
Terms containing water-plane | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.area of water plane吃水线面积
tech.area of water plane水线面面积
nautic., tech.area-adjustable small water-plane area twin hull可调面积小水线面双体船
tech.centre of water plane水线面浸水部分中心
tech.coefficient of water plane水线面积系数
shipb.coefficient of water plane inertia, longitudinal水面纵向惯性系数
shipb.coefficient of water plane inertia, transverse水面横向惯性系数
shipb.coefficient of water-plane inertia, longitudinal水面纵向惯性系数
shipb.coefficient of water-plane inertia, transverse水面横向惯性系数
nautic., tech.curve of areas of water-planes水线面面积曲线
tech.curve of center of gravity of water plane漂心曲线
tech.curve of water plane area水线面面积曲线
nautic., tech.curve of water-plane coefficients水线面系数曲线
tech.ground water plane地下水面
tech.heeled water plane倾侧水线面【船】
tech.high water plane高水面
tech.load water plane满载水线面
gen.load water plane载货水线面船舶的
tech.load water plane area满载水线面积
geol.low-water plane低潮面
tech.low-water plane低水位面
gen.low water plane低位水线面
tech.moment of area of water plane水平面面积力矩
tech.plane surface circumscribed by the water line水线定界线的平面
nautic., tech.semi-submerged small-water-plane area ship小水线面半潜船
nautic., tech.small water-plane area twin hull非高速小水线面双体船
nautic., tech.small water-plane area twin-hull ship小水线面双体船
tech.water plane吃水面
tech.water plane指地下水潜水面
eng.geol.water plane潜水面
eng.geol.water plane地下水面
oilwater plane水线面
tech.water plane水工建筑物等的水线平面
tech.water plane水上飞机
tech.water plane水位
desert.water plane水面
navig.water plane area水线面面积
tech.water plane area水工建筑物等的水线平面面积
tech.water plane coefficient水线面系数
tech.water plane coefficient满载水线面面积系数
nautic., tech.water-plane水线面