
Terms for subject General containing wait | all forms | exact matches only
a little month to wait等待短短的一个月
Could you just wait at the entrance of the hall, sir?您能在大厅门口等着吗,先生?
I am sorry, sir. There has been an error in your bill. Please wait a minute while I correct it对不起,先生,您的账单算错了。请稍候,我马上把它改过来
I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车了
If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准
If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
If you like, you can have some chicken, boiled rather than fried. But you can wait and see如想要,可以要点鸡肉,煮的比炸的好。但您也可以等等看
I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的
I'm wondering if I could reapply. Do I have to wait three to six months before reapplying我想知道我是否还能再次申请签证。我需要等三到六个月才能再次申请吗?
It doesn? t matter. Let's wait until the next time没关系。下次还有机会
lay wait for埋伏以待
lie in wait for埋伏以待
Owing to the air traffic control, we'll wait until a take-off clearance is given由于航空管制,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞
Please stop and wait till I take a picture of the Waterloo Bridge请停车等我照一张滑铁卢大桥照片
Please wait a moment. I'll arrange it for you请稍等,我马上给您安排
repairs done while you wait修理来件立等可取
Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来,还是等等看将会怎样?
The cafeteria is short-handed, so we'll have to wait in line自助餐厅人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候
wait a bit稍等
wait a bit等一下
wait a minute等一等
wait a mo稍等一等
wait a mo等一下
Wait a moment, please. I will transfer it for you请稍等,我将为您转接
wait and see观望
wait and see等着瞧
wait at table侍候用餐
wait for待,候
wait for等待
wait for等候
wait for a solid hour足足等了一个小时
wait for the rain to stop等待雨停
wait in line排队等候
wait on随着…而产生
wait on追随
wait out等到…
wait out等到…的末了
wait till等到之时
wait until等到之时
wait upon随着…而产生
wait upon追随
we can wait no longer我们不能再等了
Well, you still have to wait in line like everyone else那你也还是要和他人一样排队等候
When will it be ready? How long should I wait?何时能做好?还要等多久?
Will passengers please wait in the lounge?请乘客在休息室等候
You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?