
Terms containing wash and wear | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
textilefabric wash and wear织物洗可穿性
textilewash and wear免烫服装
textilewash and wear洗可穿服装
textilewash and wear洗即穿
textilewash and wear洗可穿
oilwash and wear洗涤和磨损
textilewash and wear免烫
textilewash and wear免熨烫
gen.wash and wear洗后不烫就平
textilewash and wear cycle洗可穿周期
chem.wash and wear fabrics洗可穿织物免熨
chem.wash and wear fabrics耐洗不皱织物
textilewash and wear finish免烫整理
textilewash and wear finish洗可穿整理
polym.wash and wear finish洗可穿织物
textilewash and wear finish防缩防皱整理
polym.wash and wear finish免烫织物
textilewash and wear finishing永久定形熨烫
textilewash and wear hairstyle永久卷曲发型
textilewash and wear properties洗可穿性能
polym.wash and wear rating免烫性等级
textilewash and wear suit免烫
textilewash and wear suit洗可穿
textilewash and wear suit洗可穿服装
exhib.wash-and-wear fabrics免熨面料