
Terms containing watch | all forms | exact matches only
ecol.a meteorological watch区域气象监视
econ.a watch-dog committee监督委员会
gen.a watch has got to stand shocks表要经得起震动
shipb.accumulator watch电池手表
tech.afternoon watch午后班
UN, AIDS.AIDS Watch Africa艾滋病观察在非洲
tech.aircraft watch航空表
tech.alarm watch带闹手表
shipb.alarm watch报警表
tech.alloy watch band合金表带
tech.anchor watch值锚更
tech.anchor watch锚更【船】
wind.anemometer with stop-watch停表风速表
tech.anemometer with stop watch带停表的风速表
tech.area meteorological watch区域气象监视
gen.As well as television and music, I enjoy going to the theatre to watch plays除了听音乐和看电视,我还喜欢去剧院欣赏戏剧
tech.astronomic watch测天表
tech.astronomical watch测天表
tech.automatic watch自动手表
shipb.automatic watch-keeping equipment自动检测装置
nautic., tech.automatic watch keeping equipment自动监测装置
textileautomatic winding watch自动手表
auto.automobile watch汽车用时钟
tech.balance-wheel watch摆轮游丝表
gen.be off watch在〔不在〕值班〔值勤〕
gen.be on the watch for等待〔着〕
gen.be on the watch for看守 〔监视,提防〕着
gen.be on watch在〔不在〕值班〔值勤〕
gen.Before you watch it, please read the following synopsis to help you understand it better在看影片之前建议你先看看下面的剧情简介,以帮助你更好地理解
tech.blue watch第三班 (船上值班表)
tech.brass watch case黄铜表壳
nautic., tech.bridge navigation watch alarm system驾驶室航行值班报警系统
tech.calendar day and date watch双历手表
tech.calendar watch日历手表
securit.call watch赎回观察
gen.Can you tell me something about the after sales service of this watch?你能告诉我这款手表的售后服务有哪些吗?
tech.chronograph stop watch记时停表
tech.chronograph watch精密记时表
tech.chronometer watch天文表
tech.chronometer watch天文比对表
tech.chronometer watch测天表
ecol.climate watch气候监视
tech.climax watch气候监视
interntl.trade.clock and watch company钟表行
econ.clock and watch shop钟表店
busin.clock & watch company钟表公司
gen.clocks and watches钟表
gen.clocks and watches二十四、钟表
sport, bask.close watch盯人防守
met.cold-rolled stainless steel strip for wrist watch手表用不锈钢冷轧钢带
tech.comparing watch比较表 (指仪表)
telecom.continuous communication watch连续通信监视
fisherycontinuous watch连续监视
gen.continuous watch连续值班
gen.continuous watch连续监听
fin.credit watch资信警告
securit.credit watch信用监督
fin.credit watch list资信观察名单
securit.credit watch list资信调查表
tech.crystal-oscillator watch石英电子手表
entomol.death-watch报死窃蠢 Anobium domesticum
tech.death watch beetle侵蚀木材的小甲虫
entomol.death watch beetle具斑窃蠹 Anobium punctatum
tech.death watch beetle根死甲虫
biol.death-watches窃虫科 (Atropidae; Trogiidae)
biol.death-watches窃蠹科 (Anobiidae)
tech.deck watch船表
navig.deck watch甲板值班
tech.deck watch舱面值班
tech.deck watch精密航海表
tech.digital watch数字显示式电子表
shipb.digital watch circuitry数字式手表电路
tech.distance recording watch记步记距两用表
tech.dog watch二时班
tech.dog watch夜值
tech.dog watch first前二班时
tech.dogging the watch折半轮班
tech.dogging watch二时班
sport.double hand stop-watch双针秒表
textiledress watch礼服表
UN, ecol.drought watch旱情监视
dril.dry watch停钻期看井
gen.Dunhill, a famous British brand, produces menswear, leather goods, lighters, pipes, watches, and men's jewelry and so on登喜路是英国著名品牌,产品包括男装、皮具、打火机、烟斗、手表、男用饰品等
tech.earth watch program全球环境监测计划
tech.earth watch programme全球环境监测计划
tech.electric stop watch电秒表
tech.electrical stop watch电秒表
tech.electronic watch电子表
tech.electronics watch电子手表
tech.enclosed watch密封表
ecol.energy watch能源监察
manag.entrances and watch towers出入口与瞭望台
gen.experience with a stop watch使用停方面的经验
textilefashion watch时装表
textilefashion watch流行手表
tech.fire watch防火检查
tech.fire watch消防巡查
agric.fire watch tower防火瞭望台
tech.first night watch第一夜班 (下午8~12点)
tech.first night watch头班
tech.first watch头班
fisheryfish watch鱼类观赏
desert.flash flood watch洪水守视
avia.flash flood watch暴洪监视
avia.flight watch空中警戒
avia.flight watch飞行观察哨 (在频率为 122.0MHz 的空地联系中用来标明能提供中途飞行咨询服务的飞行服务站的一种简称,如Delhi Flight Watch - (德里飞行观察哨))
avia.flight watch空中守听 (用122兆周保持与飞行服务站接触,以便进行航线飞行咨询服务)
avia.flight watch area空中警戒区
tech.forenoon watch午前班
tech.full stainless steel watch全钢表
tech.full-plate watch整圆夹板的表
tech.fully automatic watch全自动表
sport.game watch秒表
sport.game watch比赛计时表
sport.game watch跑表
sport.game watch比赛用表
tech.gangway watch舷梯值班 (船靠码头时)
tech.gilt watch镀金表
org.name.Global Atmosphere Watch全球大气监视网
UN, clim.Global Atmosphere Watch全球大气观测
environ.global atmosphere watch全球大气监视
tech.gold-plated watch bracelet镀金表链
shipb.hack watch精密航海表
tech.hack watch船表
tech.hack watch航行表
nautic.hack watch停表
tech.hand winding watch手动上条表
tech.He had the jeweler engrave his name on the back of the watch他请珠宝匠把他的名字刻在手表背面
tech.heel-and-toe watches轮流值班
tech.high-frequency watch高频手表
securit.hold breath to watch stock market屏气凝神注视着股市
telecom.hours of watch监视时间
telecom.hours of watch守听时间
tech.hunting case watch密面表
gen.I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
gen.I'll watch over your bag while you use the bathroom你上洗手间时,我会留意你的袋子
gen.important things to watch遵循的要点
tech.independent seconds watch每秒一跳秒表
avia.International Airways Volcano Watch国际航路火山灰观察
tech.International Radio Watch-keeping Period国际无线电工作时间表
securit.investment watch list投资监督名单
securit.investment watch list投资监督表
tech.job watch秒表 (代替天文钟测天用)
comp., net.junk mail watch垃圾邮件监测
interntl.trade.keep watch留心
interntl.trade.keep watch注意
gen.keep watch值班
gen.keep watch注意 (for)
gen.keep watch看守
gen.keep watch and ward日夜警卫
gen.keep watch and ward日夜〔不断〕监视
sport.keep watch on监视
tech.keyless watch不上发条表
tech.keyless watch无钥匙表
tech.left-handed watch左表
tech.lens watch透镜深度规
tech.liquid crystal watch液晶表
telecom.listening watch监听值守无线通信
construct.luminous dial wrist watch夜光字盘手
tech.luminous dial wrist watch夜明盘手表
sport.luminous watch夜光表
gen.maintain close watch over machinery developments密切注意机械工业发展动态
tech.mate of the watch舱面值日员
sport.mechanical watch机械表
gen.men watch式手
avia.meteorogical watch office气象监视台
tech.meteorologic watch office气象监视台
earth.sc.meteorological watch气象监视
desert.meteorological watch office气象监视台
tech.middle watch半夜班
tech.middle watch午夜值班
tech.middle watch夜值
tech.moon watch人卫监视
tech.moon watch月球观察
tech.mooring watch早班
nautic.morning watch早班值勤上午四时至八时
tech.multifunction watch多功能手表
tech.multiple shot contact watch多点测斜仪钟表
tech.multipurpose watch多用途手表
gen.My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子
earth.sc.National Weather Watch Project JMA国家天气监视计划日本气象厅
tech.navigation watch航行值班
tech.navigation watch航海值班
tech.navigator watch领航表
tech.non-magnetic watch防磁手表
tech.observation watch观测表
tech.officer of the watch值班驾驶员
tech.officer on watch值班驾驶员
tech.oil for watch手表油
tech.on watch值班
gen.People like to watch spectacular action films, comedies and horror films in groups and will abandon their televisions and mobile phones人们乐意成群结队去观赏大场面的动作片、喜剧片或恐怖片,并愿意为此将自家的电视机、手机搁在一边
textilepocket watch挂表
tech.pocket watch袖珍式表
tech.press for fitting watch glass装表玻璃压力器
tech.protective cap watch带防护罩的表 (测斜仪)
tech.quarter watch四班轮值
tech.quartz analog watch模拟石英表
tech.quartz analogue watch模拟石英表
tech.quartz crystal electronic watch石英晶体电子表
tech.quartz electronic watch石英电子表
tech.quartz watch石英表
tech.quartz watch tester石英表校表仪
tech.quartz watch with liquid crystal display液晶显示石英手表
tech.quartz-crystal watch石英电子手表
sport.race against the watch计时赛
tech.radar watch雷达监视
tech.radio watch值班
mil., air.def.radio watch无线电值班
shipb.radio watch值班报务员
tech.radioluminescent watch夜光表
tech.repeating watch打簧表
tech.rolled gold watch包金表
tech.sand-watch structure沙漏构造
tech.sand-watch structure沙钟构造
tech.scanning watch搜索守所
sport.sealed watch盲表
multimed.search engine watch搜索引擎观察
tech.second setting deck watch测天用秒表
tech.second stop watch停表
tech.self-winding watch自动手表
tech.self-winding watch自上发条表
tech.semi-automatic watch半自动表
gen.set a watch上〔对〕表
tech.set the watch布置值班
avia.severe weather watch恶劣天气监视
tech.shock-proof watch防振表
tech.sidereal watch天文表
tech.solar watch太阳能表
railw.soundproof watch window隔音观察窗
textilesouvenir watch纪念表
tech.special watch case专用表壳
gen.split-second watch双秒针停表
textilesports watch休闲表
textilesports watch运动手表
tech.stainless steel watch不锈钢表
tech.stainless steel watch band不锈钢表带
tech.stainless steel watch case不锈钢表壳
tech.stainless steel watch case blank不锈钢表壳粗坯
sport.start the watch开表
sport.start the watch开动码表
sport.start the watch按动秒表
securit.stock watch automatic tracking股票监察自动跟踪系统
sport.stop the watch停表
tech.stop watch记秒表
tech.stop watch跑表
econ.stop watch开关表
econ.stop watch秒表
auto.stop watch
auto.stop watch计时器
econ.stop watch码表
agric.stop watch针秒表
tech.stop watch停表
tech.stop watch马表
tech.stop watch cycle time秒表循环时间
auto.stop watch figure秒表读数
tech.stop watch reading秒表读数
nurs.stop-watch test秒表检查
busin.stop watch time码表计时
busin.stop watch time method码表计时法
busin.stop watch time study秒表测时研究
manag.stop watch timing马表测时
nautic., tech.Sub-committee on Standard of Training and Watch-keeping培训和值班标准分委员会
tech.submersion watch潜水表
textilesweethearts watch情侣表
textilesweethearts watches情侣表
gen.Swiss-made watches are internationally acknowledged to be the finest products in the world瑞士手表是国际公认的世界最好的产品
gen.That is very nice! John, go and bring Elsa from her room. She hasn? t a watch那太好了!约翰,去把艾尔莎从她的房间里叫出来。她没有表
econ.The Swiss watch is worth $58这只瑞士表价值 58 美元
sport.The visual pass is a baton pass in a relay race in which the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass in completed视接法是接力赛跑时的一种传接棒方法—接棒人注视着传棒人直到整个传接棒动作的完成
gen.The watch can be returned for repair under warranty这手表在保修期间可以退回维修
gen.the watch gains half a minute a day这表每天快半分钟
gen.The watch is exchangeable if it is not satisfactory within one month, and it has a five-year guarantee这个手表如不合意可在一个月内更换,同时享有五年的保修期
gen.the watch is five minutes fast这表快五分钟
gen.the watch is gains这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is has gained ten minutes since yesterday这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is has run down这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is is fast这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is is right这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is is wrong这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is loses这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
gen.the watch is slow这表慢了〔快了,准,不准,走快了,走慢了,停了,从昨天起快了十分钟〕
econ.The watch is sold with a twelve-month guarantee此表出售的保证期为12个月
gen.The watch was only plated gold, so it is cheap这块表只是镀金的,所以很便宜
gen.The watch was priced at $200这只手表标价二百美兀
tech.third watch第三班 (船上值班表)
tech.three-watch system三班轮值制
tech.three-quarter plate watch四分之三夹板表
manag.time study watch时间研究用表
busin.time study watch时间研究表
sport, bask.time-out watch暂停或换人计时表
sport, bask.time-out watch暂停计时表
tech.timing watch钟表机构 (测斜仪)
tech.tire pressure watch轮胎压力表
tech.tourbillon watch旋转机构表
earth.sc.trace watch unit跟踪监视仪
tech.vacuum watch真空表
UN, polit.wanted and watch-list通缉和监察名单
gen.watch a film看电视〔电影〕
nautic., tech.watch alarm值班报警
footb.watch an opponent盯人
tech.watch and duty list值勤名单
tech.watch bell报时钟声
tech.watch bill值班表
tech.watch boat巡逻船
tech.watch boat警戒艇
tech.watch boat巡逻艇
tech.watch-bottom thread-ing lathe表后盖螺纹车床
tech.watch box守望亭
tech.watch box岗亭
tech.watch buoy临时信号浮标
tech.watch buoy标位浮标
tech.watch buoy注意浮标
archit.watch cap导烟罩
tech.watch cap导烟帽
tech.watch cap烟囱罩
tech.watch case钟表表壳
tech.watch-case mold表壳式压模
tech.watch-case mould表壳式压模
tech.watch chain表链
tech.watch compass怀表式罗盘
tech.watch compass罗盘表
geol.watch continued继续观察
tech.watch correction船表改正量
tech.watch correction船钟改正量
tech.watch crystal表面玻璃
archit.watch crystal玻璃
tech.watch crystal表面皿
steel.watch dog监控器
agric.watch dog守望犬
expl.watch dog监控装置
anim.husb.watch dog信号器
agric.watch dog警犬
manag.watch-dog committee监督委员会
agric.watch-dog pulse监视脉冲
auto.watch dog timer监控定时器
met.watch-dog timer监视时钟
agric.watch-dog timer监视计时器
avia.watch dog timer监视计时器
avia.watch dog timer监视定时器
auto.watch door dog看门狗加密软件别称
tech.watch engineer值班轮机员
tech.watch engineer room值班轮机员室
tech.watch error船钟误差
tech.watch error手表误差
gen.watch for注视
gen.watch for提防
gen.watch for等待
desert.watch glass表面玻璃 (实验室用浅凹玻璃器皿)
agric.watch glass表面皿{显技}
tech.watch glass玻璃
met.watch glass表玻璃
met.watch glass表面玻璃
desert.watch glass表面皿
tech.watch glass clamps表面皿夹
life.sc.watch glass culture表面皿培养
tech.watch glass method表玻璃法
tech.watch glass size表玻璃大小
agric.watch glass technique表玻璃技术
gen.watch glass test表面玻璃试验
tech.watch holder手表调整台
tech.watch house哨所
tech.watch house值班室
tech.watch house守望所
construct.watch house哨〔守望〕所
tech.watch house警察驻勤点
tech.watch house岗房
tech.watch keeper值班
econ.Watch List关注名单
econ.Watch List调査名单
securit.watch list被查证券名单
fin.watch list观察名单
securit.watch list监视名单
archit.watch loft屋顶瞭望所
tech.watch loft阁楼瞭望所
tech.watch log监控设备
chem.watch lubricant钟表润滑油
tech.watch lubricant钟表油
tech.watch-maker's lathe钟表车床
tech.watch-maker's oil钟表油
tech.watch-maker's shop钟表店
gen.watch master监视录音
gen.watch master监工员
outd.Watch me!注意!
securit.watch my number代为观看公告牌号码经纪商在离开交易现场时,请另一经纪商察看其公司号码是否出现在公告牌上,如出现,他要帮忙到场内的交易室去办理相关事宜
shipb.watch navigator值班驾驶员
tech.watch officer值班驾驶员
tech.watch officer值班员
chem.watch -maker's oil钟表润滑油
chem.watch-maker's oil钟表润滑油
gen.watch oil钟表〔机器〕油
tech.watch on deck舱面值班
busin.watch on one's time等待时机
gen.watch one's opportunity伺机
gen.watch one's opportunity等待时机
gen.watch out监视 (for)
gen.watch out警惕 (for)
gen.watch out提防 (for)
gen.watch out戒备 (for)
sumo.watch out紧张对视
gen.watch out密切注意 (for)
gen.watch out留神 (for)
gen.Watch out! You will hit that car if you're not careful小心!不然你会撞车的
gen.watch over照管
gen.watch over守卫
environ.watch over监 〔注〕视
gen.watch over照看
desert.watch power守望台
desert.watch power烽燧
tech.watch-quench tank水淬槽
tech.watch rate日差率
tech.watch rate recorder校表仪
radiowatch receiver受话器
radiowatch receiver耳机
radiowatch receiver听筒
textilewatch ribbon表缎带
tech.watch room值班室
tech.watch room警卫室
tech.watch section测斜仪钟表机构
auto.watch service遵守汽车机器维护规则和周期
tech.watch spring表的发条
met.watch spring steel钟表弹簧钢
tech.watch system值班制度
tech.watch tackle轻便绞辘
tech.watch tackle预备副滑车
gen.watch television看电视〔电影〕
otorhinol.watch test秒表检查
nurs.watch test表试验
otorhinol.watch test表[声]试验
tech.watch test表声试验
commer.watch the market situation注意市场形势
gen.watch the train pass by看着火车开过去
nautic.watch one's time伺机
nautic.watch one's time等待时机
sport.watch to ¹⁄₁₀ sec1/10 秒的秒表
tech.watch tower瞭望塔
tech.watch tower岗楼
tech.watch tower望楼
tech.watch tower消防了望楼
tech.watch tower守望台
agric.watch tower观象塔
tech.watch tower瞭望台
gen.watch tower了望塔
archit.watch turret墙外吊楼
archit.watch turret瞭望台
tech.watch turret看守角塔
earth.sc.watch/warning preparedness system天气监视与警报系统
tech.watch winding stem测斜仪钟表上弦手把
met.watch window维护孔
met.watch window窥视孔
auto.watch window检查窗口,孔
interntl.trade.watch your valuables各自当心
interntl.trade.watch your valuables贵重物品
econ.Watch your valuables当心贵重物品
textilewater resistant watch防水表
tech.water-resistant watch防水表
tech.water-tight watch case水密性表壳
earth.sc.weather watch天气观测
earth.sc.weather watch天气监视
gen.what time is it by your watch你的表是什么时间了
gen.What's the make of your watch?你的手表是什么牌子的?
sport.When using the visual pass, the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass is completed使用视接法时、接棒人注视着传棒人、直到完成交接棒为止
gen.wind a watch上〔对〕表
ecol.Wise-Watch Plan in Western China西部金睛行动
busin.work sampling stop watch工作抽查马表
earth.sc.World Forest Watch世界林业监视〔网〕
UNworld ocean watch世界海洋观测
desert.World Watch Institute世界卫士研究所 (1974年成立,研究分析全球问题。地址:美国华盛顿)
gen.World Watch Institute世界观察研究所美国
zool.world watch list世界监测清单
UNWorld Watch List of Endangered Livestock Breeds濒危牲畜品种世界监测清单
shipb.world weather watch世界气象观测
desert.World Weather Watch世界天气监视网 (WWW)
tech.world weather watch世界天气监测网
environ.world weather watch全球天气监测
org.name.World Weather Watch世界天气监视网
earth.sc.world weather watch世界天气监视〔网〕
gen.World Weather Watch世無天及监视网
tech.wrist watch手表
gen.wrist watch腕表
tech.wrist-watch dial locating pin welding machine表盘焊钉机
gen.wristlet watch手表
gen.You are allowed £100 duty-free, so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit我们允许您携带100英镑的免税品,所以您不必为您的手表和衣服上税了
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