
Terms containing wait | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a little month to wait等待短短的一个月
ITactive wait活动等待
tech.active wait主动等待
interntl.trade.adopt a wait-and-see attitude采取观望态度
ITalertable wait可警告等待
econ.As they prefer to wait and see, there is little business activity at present由于他们宁可暂时观望,目前业务活动甚少
tech.average wait per approaching每进口道平均等待时间
spaceaverage wait time平均等待时间
dentist.Can you wait for twenty minutes?您能等二十分钟吗?
el.channel program wait通道程序等待
ITcircular wait循环等待
el.controller active wait state控制器有效等待状态
el.controller synchronous wait state控制器同步等待状态
gen.Could you just wait at the entrance of the hall, sir?您能在大厅门口等着吗,先生?
dentist.Could you wait for a while?您愿意等一会儿吗?
avia.customer wait time客户等待时间
geophys.density and dual wait time密度与双程等候时间
ITdevice wait设备等待
auto.do not wait【动】禁止停车
geophys.dual wait time双程等候时间
el.executive wait time module执行程序等待时间模块
el.expected wait time预期等待时间
tech.hard wait硬等待
gen.I am sorry, sir. There has been an error in your bill. Please wait a minute while I correct it对不起,先生,您的账单算错了。请稍候,我马上把它改过来
gen.I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车了
gen.If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准
gen.If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
gen.If you like, you can have some chicken, boiled rather than fried. But you can wait and see如想要,可以要点鸡肉,煮的比炸的好。但您也可以等等看
gen.I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的
gen.I'm wondering if I could reapply. Do I have to wait three to six months before reapplying我想知道我是否还能再次申请签证。我需要等三到六个月才能再次申请吗?
el.input and wait输人和等待
el.input/output wait queue输人/输出等待队列
gen.It doesn? t matter. Let's wait until the next time没关系。下次还有机会
econ.It seems that he has adopted a wait-and-see attitude看来他采取了观望态度
navig.job wait limit作业等待限制
gen.lay wait for埋伏以待
gen.lie in wait for埋伏以待
el.mean time to wait平均等待时间
tech.multiple wait多重等待
agric.no-wait schedule立即调度
gen.Owing to the air traffic control, we'll wait until a take-off clearance is given由于航空管制,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞
ITpage wait页面等待
telecom.page wait换页等待
dentist.Please put your card on the desk and wait until we call you请把卡放在桌子上等着我叫您
gen.Please stop and wait till I take a picture of the Waterloo Bridge请停车等我照一张滑铁卢大桥照片
busin.please wait请稍等
busin.please wait a little while请稍等
gen.Please wait a moment. I'll arrange it for you请稍等,我马上给您安排
econ.Please wait and see until the price rises and hardens请观望,等到价格涨定时再说
econ.Please wait and see until the situation is favourable for the start请观望,等到有利时机再开始
dentist.Please wait in the waiting room请在候诊室等待
el.processor wait acknowledge处理机等待应答[确认]
oilpull up and wait technique上提候堵法
el.queue wait and link to waiting worker排队等待并链接到等待工作程序
tech.repairs done while you wait即刻修妥
gen.repairs done while you wait修理来件立等可取
gen.Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来,还是等等看将会怎样?
ITsimplex stop-and-wait protocol单工停止等待协议
tech.sit and wait predator坐等捕食者
ITsoft wait软等待
el.stop-and-wait protocol停止等待协议
spacestop-and-wait ARQ停止-等待自动重传
el.stop-and-wait automatic repeat request停止等待自动请求重复
tech.system wait系统等待
el.terminal input/output wait queue终端输人/输出等待队列
ITterminal I/O wait终端输入/输出等待
el.terminal wait终端等待
tech.test wait测试等待
gen.The cafeteria is short-handed, so we'll have to wait in line自助餐厅人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候
econ.The passengers had to wait the storm out at the airport旅客们只得在机场等待暴风雨过去
dentist.The patient before you is a rather complicated case, l'm sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour您前面那个病人情况较复杂。对不起,您至少还得等半个小时
commer.The sellers prefer to wait until the prices harden卖主宁可等待价格趋稳时再出售
econ.They are in urgent need of the goods, they cannot afford to wait他们急需这批货,他们迫不及待
el.time to wait for reassignment/resynchronization重新赋值/再同步等待时间
econ.Under existing conditions, it would be better to wait and see在现实情况下,最好等等再说
ITvirtual wait time虚拟等待时间
gen.wait a bit稍等
gen.wait a bit等一下
gen.wait a minute等一等
gen.wait a mo稍等一等
gen.wait a mo等一下
busin.wait a moment请稍候
busin.wait a moment稍等
dentist.Wait a moment, please请稍等
gen.Wait a moment, please. I will transfer it for you请稍等,我将为您转接
austral., desert.wait a while等待相思树
spacewait acknowledge等待应答
el.wait acknowledge等待确认
telecom.wait acknowledgement等待应答
telecom.wait acknowledgement等待证实
ITwait acknowledgment等待确认
bridge.wait and bid等叫
gen.wait and see观望
gen.wait and see等着瞧
dril.wait and weight kill method等待加重压井法
oilwait and weight method等待加重法
busin.wait-and-see policy观望政策
dril.wait-and-weight method等候加重压井法
gen.wait at table侍候用餐
archit.wait bay避车道
archit.wait bay短时停车湾
telecom.wait before transmission传输前等待
tech.wait before transmission传输延迟
ITwait before transmit发送前等待
el.wait before transmit positive acknowledgement发送肯定前等待
tech.wait before transmit positive acknowledgement确认传输前的等待
tech.wait before transmit positive acknowledgement确认传输延迟
ITwait before transmit positive acknowledgement character发送确认前等待字符
el.wait before transmitting发送前等待
tech.wait bit等待位
spacewait character等待字符
comp., MSwait condition等待條件 (A workflow condition that enables a workflow to block its own execution)
spacewait condition等待条件
tech.wait condition等候条件
telecom.wait cursor沙漏光标MS
gen.wait for等待
gen.wait for待,候
gen.wait for等候
gen.wait for a solid hour足足等了一个小时
econ.wait for account候账
commer.wait for advice from the buyer等待买方通知
bowl.wait for ball position等待最佳出球点
tech.wait for call等待呼唤
tech.wait for dialtone before dialing拨号前等候拨号音
el.wait for input等待输人
geophys.wait for interrupt中断等待
el.wait for interrupt等待中断
mahjong.wait for one necessary tile to win听牌
mahjong.wait for one of the pair to win单钓
el.wait for single event flag单事件等待标志
fin.wait for the account候帐
busin.wait for the account候账
idiom.wait for the cat to jump观望形势后再作决定
gen.wait for the rain to stop等待雨停
el.wait for traffic to clear等待通话终结
mahjong.wait for two tiles to win对碰
gen.wait in line排队等候
busin.wait in queue排队等候
auto.wait light柴油机起动时等待指示灯
tech.wait line problem排队问题
tech.wait list等待表
ITwait loop等待循环例程
ITWAIT macro instruction等待宏指令
gen.wait on随着…而产生
econ.wait on服侍
dril.wait on待命
econ.wait on招待
econ.wait on拜访
oilwait on等待
gen.wait on追随
telecom.wait on busy遇忙等待
dril.wait on cement候凝
dril.wait on water等水
el.wait-on-user-defined event等待用户定义事件
adv.wait order广告待刊通知
gen.wait out等到…
econ.wait out等到…结束
baseb.wait out选击击球员等待好球的战术
baseb.wait out选击
gen.wait out等到…的末了
auto.wait period等候停车,停工时间
tech.wait place短时停车处
el.wait post request block等待事后请求块
el.wait queue element等待队列单元
archit.wait room候诊室
archit.wait room候车
tech.wait routine等待程序
telecom.wait signal等待信号
ITwait state等待状态
telecom.wait state等待状态微处理器的处理周期
tech.wait state bit等待状态位
tech.wait state of process进程的等待状态
spacewait statement等待语句
tech.wait subroutine等待子程序
tech.wait subroutine延时子程序
tech.wait subroutine call延时子程序调用
telecom.wait system等待制
gen.wait till等到之时
ITwait time等待时间
geophys.wait time核磁共振成像测井等待时间
auto.wait time待命时间
auto.wait time候乘时间
tech.wait time limit等待时间限制
ITwait to restore WTR time等待恢复时间
auto.wait to start等待起动
auto.wait to start lamp柴油机预热装置等待起动指示灯
auto.wait-to-glow lamp预热等待指示灯
gen.wait until等到之时
econ.wait up等候着不睡
econ.wait upon拜访
econ.wait upon服侍
econ.wait upon招待
gen.wait upon随着…而产生
gen.wait upon追随
math.waiting line等待线
gen.we can wait no longer我们不能再等了
econ.We had a long wait for our goods ordered last year我们等候去年的订货已很久
dentist.We had better wait until the swelling has gone down待肿胀消退后,我们再拔牙
dentist.We should wait until the symptoms disappear待症状消失后,我们再拔牙
dentist.We will wait about four minutes for the anesthetic to take effect四分钟左右麻药就会起作用
dentist.We will wait for the gums to heal before we take the impressions待牙龈愈合后我们再取模
econ.We would rather wait till the market revives我们宁愿等待市场恢复活跃
econ.We'd better wait and see during the continuance of the unstable market市场继续处于不稳定状态,我们最好持观望态度
commer.We'll wait for a bid from the buyer我们将等待该买主的递盘
gen.Well, you still have to wait in line like everyone else那你也还是要和他人一样排队等候
commer.We're in urgent need of the goods, we cannot afford to wait for long我们急需此货,不可久等
proj.manag.When a process with a graphical interface is executing, its message loop is in a wait state有图形界面的进程在执行时、其消息循环处于等待状态
gen.When will it be ready? How long should I wait?何时能做好?还要等多久?
gen.Will passengers please wait in the lounge?请乘客在休息室等候
el.world wide wait环球等待
multimed.world wide wait全世界在等待
dentist.Would you wait a few minutes?您愿意等几分钟吗?
gen.You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?
multimed.zero wait stale零等待状态
ITzero wait state无等待状态
telecom.zero wait state零等待状态
ITzero-wait state computer零等待状态计算机
el.zero wait state computer零等待状态计算机