gen.find one's way设法到达 (into, to)
gen.find one's way努力前进
gen.find one's way找出途径〔道路〕
water.res.fish ways鱼道
gen.for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒
gen.for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒,承包有关电力系统的电力生产、分配及应用等各方面的整套综合装置的安装及启用
gen.force its way ahead冲向前
gen.force one's way in
gen.force one's way ahead硬往前挤,钻,冲
gen.force one's way ahead冲向前
construct.four ways十字路
tech.four ways四岔路口
ITfour-ways of diversity reception四路分集接收
ITfour-ways set-associative cache四路组相关联高速缓存
gymn.free support front-ways高低杠腹撑
gymn.free support rear-ways腾身后撑
gen.from way back由来已久
gen.from way back完全
gen.from way back彻底
gen.from way back从很久以前
gen.from way back从远处
gymn.front-ways horizontal hanging scale前水平悬垂
gen.fully-depressed express-way全堑式快速道路
gen.gather way加速前进
gen.gather way增加速度
gen.gather way增加速率
gen.get in the way挡道
gen.get in the way阻碍
gen.get out of the way解决掉
gen.get out of the way除去
gen.get out of the way收拾
gen.get out of the way避〔让〕开
gen.get one's own way为所欲为
gen.get one's own way随心所欲
gen.get one's own way自主行事
gen.get way脱离
gen.get way逃脱
gen.get way把…弄走
gen.get way散逸
gen.get way使离开
gen.go one's ways出发
gen.go one's ways走掉
gen.go one's ways动身
gen.grope one's way摸索前进
tech.ground gained side ways旁向航摄范围
oilground ways下水滑道
tech.ground ways底滑道
tech.ground ways造船滑道
polo.half-way line中线
interntl.trade.hatch ways舱口
gen.have a way of做…的毛病习惯 (+ ing)
gen.have it both ways见风使舵
gen.have it both ways参加双方争论时忽左忽右
gen.have no way of + ing没办法
gen.have one's own way随心所欲
gen.have one's own way为所欲为
gen.have one's own way自主行事
gen.have way on在航行中
gen.Have you been feeling this way for a while?你已经疼了有一会儿了吗?
gen.he went that way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
gen.he went the other way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
gen.he went this way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
gen.Hello, which way should I go?您好,请问我该怎么走?
gen.hew one's way排除障碍前进
gen.hew one's way开辟道路
fin., amer.House Ways and Means Committee众议院筹款委员会
gen.I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?我要去市中心,但是迷路了,往这个方向走对吗?
gen.I think it is the best way to figure out what is causing this我觉得找到病因是最好的方法
gen.I want to buy a floor fan. By the way, do you accept returns?我想买一台落地扇。顺便问一句,你们可以退货吗?
tech.in a number of ways在许多方面
gen.in a thousand and one ways千方百计地
gen.in all manner of ways用各种方祛
gen.in all manner of ways用各种方法
China, lawin other ways以其它方法
proj.manag.In so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real -world在许多方面、网络空间反映了真实世界
tech.inside or outside water ways内外水槽
gen.it can be done in either way这样做、 那样做都可以
gen.keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device手要避开
gen.keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device使用任何切割机时
gen.keep out of the way使避开
gen.key way cutter键槽铳刀
gen.know one's way around熟悉业务
gen.labour one's way吃力地前进
proj.manag.Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system上周、 我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、 就如何改进我们的绩效评价体系征求意见
proj.manag.Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system上周、我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、就如何改进我们的绩效考核体系征求意见
shipb.launching on running ways滑道下水
construct.launching ways下水滑道
gen.lead the way带路
gen.lead the way示范
gen.lead the way引〔带〕路
gen.lean one way or another朝各个方向倾斜
gen.lean one way or another左右倾斜
gymn.leaning support rear-ways仰撑
gen.lie in one's way为…所碰到〔利用,经历,擅长〕
market.life ways生活行为分析
securit.limited two-ways payments有限双向支付
gen.lose one's way迷路
gen.lose the way迷路
gen.lose way减低速度
gen.make the best of one's way尽量快走
gen.make the best of one's way努力前进
gen.make the best of one's way尽快进行
gen.make the best of one's way尽量往前走〔快走〕
gen.make one's way前进
gen.make way前进
gen.make way向前移动〔活动〕
gen.make one's way进行
gen.make way进行〔展〕
gen.make one's way获得成就
gen.make way让路
gen.make way for为…让路
gen.make one's way through the press挤过人丛
gen.method or way办法
gen.Milky Way Galaxy银河系
spacemissile ground power-supplying ways导弹地面供电方式
gen.monorailtram way单索道
gen.My car is in the parking lot. Let s go this way. Let me help you with your bags我的车在停车区,请这边走。我来帮你拿行李
fin.new ways of development新的发展方式
gen.no other ways没办法
gen.no way决不
gen.no way inferior一点儿也不坏
gen.no way无论如何不
gen.not by a long way远不
tech.numerous ways多方面
gen.offer no way out of没有提供摆脱…的方法
gen.Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了
gen.on one? s way在路上
gen.be on the way out快要不用了
gen.on the way out将变为过时〔陈旧〕
gen.be on the way out将要过时〔淘汰〕
gen.on the way to路上
gen.once in a way偶尔
gen.once in a way有时
eng.geol.open sluice ways明渠排水道
gen.open the way forM 给M提供了方便
gen.open the way forM 给M开辟了道路
gen.open the way toM 给M提供了方便
gen.open the way toM 给M开辟了道路
commer.operate jointly in different ways以多种形式联合经营
econ.Our sales volume has gone up because of our having devised ways and means to promote the sale由于我们想方设法促销产品,所以我们销售量上去了
gymn.outer side-stand front-ways杠外正立
interntl.trade.Pan-American World Air ways, Inc.美国泛美航空公司
gen.pennanent way路面
gen.pennanent way路基
gen.pennanent way轨道
gen.permanent way永久性铁路以区别于临时性的窄轨铁路
gen.plane the way把路弄平
tech.power-driven pressure test pump for pipe ways电动试压泵
gen.1 prefer to pay my own way so that I'll not feel indebted at all我乐意分摊,这样才不会总感到欠人情
tech.primary ways主要公路
tech.primary ways主要道路
tech.primary ways干线道路
gen.range all the way from M to其范围从 M 起一直到 N 为止 (N)
polo.right of way先行权
gen.right-of-way公用道路〔事业〕 用地
gen.rivers find their way to the sea江河流人海洋
mech.eng.rocker arm ways摇臂导轨
gymn.rope swinged left and right ways in front of the body体前向左右摆绳
tech.running ways滑橇
gen.screw its way throughM 靠螺旋桨的旋转穿过M前进
gen.see see which way the cat jumps观望形势后再作决定
gen.see one's way clear前途无阻〔顺畅〕
gen.see one's way clear to + inf.设法有意,打算做…
gen.see one's way clear to do ing有可能能设法
gen.see one's way clear to to + ing设法有意,打算做…
gen.shoot one's way用战争〔武力,威胁〕来达到目的
gymn.side support rear-ways后撑
met.side-ways extruding带侧向塑流的挤压
expl.side-ways movement侧向运动
expl.side-ways reaction侧向反应
gymn.side-hang front-ways正悬垂
gymn.side-support front-ways正撑
gen.smooth the way for M使M便于
gen.smooth the way for M使M 容易
gen.smooth the way为M 铺平道路排除障碍 (for M)
gymn.standing scale rear-ways仰平衡
gymn.standing scale rear-ways后水平
gen.Start walking that way and just follow where it leads you沿着那条路走就行
gen.steer one's way决定路线
gen.stop the way阻止进行
gymn.support front-ways前正撑
gymn.support rear-ways后撑
gen.take one's own way一意孤行
gen.take one's own way自行其是
gen.take one's way to向…走去〔出发〕
gen.take one's way towards向…走去〔出发〕
gen.The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up and keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward我发现阻止抽筋最好的办法就是站起来,保持脚平放,然后向后推你的踝关节,向前推你的膝关节
expl.The law of nature acts in ways independent of man's will自然规律不以人的意志起作用
gen.The leggings are way cheaper in the shop across the street对面店里打底裤便宜得多
gen.the other way相反
gen.the other way around用相反的方式
gen.the other way around从相反方向
gen.put the other way round反之
gen.put the other way round反过来
gen.the other way round相反地
gen.the other way round用相反方式
gen.the other way round从相反方向
gen.put the other way round相反
gen.the other way round正好相反地
gen.the other way round绕另一条路
gen.the parting of the ways抉择关头
gen.the parting of the ways岔路
gen.the permanent way铁道全长
gen.the permanent way铁轨
gen.the readiest way to do it这件事的最简便的做法
gen.the right way真相
gen.the right way事实
gen.the right way方向正确地
gen.the right way恰当地
gen.the right way有效地
gen.the right way最正确〔恰当,有效〕的方法
gen.the right way正〔适〕当地
gen.the right way正路 (to)
gen.in the way沿…方向 (in which)
gen.the way用这样的方式
gen.the way从…样子来看
gen.in the way按…方法 (in which)
gen.in the way以…方式 (in which)
gen.the way is now smooth困难扫除了
gen.the way is now smooth路修平了
gen.the whole way一直
gen.the whole way从头到尾
gen.the whole way全部
gen.the whole way自始至终
gen.the whole way特地
gen.the whole way远远地
gen.the whole way一路上
gen.there are many ways to skin a cat办法不止一种
gen.there are many ways to skin a cat有的是办法
met.There is a saying, "There are many ways to skin a cat" The same could be said for producing a heat of steel.俗语道:"猫皮剥法不止一种",炼钢方法岂能相同。英文原文摘自一篇讨论炼钢流程的论文。此处意指应根据 实际情况确定生产流程,不能固守一法不变
gen.there's only one way to do it做这事只有一种方法
gen.they are in no way similar他们无一处相似
gen.this is only another way of saying that...换句话说
gen.this is only another way of saying that...换个说法就是
gen.this is the best way to do the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
gen.this is the best way to of doing the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
gen.this is the right way to do the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
gen.this is the right way to of doing the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
gen.this is the wrong way to do the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
gen.this is the wrong way to of doing the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
gen.this way从这儿走
nurs.three ways syringe三用喷枪
gen.to my way of thinking在我看来
gen.to my way of thinking我认为
gen.to my way of thinking据我的想法
gen.to put it another way换句话说
gen.tram way电车道
gen.tram way有轨电车
gen.turn that cock which way you like, it will not move随你往哪边拧,那个旋塞总是拧不动
gen.twist a screw the wrong way反着拧螺钉
gen.twist one's way through...在…中穿过去
gen.twist one's way through...穿过…前进
gen.two-way二 〔双〕通的
gen.two-way beam pattern合成声束图案
gen.two-way double-triode clamp circuit双三极管双极性钳位电路
bridge.two-way finesse双向飞牌
bridge.two-way game tries双向进局试探
gymn.uprise rear-ways正握后悬垂向前摆上
gymn.uprise rear-ways施坦内曼摆上
China, lawvarious channels and various ways各种途径和形式
gen.water way lock船闸
gen.one's way about必须熟悉的业务知识
gen.one's way around必须熟悉的业务知识
gen.way in人口
gen.way in进路
gen.way of doing or making a thing做法
gen.way of explanation作为说明
taekwondo.way of life
gen.way of saying说法
gen.way out出路〔口〕
securit.ways and means筹款方法
busin.ways and means筹款的办法
busin.ways and means办法
econ.ways and means方法
econ.ways and means筹款
econ.ways and means赋税方式
econ.ways and means岁入财源
fin.ways and means手段
IMF.ways and means财政资金筹措办法
IMF.ways and means财政收入
interntl.trade.Ways and Means赋税委员会
interntl.trade.Ways and Means赋税方法
fin.ways and means方式方法
tech.ways and means经费来源
securit.ways and means实现目的的机构与组织
securit.ways and means筹集资金方法
fin.Ways and Means Advance英格兰银行暂付
busin.Ways and Means Advance英格兰银行暂付款指给财政部的短期贷款
econ.ways and means advances英国的财政短期贷款
IMF.ways and means advances财政短期信贷
textileways and means advances赋税方式贷款
tech.ways and means advances财政短期借款
interntl.trade.Ways and Means Committee美国国会赋税委员会
tech.Ways and Means Committee财政立法委员会
tech.ways and means of finance fund财政资金筹措办法
econ.ways and means of purchasing raw materials and selling finished products原材料的购买和产品的销售方式
tech.ways and means of taxation赋税方法
China, lawways for complaints投诉办法
tech.ways of airplane's magnetization compensation飞机磁干扰场补偿方式
agric.ways of business业务上往来
textileways of contributed investment出资方式
fin.ways of development发展方式
tech.ways of exploration勘探手段
tech.ways of fault terminating断层消失方式
tech.ways of going about tax evasion偷税漏税行为
anim.husb.ways of infection传染途径
agric.ways of infection侵染途径
tech.ways of investment出资方式
busin.ways of life of the people in host country东道国人民生活方式
fin.ways of making payments electronically电子付款方式
econ.ways of supplying materials and equipment物资供应方式
busin.ways of supplying materials and equipment物资供应方式
agric.ways of the modernization现代化途径
tech.ways to apply施工方法
tech.ways to cure固化方法
gen.wend one's way
gen.wend one's way
gen.wend one's way
gen.Which way do I go the Medical Department?内科怎么走?
gen.Which way do we go for the Northern Line?我们怎样去北线地铁?
gen.Which way is east?哪边是东边?
gen.Which way is the dining car?餐车在哪个方向?
gen.win one's way排除困难〔障碍〕前进
gen.wing one's way over飞过
China, polit.work out ways to address major issues研究解决立法项目涉及的重大问题
gen.work one's way排除困难前进
gen.you could work the screw loose this way这样拧也许你就能把这螺丝拧松
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