
Terms for subject Water resources containing water pollution | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
American Water Pollution Control Federation now American Water Environment Federation美国水污染控制联合会现名美国水环境联合会
anthropogenic nonpoint pollution source of water body水体人为非点污染源
assessment model of water body pollution source水体污染源评价模型
avoidance of water pollution水免污染
bioassessment of water pollution水污染生物评价
biological evaluation of river water pollution河水污染生物学评价
biological monitoring of water pollution水污染生物监测
detailed regulations for implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China of prevention and control of water pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制法实施细则
diffusion source of water pollution扩散水污染源
discharge of pollution to ground water排污地下水
domestic source of water pollution水污染生活源
ecological effect of water pollution水污染生态效应
Federal Water Pollution Control Act美国联邦水污染控制法
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments美国联邦水污染控制法修正案
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration USDI美国内政部联邦水污染控制管理局现改名为美国环境保护局联邦水质管理局
indicator bacteria of water fecal pollution水体粪污染指示菌
industrial source of water pollution水污染工业源
industrial water pollution工业水污染
integrated water pollution control水污染综合控制
Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation水污染控制联合会会刊美国
law of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of water pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制法
management measure of water body pollution source水体污染源管理措施
management of water body pollution source水体污染源管理
man-made source of water pollution水污染人为源
mobile monitoring station fbr water pollution水污染流动监测站
municipal water pollution城市水污染
National Water Pollution Control Act美国国家水污染控制法令 (US, 1972年制订,1977年修订)
natural source of water pollution水污染自然源
nonpoint source pollution model of water body水体非点源污染模型
nonpoint source water pollution非点污染源水污染
pollution of water body by algae水体藻类污染
remote sensing of water pollution水污染遥感
secondary pollution of water body水体二次污染
sources of ground-water pollution地下水污染源
stationary monitoring station fbr water pollution水污染固定监测站
sustainable protection of water resources against pollution可持续抗污染水资源保护
water body pollution by pathogen病原体水体污染
Water Pollution Control Administration USDI水污染控制管理局美国内政部
water pollution control and rehabilitation水污染控制与治理
water pollution control regulation水污染控制法规
water pollution control strategy水污染控制对策
water pollution from strip-mining露天采矿水污染
water pollution prone pesticide易使水污染的农药
water resources pollution水资源污染