
Terms containing ware | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a popular ware热门货
econ.a stevedore-ware house man装卸兼仓库管理人
tech.acid-resisting ceramic ware耐酸陶瓷制品
tech.aired ware跑釉
tech.aired ware跑釉制品
tech.alabaster ware雪花瓷器
tech.aluminium ware铝制器皿
tech.aluminum ware铝制器皿
tech.ancient Chinese ware古窑器
tech.antique copper and bronze ware古铜器
econ.application ware适用体
econ.application ware应用件
econ.application ware适用件
tech.artistic ware艺术器皿
tech.asbestos-cement ware石棉水泥制品
tech.asbestos-cement ware石棉水泥器皿
commer.bakery wares焙烤制品
tech.bamboo ware竹器
agric.bamboo ware竹制品
tech.bamboo ware竹节形炻器
tech.basalt ware黑色无釉炻器
tech.basalt ware黑陶器
tech.basket ware网篮式格子体
construct.Belleek ware熔块瓷
construct.Belleek ware伯利克软瓷制品
tech.Belleek ware贝利克瓷
archit.bell-stone ware pipe承插式粗陶瓷接头管
tech.big ware kiln大器窑
tech.biscuit ware素烧器皿
tech.biscuit ware充瓷陶器
tech.black Chien ware黑建陶
tech.black ware黑色陶器
tech.bodiless ware脱胎器
tech.Bottger ware深红色炻器
tech.brass ware黄铜器 (皿)
tech.brass-ware wire黄铜器皿丝
archit.brick ware陶砖
tech.brick ware陶块
tech.brick ware陶砖
anim.husb.broken ware废品
tech.bronze ware铜器
tech.bronze ware青铜器
construct.brown ware陶器
archit.brown ware褐色陶制品 (装饰用)
tech.brown ware棕色陶器
tech.brown ware褐色的陶制品
archit.brown ware褐色陶器
tech.brown ware褐色陶器
tech.building ware建筑制品
tech.burned ware烧制品
tech.burnt ware烧成品
tech.burnt ware烧成器皿
tech.cameo ware浮雕器皿
tech.cameo ware有浮雕陶制小装饰品
tech.cane-and-white ware藤色釉白坯陶瓷
tech.carved and inlaid ware雕镶器
tech.carved bamboo ware翻簧竹刻
tech.carved lacquer ware雕漆
tech.carved lacquer ware雕漆器皿
tech.carved ware雕花器皿
tech.carved ware雕刻品
tech.cased hollow ware套料玻璃器皿
tech.cast concrete ware factory浇制混凝土制品工厂
tech.cast ware注浆陶瓷
tech.cast ware浇注制品
tech.cast ware浇铸制品
tech.casting concrete ware浇制混凝土制品
tech.celadon ware青瓷 (一种中国著名的瓷器)
tech.cement asbestos ware水泥石棉器皿
tech.cement asbestos ware水泥石棉制品
tech.ceramic ware陶瓷制品
tech.Chai ware柴窑器
tech.chamot ware火泥制品
tech.chamotte ware火泥制品
tech.champleve enamel ware珐琅器
mil."Charles R.Ware""査尔斯•韦尔" (号驱逐舰(美))
archit.china sanitary ware卫生陶瓷制品
tech.china sanitary wares陶瓷卫生洁具
tech.china sanitary wares卫生陶瓷制品
archit.china wares瓷器
tech.civil ware民窑
tech.clobbered ware加彩瓷器
tech.clouded ware斑纹器皿
tech.coarse sand ware粗砂陶
archit.coarse sand wares粗砂陶
tech.coarse sandy ware粗砂陶
archit.coarse sandy wares粗砂陶
tech.colored lustre ware彩釉制品
tech.coloured lustre ware彩釉制品
tech.combed ware条纹器皿
tech.combed ware带条纹器皿
gen.concoction ware调理用具
tech.concrete hollow ware混凝土空心制品
tech.concrete ware混凝土器皿
tech.concrete ware混凝土制品
tech.concrete-spraying ware喷射混凝土制品
tech.concrete-spraying ware factory喷射混凝土制品厂
tech.cooking ware烹饪器皿
gen.cooking ware烹调用具
tech.copper ware铜器
tech.coralline ware珊瑚色陶器
tech.coralline ware珊瑚瓷
tech.court ware宫廷陶瓷器皿
chem.crackle ware碎纹
tech.cream-colored ware淡黄色器皿
tech.cream-coloured ware淡黄色器皿
tech.Cui-gong ware崖公窑
tech.culinary ware厨房器皿
tech.daily porcelain ware日用陶瓷
tech.daily procelain ware日用瓷器
tech.Damascus ware大马士革器皿 (一种高硅质施釉陶瓷)
tech.decal paper for ceramic ware陶瓷贴花纸
tech.defect ware残次品
tech.deformed ware变形的器皿
wind.degree of ware磨损度
tech.Delft ware德福特陶器 (乳白釉石灰陶器)
tech.Della Robbia ware德拉罗伯陶器 (硬质白色和光壳釉的艺术陶器)
tech.Deruta ware德鲁塔陶器 (用珍珠云母及金属光泽装饰的陶器)
tech.Di ware帝窑
tech.Ding ware定窑器
tech.ding white ware定白
busin.dinner ware食具类
tech.dirty ware粘脏器皿
tech.dolomite earthen-ware白云石陶器
tech.Dong ware董窑
tech.double face ware双面搪瓷器
tech.double-faced ware双釉面瓷器
tech.drainage ware排水制品
tech.earth ware pipe陶土管
agric.earthen ware陶器
agric.earthen-ware box陶制花箱
agric.earthen-ware pipe瓦管
agric.earthen-ware pipe陶管
agric.earthen-ware vessel陶制容器
tech.East European ware东欧窑
tech.electric stone ware电热炻器
tech.electrical stone ware电热炻器
tech.electro ha rd ware电光硬件
tech.enamel sanitary wares卫生搪瓷
archit.enamel ware搪瓷器
tech.enamel ware搪瓷制品
tech.enamel ware搪瓷器 (皿)
consult.enamel ware of daily use日用搪瓷
gen.enanel ware搪瓷器皿
tech.engine-turned ware车旋陶瓷制品
tech.export ware洋器
tech.facing stone ware饰面用石制件
tech.faience ware彩釉陶器
tech.faience ware上釉的陶器
tech.fancy glass ware艺术玻璃器皿
tech.fine sandy clay wares细砂陶器
busin.fine wares at low price物美价廉
busin.fine wares at low prices价廉物美
tech.fireclay sanitary ware耐火黏土卫生器
tech.fireclay ware耐火泥桶
tech.fireclay ware耐火泥制件
tech.firm ware微程序语言
tech.firm ware稳固设备
busin.firm ware软件硬化
tech.firm ware稳固件
tech.firm ware程序包
tech.firm ware固件
tech.first quality ware一级品
tech.five-colored ware五彩器皿
tech.five-coloured ware五彩器皿
tech.flame ware耐火器皿
tech.flame ware厨用玻璃器皿
tech.flame ware耐热玻璃器皿
tech.flame ware烹饪器皿
tech.flameproof ware耐热器皿
tech.flameproof ware防火器皿
chem.flat ware盘碟
chem.flat ware浅皿
avia.flight soft ware飞行软件
econ.Foreign customers are regularly interested in Chinese china ware外国顾客经常对中国瓷器感兴趣
tech.Fujian ware福建瓷
tech.Fukien ware福建瓷
tech.gallery ware地中海各国锡釉陶器
tech.galvanized iron wire knitting ware镀锌铁丝编织品
busin.gift ware礼品
dril.glass ware玻璃器皿
tech.glass ware玻璃制品
tech.glass ware玻璃器具
tech.glass ware玻璃仪器
tech.glass ware washer玻璃制品洗涤器
tech.glazed ware上釉陶瓷器
tech.glazed ware釉面陶管
tech.glazed ware pipe釉面陶瓷管
tech.gloss ware釉皿
tech.glost ware釉皿
tech.glost ware上釉制品
tech.Gombroon ware哥布朗玲珑器皿
tech.goose down ware鹅绒白
tech.graduated ware带刻度器皿
tech.granite ware仿花岗器皿
archit.granite ware有花岗岩纹的器皿
tech.granite ware有花岗岩石纹的器皿
tech.green ware未烧器皿
tech.green ware生坯体
industr.green ware半成品
met.green ware生坯件
tech.green ware
tech.green ware陶坯
archit.green ware生坯
tech.green ware生陶瓷
tech.Guan ware官窑 (器)
busin.guaranteed ware保证商品
tech.Hafner ware哈夫内陶器 (16世纪中期德国的陶器,常制成炉瓦和厚壁容器)
archit.hard refractory ware硬烧耐火器材
gen.hard ware金属器具
dril.hard ware计算机硬件
dril.hard ware机械设备或工具备件
compr.hard ware五金
archit.hard ware金属器皿
gen.hard ware【计】硬件
tech.hard ware硬件
tech.hard ware小五金
gen.hard ware金属器真
gen.hard ware金属制件
archit.hard wares小五金
tech.hard-burned refractory ware硬烧耐火器材
tech.hard-burned refractory ware硬烧耐火制品
tech.heavy clay ware黏土质建材制品
tech.heavy ware重型物件
tech.heavy ware重型车辆
auto.heavy wares重型机械车辆,设备,物件
construct.heavy wares重型物件 (机械,车辆)
busin.heavy wares重型物件
agric.higher order soft ware technology高级软件技术
tech.hollow glass ware空心玻璃制品
tech.hollow ware凹形器皿
tech.hollow ware空心器皿
tech.hollow ware中空器皿
tech.hollow ware glass空心器皿玻璃
tech.hot iron mold ware热模制品
tech.hot iron mould ware热模制品
tech.hotel glass ware玻璃餐具
tech.hotel ware旅馆用品
tech.house ware家庭用品
tech.household wares家用品
tech.household wares家用器具
tech.inlaid lacquer ware镶嵌漆器
tech.iron ware
busin.iron ware五金商品
busin.iron ware五金器具
tech.iron ware铁制品
tech.ironstone ware硬质陶器
archit.ivory wares仿古牙雕 (of imitation antique)
tech.ivory wares牙雕
archit.jade wares玉器
archit.jade-inlaid blackwood wares红木嵌玉石制品
tech.jagged ware-eroded coast崎岖浪蚀崖
tech.jasper ware碧玉细炻器
chem.Jena ware耶那玻璃器
tech.Jena ware耶拿玻璃器
tech.jet-enamelled ware喷涂装饰瓷
tech.jewelled ware宝石光泽瓷器
tech.Jian white ware建白窑
tech.Jian-an ware建安窑
tech.kiln ware窑器
busin.kitchen ware厨房用具
gen.kitchen ware厨具
tech.Ko ware blue on white vase with purple color哥瓷青花加紫瓶
tech.Ko ware blue on white vase with purple colour哥瓷青花加紫瓶
tech.Ko ware blue on white water jar哥瓷青花水盂
tech.Ko ware globular shape vase哥瓷铁箍天球瓶
tech.Ko ware vase with black dragon design哥瓷铁龙瓶
tech.Ko ware vase with double animal ears哥瓷铁箍兽耳瓶
tech.Korean wares高丽窑
agric.lab ware实验室用具
agric.lab ware实验室器具
tech.lacquered ware漆器
tech.lava ware仿熔岩花纹的炻器
tech.lighting glass ware照明玻璃制品
tech.lightweight cast concrete ware轻质混凝土浇铸制品
tech.lightweight precast concrete ware轻质预制混凝土制品
archit.lining stone ware衬面陶瓷
tech.lining ware衬里
tech.locking ware锁门装置
tech.locking ware门用扣件
busin.low price and fine ware物美价廉
tech.machine for decorating rim of ceramic ware陶瓷饰边机
busin.made good on defective ware次货负责退换
busin.made good on defective wares次货负责退换
tech.mass-produced asbestos-cement ware大量生产的石棉水泥制品
tech.mass-produced precast concrete ware大量生产的预浇混凝土制品
tech.mass-produced precast concrete ware批量生产的预制混凝土加工品
tech.mass-produced sintered ware批量生产的烧结制品
agric.meat ware肉食品
anim.husb.meat-ware factory肉食品加工厂
agric.meat-ware factory肉食加工厂
tech.meat ware factory肉食加工厂
tech.medium burned refractory ware中等焙烧的耐火瓷器
busin.metal wares金属器皿
gen.microsoft ware微软件
tech.Ming three-colored ware明三彩器
tech.Ming three-coloured ware明三彩器
tech.mullite white ware莫来石瓷
tech.narrow neck ware细颈器皿
tech.Nian ware年窑
tech.normal precast ware正规预制品
tech.Northern Song official ware北宋官窑
tech.obsidian ware深色炻器
tech.official ware关窑 (器)
tech.official ware官窑
tech.once-fired ware一次烧成的制品
tech.once-fired ware一次烧成器皿
tech.ornamental ware陈设器皿
tech.ornamental ware装饰器皿
tech.Ou ware瓯窑
tech.oven-top ware耐热玻璃炊具
tech.oven-to-table ware耐热餐具
tech.Parian ware巴利安瓷器
tech.Parian ware白色瓷器
tech.paste mold ware衬碳模成型的制品
tech.paste mould ware衬碳模成型的制品
tech.pebble ware斑纹陶器
econ.peddle one's old ware贩卖陈货
tech.Persian three colored ware波斯三彩
tech.Persian three coloured ware波斯三彩
agric.plastic ware塑料制品
tech.plastic ware塑料器具
tech.popular ware热门货 (品)
tech.porcelain dinner-ware瓷器餐具
tech.porcelain enamel sanitary wares搪瓷卫生洁具
tech.porcelain enamel ware搪瓷器 (皿)
tech.porcelain ware卫生陶瓷
tech.porcelain wares成套瓷器类货
tech.porous earth ware pipe多孔陶管
adv.potter's ware陶器
tech.pottery ware陶器
tech.pottery ware陶瓷器
tech.pottery ware陶器器皿
tech.press mold ware模压器皿
tech.press mould ware模压器皿
tech.pressed container glass ware压制的玻璃容器
tech.pressed crystal ware压制的晶质玻璃器皿
tech.pressed ware压制器皿
tech.pressed ware压制的制品
tech.pressure ware耐压器皿
gen.push one's wares推销货物
tech.quartz glass ware石英玻璃器皿
tech.quartz ware石英制品
shipb.quartz wares石英制品
tech.queen's ware乳酪色陶瓷器皿
tech.queen's ware上乳白色釉的英国瓷器
tech.queen's ware奶油色陶器
tech.queen's ware精华陶器
tech.Raku ware厚壁茶具
tech.refractory ware耐火器材
tech.reproduction of antique pottery ware仿古陶瓦器
tech.resist ware露花器皿
tech.rough export ware粗面出口器皿
tech.rustic ware粗面器皿
tech.rustic ware田园风光陶器
tech.sacrifice-ware color法华 (指陶器)
tech.sacrifice-ware colour法华 (指陶器)
tech.sacrifice-ware decoration法华 (指陶器)
tech.sacrifice-ware green法翠
tech.sacrifice-ware green法绿 (指陶器)
tech.sacrifice-ware yellow法黄
tech.saltern ware陶瓷制品
tech.salt-glazed ware陶土制品
tech.sanitary fireclay ware卫生洁具
ecol.sanitary ware卫生器皿
chem.sanitary ware卫生陶器
archit.sanitary ware卫生器具
gen.sanitary ware卫生洁具
railw.sanitary ware accessories卫生器具配件
tech.sanitary wares卫生清洁用具
tech.sanitary wares卫生器皿
tech.sanitary wares卫生器具
tech.sanitary wares卫生洁具
tech.sanitary wares卫生陶器
tech.sanitary wares卫生陶瓷
tech.scented ware芳香陶瓷
tech.secret color ware秘色瓷
tech.secret colour ware秘色瓷
tech.semi-bodiless ware半脱胎器
tech.semi-eggshell ware半薄胎器
tech.shadowy blue ware影青瓷
tech.silica ware石英器皿
agric.silk ware丝制品
tech.silver-plated ware镀银器具
tech.single fired ware一次烧成的制品
tech.sintered ware烧结制品
archit.slat-glazed ware陶土制品
tech.slip ware挂浆制品
tech.slip ware彩色泥浆装饰的器皿
tech.slip ware施釉制品
gen.slip ware挂浆〔施釉〕制品
tech.small ware kiln小器窑
busin.small wares日用小商品
busin.small wares小百货
tech.small-size glass ware小型玻璃器皿
busin.soft ware软件
busin.soft wares电脑软件
tech.soft-fired ware轻烧器皿
tech.soft-fired ware软烧器皿
tech.spatter ware斑纹釉艺术陶器
tech.speckled green ware飞青器
tech.speckled ware斑纹器
tech.spike and ware complex棘慢波综合
tech.spike and ware wave棘慢波
busin.spiritual ware and tare精神损耗
tech.splashed ware斑驳器 (带有颜色条纹的陶器)
sport.sporting ware运动器具
sport.sporting ware体育设备
tech.sprigged ware贴有浮雕图样的器皿
tech.sprigged ware印有浮雕图的器皿
agric.stainless steel ware不锈钢器具
tech.stainless steel ware不锈钢器皿
tech.stem-ware automatic forming process高脚杯自动成型法
construct.stone-ware drain陶瓷下水管
tech.stoneware sanitary wares卫生炻器
tech.storage yard and ware house场库
gen.storing ware储藏用具
tech.stovetop ware耐热玻璃炊具
tech.straw ware草织品
tech.stuck ware陶瓷废品
tech.surfacing ware表面修饰制品
archit.table ware餐具
nurs.table-ware sterilization at home家庭食具消毒法.
tech.Tang ware唐窑
tech.Te-Hua ware德化窑瓷
tech.terrazzo ware水磨石制品
tech.terrazzo ware水磨石器皿
econ.The keen competition in the porcelain ware business makes their profit even smaller瓷器业的激烈竞争使他们的获利更小
econ.the popular ware热门货
econ.the soft ware软件
econ.There is a keen demand for bamboo wares竹制品的需求很旺
tech.three-colored ware三彩器皿
tech.three-coloured ware三彩器皿
tech.toilet ware化妆物品
tech.toilet ware洗手间器皿
tech.top-of-stove ware玻璃烹饪器皿
tech.topographic ware风景画陶瓷器皿
tech.topographic ware风景陶瓷器皿
tech.topographical ware风景画陶瓷器皿
tech.topographical ware风景陶瓷器皿
tech.tortoise-shell ware玳瑁斑纹器皿
tech.toughened glass ware强化玻璃器皿
tech.toughened glass ware钢化玻璃器皿
agric.turnery- ware镟制品
tech.unglazed ware无釉陶瓷器皿
tech.Urbino ware乌尔比诺陶器 (意大利)
tech.utility ware日用器皿
tech.variegated ware斑纹玻璃
tech.variegated ware斑纹装饰器皿
tech.vitreous sanitary ware玻化卫生瓷
tech.vitreous ware瓷器
tech.vitreous ware玻璃器具
tech.vitreous ware透明瓷器
tech.vitreous-china sanitary ware瓷质卫生瓷
tech.vitreous-china sanitary ware瓷质卫生器
archit.ware crack木材干裂
tech.ware crack干裂 (木材)
tech.ware glass器皿玻璃
econ.ware house库场 (godown)
econ.ware house货栈 (godown)
econ.ware house仓库 (godown)
econ.ware-house book仓库帐
consult.ware houses and storage仓库房和货栈
steel.ware housing仓库
tech.ware pipe釉陶管
tech.ware pipe排水管
agric.ware potato食用马铃薯
gen.ware wire当心铁丝网
gen.washing ware洗涤用具
gen.We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage我们要检查这批瓷器,看是否有破损
tech.white granite-ware白花岗岩质器皿
archit.white ware白色陶器
tech.wide mouth ware广口制品
tech.willow pattern ware柳叶图案陶瓷器
tech.wood carving wares木雕制品
busin.wooden ware木器制品
tech.Xuande ware宣德窑
tech.yellow ware淡黄色陶瓷器 (皿)
tech.Zang ware藏器
Showing first 500 phrases