
Terms for subject International trade containing warranty | all forms | exact matches only
absolute warranty of seaworthiness绝对的适航保证
absolute warranty of seaworthiness绝对适航保证
average warranty部分损失免赔率条款
Baltic ice warranty波罗的海结冰期保证条款
breach of trading warranty违反航行范围保证
breach of warranty违反保证
breach of warranty of authority违反有代理权的保证
condition and warranties要件与随附条件
conditions and warranties要件与随附条件
equipment warranty设备的保证
exceptive warranty例外保证
express warranty[保] 明示保证
floating warranty合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合同当事人履行的保证义务
implied warranty间接担保
implied warranty暗中担保
implied warranty默示保证
implied warranty默示的保证
Institute warranties伦敦学会保证条款
product warranties产品保证书
product warranties产品保单
sailing warranty航行特款
sailing warranty航行保证
trading warranty航行范围保证
trading warranty遵守船舶装运货物种类规定的保证
warranty bond担保书
warranty bond保单
warranty card保单
warranty clause保证条款
warranty for goods purchased产品保证
warranty of attorney委任律师出庭辩护者
warranty of attorney授权代理者
warranty of authority代理人的越权行为本人对代理人的有关行为不负责
warranty of merchandise purchased赚得货物的保证
warranty of seaworthiness适航保证