
Terms for subject Finances containing wages | all forms | exact matches only
accrued wages应计工资
accrued wages payable应付工资
administration of wage fund工资基金管理
advance wages预付工资
allow a faster rise in wages允许工资加快增长
bonus wages红利工资
bonus wages奖励工资
Chinese staff salaries and wages payable应付中方职工工资
computation of gross wages工资总额的计算
cut wages削减工资
employee's wages and salaries payable应付职工薪酬
foreign staff salaries and wages payable应付外籍职工工资
frozen wage冻结工资
fund destined for the payment of wages支付工资之预备基金
funds destined for the payment of wages支付工资之预备基金
garnished wages扣发工资
garnishee wages扣发债务人的工资
legal minimum wage法定最低工资
money wage rate货币工资率
pay a retaining of guaranteed wage保留工资
pegging wages固定工资
prepay wage预支工资
price-wage spiral物价-工资螺旋式上升
productive wage生产工资
real wages实际工资
real wages实质工资
reference wages参考工资
retaining wage保留工资
rise in wage工资增长
salaries and wages payable应付薪金及.工资
standard labor wage rate标准工资率
summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits工资及福利费分配汇总表
unclaimed wages未领工薪
unclaimed wages fund未发工资基金
unproductive wages非生产工资
wage accrual本期应付工资
wage accruals less disbursements应付工资现款支付的工资
wage advance plan预付工资制
wage allocation sheet工资分配表
wage and salaries books薪资簿
wage and salary account工薪账户
wage and salary disbursements工资和薪金的支付额
wage and salary payment工资与薪金支付
wage book工资簿
wage day发薪日
wage deduction工资扣除
wage differences工资差额
wage differentials工资差额
wage-equivalent subsidy工资性津贴
wage for workmen工人的工资
wage fund control工资基金管理
wage in kind实物工资
wage inflation工资增长引起的通货膨胀
wage payable应付工资
wage payment summary工资支出汇总表
wage payroll工资支付帐
wage-price spiral工资物价的螺旋上升
wage-price-money spiral工资、物价、货币的螺旋上升
wage-price-tax spiral工资、物价、税收的螺旋上升
wage-push theory of inflation工资推动型通货膨胀理论
wage subsidy or loan to enterprise向企业提供工资补贴或贷款