
Terms containing water-supply system | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
hydroel.st.all day hot water supply system全日热水供应系统
agric., tech.automatic water supply system with electric heating and forced circulating电加温强迫循环[的]自动供水系统
tech.building water-supply system房屋供水系统
tech.building-supply water system房屋供水系统
hydroel.st.central hot water supply system集中热水供应系统
tech.check valve for water supply system压力管止回阀
met.closed water supply system闭路供水系统
tech.collecting water supply system集中式给水
hydroel.st.collective hot water supply system集中供热水系统
tech.cooling water supply system冷却水供应系统
tech.direct heating hot water supply system直接加热热水供应系统
tech.directional water supply system直接供水方式
tech.distribution system of water supply配水管网
tech.distribution system of water supply自来水配水管网
tech.domestic water supply system生活供水系统
tech.domestic water supply system家庭供水系统
tech.drinking water supply system饮用水供水系统
tech.dual water supply system双给水系统
tech.dual water supply system饮用杂用双水系统
nucl.pow.electric building water supply and drainage system电气厂房给排水系统
railw.fire water supply system消防给水系统
hydroel.st.fixed time hot water supply system定时热水供应系统
nucl.pow.fuel building water supply and drainage system燃料厂房给排水系统
tech.general layout of outdoor water supply and drainage system室外给排水总平面图
railw.hot water supply system热水供应系统
tech.hot-water supply system热水供应系统
hydroel.st.individual hot water supply system分散供热水系统
tech.indoor water supply system室内供水系统
shipb.inspection of water-supply system供水系统检查
tech.intermediate water supply system中水供水系统
spacelaunch site water supply system发射场供水系统
hydroel.st.local hot water supply system局部热水供应系统
tech.local hot water supply system局部热水供应方式
busin.municipal water supply system城市供水系统
tech.municipal water supply system城市自来水
tech.open system of hot water supply敞开式热水供应系统
tech.open system of hot water supply开式热水供应系统
nucl.pow.other BOP building water supply and drainage system其他 BOP 厂房给排水系统
railw.performance test of water supply system供水系统性能试验
tech.permanent water supply system固定供水竖管系统
tech.pneumatic water supply system气压给水系统
tech.pneumatic water supply system压气供水系统
tech.port water supply system港口给水系统
hydroel.st.Principle diagram of cooling water supply system技术供水系统图
hydroel.st.Principle diagram of firefighting water supply system消防供水系统图
tech.private water supply system专用供水系统
tech.private water supply system非公用给水系统
hydroel.st.Process and layout for water supply system供水系统工艺及布置图
tech.production water supply system生产供水系统
tech.production water supply system生产用水系统
tech.public water supply system公共给水系统
nucl.pow.reactor building water supply and drainage system反应堆厂房给排水系统
tech.reducing valve for water supply system压力管减压阀
refrig.reducing valve for water supply system供水系统减压阀
tech.regional water supply system区域供水系统
tech.regional water supply system区域给水系统
construct.separate water supply system分区给水系统
tech.separate water supply system分区给水系统
oilseparate water supply system分区供水系统
ecol.separate water supply system分开供水系统
el.service water supply system厂用水供给系统
tech.simple water-supply system简易给水系统
tech.single-pipe hot water supply system单管热水供暖系统
tech.small water supply system简易供水系统
tech.small water supply system小型供水系统
shipb.survey of water-supply system供水系统检验
met.system of water supply供水系统
met.system of water supply给水系统
tech.system of water supply regulator给水调节器系统
tech.tank system of water supply水箱供水
railw.temporary high-pressure water supply system临时高压给水系统
tech.urban water supply system城市给水系统
tech.urban water supply system城市供水系统
tech.water hammer of heat-supply system供热系统水击
tech.water supply and drainage and fire fighting system给排水及消防系统
proj.manag.water supply and drainage system给水排水系统
hydroel.st.water supply and sewerage system给排水
spacewater supply system供水系统
tech.water supply system给水工程
hydroel.st.water supply system给水系统
tech.water supply system上水系统
tech.water supply system appurtenances给水系统附属设备
el.water supply system diagram供水系统图
hydroel.st.water supply system for construction施工供水系统
met.water supply system for slab caster板坯连铸机供水系统
tech.water supply system rehabilitation给水系统恢复能力
tech.water supply treatment system给水处理系统
water.res.water-supply system供水系统
tech.water-supply system by elevated tank高架水箱供水方式
el.water-supply systems供水系统
railw.water-supply upward and backwater downward system上供下回式系统