
Terms for subject Economy containing warehouse | all forms | exact matches only
a material issuing warehouse发料仓库
a permit for warehouse税关入库许可证
A printer hires men to handle paper from cars to the warehouse印刷商雇人把纸从车上搬运到仓库
American Warehouse Association美国仓库业协会
an agricultural warehouse农业仓库
application for opening bonded warehouse申请未办完进口手续的货物临时存入保税仓库
bonded manufactoring warehouse保税工厂
bonded store licensed warehouse保税关栈
bonded store licensed warehouse保税仓库
bonded warehouse关栈
bonded warehouse海关保税库
cash-and-carry, warehouse现金结算发货仓库
circulating warehouse receipt可流动仓单
consignment warehouse寄售仓库
credit against warehouse receipt以仓库收据为担保的信用
credit against warehouse receipt仓库收据抵押信贷
credit against warehouse receipt以存货为担保的放款
credit against warehouse receipts以仓库收据为担保的信用
credit against warehouse receipts仓库收据抵押信贷
credit against warehouse receipts以存货为担保的放款
declaration for warehouse关栈报单
delivery ex warehouse仓库交货
dock warehouse receipt码头仓库收领证据
ex bonded warehouse关栈交货
ex bonded warehouse关仓交货
ex bonded warehouse关仓交货价
ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid完税后买方关栈交货价
ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid未完税买方关栈交货
ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid买方保税关栈交货价格…关税未付
ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid未完税的买方关栈交货价
ex seller's warehouse卖方仓库交货 (价)
ex sellers' warehouse卖方交货仓库
ex warehouse拉丁语仓库交货价格
ex warehouse卖方仓库交货 (价)
ex warehouse仓库交货价格
ex. warehouse仓库交货
exchange warehouse仓库交货
finished goods warehouse制成品仓库
free warehouse免费送货到买方仓库价
freight warehouse货栈
general order warehouse普通定货仓库
house goods warehouse日用商品仓库
import from bonded warehouse取自保税仓库的进口货
in out warehouse进仓 (出仓)
integration warehouse农业仓库
joint locked warehouse进出口货栈
joint locked warehouse连销保税仓库
joint-locked warehouse联锁保税仓库
King's warehouse英国海关保管扣押货物的仓库
make an inventory of warehouses清仓査库
negotiable warehouse receipt可流通栈单
overflow the warehouse充满仓库
private warehouse私营仓库
public warehouse公开仓库
refrigerated warehouse冷藏库
store in warehouse存仓
the accident in warehouse仓储意外事故
The defective goods will be delivered to your warehouse, carriage forward有缺陷的货物将发送至你们仓库,运费到付
The permit for building the warehouse was granted by the authorities建筑仓库的许可证是当局发给的
the risk of warehouse to warehouse至仓
the warehouse fee仓储费
The warehouse is overstocked with spare parts仓库里的备件存货过多
the warehouse rent包租
the warehouse rent栈租
the warehouse warrant仓单
the warehouse warrant仓库栈单
They filled the warehouse with unsellable goods他们在仓库里堆满了卖不出去的货
They moved the goods into the warehouse which had been vacated several days before他们把货搬进几天前就空出的仓库
trading warehouses贸易货栈
warehouse book仓库登记簿
warehouse capacity仓容量 (储)
warehouse charges仓租
warehouse charges仓储费用
warehouse company货仓公司
warehouse cost仓栈费用
warehouse entry入库
warehouse financing以仓库收据为担保的信用
warehouse financing仓库收据抵押信贷
warehouse financing以存货为担保的放款
warehouse man仓库工作人员
warehouse market货栈市场
warehouse material stores货栈库存物资
warehouse price仓库交货价
warehouse receipt提货单
warehouse receipt仓库收据
warehouse receipt clause仓库收据条款
warehouse service charge仓库服务费
warehouse storage charge仓库费用
warehouse-to-~ cover仓库到仓库保险
warehouse to warehouse库至仓库
W-W warehouse to warehouse保险业用语仓库至仓库 (clause)
warehouse warrant仓库证
We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers我们给仓库增添了 10名部分时间工作制人手
Your price is to include packing and delivery to our warehouse你方价格须包括包装费及运到我方仓库的费用