
Terms for subject International trade containing warehouse | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural warehouse农业仓库
automated rack-type warehouse自动架式仓库
automated rack-type warehouses自动架式仓库
bonded warehouse关栈仓库
bulk storage warehouse散装货仓库
cold storage warehouse冷冻仓库
commercial warehouse商用仓库
commercial warehouse营业仓库
consignee's warehouses收货人仓库
consignment warehouse寄销仓库
cotton warehouse棉花堆栈
custodial warehouse保管仓库
declaration for warehouse进关栈报单
delivery ex-warehouse仓库前交货
dock warehouse receipt堆栈收货证据
dock warehouse receipt仓库收领证据
ex bond warehouse保税仓库交货价
ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid买方关栈交货价格
ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty paid完税后货栈交货价格
ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty unpaid未完税买方货栈交货价格
ex seller’s warehouse卖方仓库交货价格
ex warehouse仓库交货价
ex warehouse卖方仓库交货价
ex warehouse price仓库交货价格
ex warehouse terms仓库交货条件
field warehouse company存货抵押公司
field warehouse receipts存货抵押清单
free warehouse空闲着的仓库
free warehouse自由仓库
Institute Warehouse to Warehouse Clause伦敦学会仓至仓条款
institute warehouse to Warehouse clause实行仓至仓条款
joint-locked warehouse连锁仓库
King's Warehouse〈英〉海关保管没收货物的仓库
king's warehouse海关保管没收货物的仓库
licensed warehouse保税仓库
negotiable warehouse receipts可转让仓单
profit and loss form warehouses or godowns货栈损益
profit and loss of warehouses or godowns货栈损益
public warehouse公共仓库
risk of warehouse to warehouse仓至仓险
transit warehouse中转仓库
warehouse bond入库保税品
warehouse certificate仓库栈单
warehouse price仓库价格
warehouse receipt仓单
warehouse receipt clause仓单条款
warehouse receipt clause仓库条款
warehouse tally仓库理货
warehouse to warehouse仓至仓运输
warehouse to warehouse clause仓至仓条款
warehouse-to-warehouse cover仓至仓保险
warehouse warrant栈单
warehouse warrant仓库单
warehouse warrant仓库栈单