
Terms for subject Technology containing wages | all forms | exact matches only
absolute wage cost绝对工资成本
absolute wages绝对工资
accrual wage应付工资
advanced wage预付工资
appropriate right of wage工资分配权
average gross money wages平均货币总收入
average hourly wage平均小时工资
average money wage rate平均货币工资率
average wage earnings平均工资收入
average wage index平均工资指数
average wage plan平均工资计划
average wage rate平均工资率
average wage scale coefficient平均工资等级系数
average weekly wage平均周工资
basis wages基本工资
board wages膳宿工资
bonus system of wages工资奖励制度
bonus system of wages工资奖金制度
bonus wage奖金式工资
compensatory wage increase补偿性的增加工资
contract wage合同工资
contracted quota of wage in every hundred Yuan output value百元产值工资含量包干
coordinated wage policy协调的工资政策
cost incidental to wages工资费用
crew's wage船员工资
cutting of wages工资削减
daily wage日工资
day-wage work散工
day-wage work日工
day wages计日工资
day's wages计日工资
discuss and determine wage-grade评薪
efficiency wage实效工资
efficiency wage按劳工资
escalating wage物价补贴工资
external wage structure企业间工资结构
fair wage合理工资
fixed wages固定工资
floating raise of wages浮动升级
floating unit price semi-piecework wage浮动单价半计件工资
floating wages浮动工资
floating wages linked with performance效益浮动工资
fluctuation in wage rates工资浮动
form of piece-wage计件工资形式
form of time wage计时工资形式
get good wages拿高工资
give wage increases to workers and staff members调整职工工资
group-bonus wage plan小组奖金工资制
guaranteed annual wage保证年度工资
guaranteed annual wage plan最低年工资保证制
guaranteed wage plans保证工资计划
hour rate wage计时工资
hour wages system计时工资制
hourly rate wage plan小时固定工资率计划
hourly wages计日工资
hourly wages小时工资
hourly wages rate小时工资率
hourly wages rate计时工资率
incentive system of wages奖励工资制度
incentive wage奖励工资
incentive wage payment plan奖励工资计划
increase wage增加工资
index number of nominal wages名义工资指数
index number of real wages实际工资指数
index of wage工资指数
internal wage differentials内部工资差别
iron law of wages铁的工资规律
labor and wage plan劳动工资计划
labor wage rate劳动工资率
labour wage rate劳动工资率
limiting wage increases限制工资增长
living wage生活工资
living wage能够维持生活的工资
margin wage边际工资
marginal wage cost边际工资成本
marginal wage cost边际工资费用
marginal wage quota边际工资率
market wage市场工资
minimum wage法定最低限度工资
money wage现金工资
monthly wages月工资
monthly wages月薪
negative wage tax负工资税
nominal wage bill名义工资额
nominal wage bill名义工资总值
nominal wages以金钱为准的工资
nominal wages indexes名义工资指数
non-wage labor cost非工资人工成本
non-equalizing wage differentials非均衡工资差别
non-inflationary wage increase非通货膨胀的工资增长
non-productive wage非生产工资
normal wage正常工资
off-time wages非工作时间工资
per hour wage小时工资
per hour wage每小时工资
per hundred output included wage每百元产值工资含量
per ten thousand ton-kilometre included wage每万吨公里工资含量
permissive-wage adjustment容许调整工资制
piece wage rate计件工资制
piecework premium wage计件奖励工资
piecework wage on a quota plus overfulfillment basis定额超产计件工资
piecework wage plus basic salary底薪加计件工资
piecework wage system计件工资制
planned performance rate of labor wages劳动工资计划完成率
planned performance rate of labour wages劳动工资计划完成率
prevailing wage现行工资
profit margin of wage工资利润率
raise wages提升工资
raised wage提高工资
range of society-wide wage increases全社会工资增长的幅度
rate of nominal wages名义工资率
rates of wages工资标准
real wage实质工资
real wage实得工资
real wage income实际工资收入
real wage rate实际工资率
reform of wage system工资改革
relative wage相对工资
remaining at post without wage停薪留职
salaries or wages on time basis记时薪金或工资
seniority order wage system年资工资制
seniority-based wage按年资晋升的工资
shadow wage影子工资
sliding scale wage system滑动工资制
stage-based piecework wage分段计酬计件工资
standard wage and salary标准工薪
starvation wages不足温饱的工资
starvation wages难以维持温饱生活的工资
summary of factory wages全厂工资汇总表
supplements to wages and salaries附加薪资
supporter wages支护工人工资
system of partial free supply and partial wages部分供给
tapered wage increase分级增加工资
the work of budgeting wages劳动工资计划工作
total wage bill工资总额
total wage plan工资总额计划
total wages工资总额
total wages总工资
unclaimed wage funds未付工资
unified base wages统一的工资底数
unified wage scale统一工资标准
uniform wage points统一工资分
union wage规定工资
unpaid wage未付工资
unproductive wage非生产工资
variance in wages工资差额
wage advance plan预付工资
wage and related expenses工资附加费
wage and salary administration工资管理
wage and salary disbursement工资与薪金支付额
wage and salary in kind实物工资
wage arbitration调停工资纠纷
wage assignment工资指定
wage-bracket table按工资计算的简易税额表
wage by piece计件工资
wage-by-age system年资工资制
wage capital可变资本
wage ceiling工资最高额
wage contract工资合同
wage control工资管理
wage curve薪资曲线
wage cut削减工资
wage cutting工资削减
wage day发放工资日
wage day工资发放日
wage deduction扣发工资
wage determination工资决定
wage differential method工资差额法
wage earner依靠工资为生者
wage fraction工资率
wage funds expense statement工资基金支出表
wage funds income statement工资基金收入表
wage garnishment扣发工资
wage in railway transport enterprise based on efficiency铁路运输企业工效挂钩
wage incentive工资刺激
wage incentive plan奖励工资计划
wage increase工资增长
wage kikes提高工资
wage labor工资劳动者
wage labor雇佣劳动者
wage labour工资劳动者
wage labour雇佣劳动者
wage ledger工资分类账
wage level薪金标准
wage lien工资留置权
wage packet工资袋
wage pattern标准工资等级
wage payable audit应付工资审计
wage payroll工资单
wage ranking system工资等级制度
wage rate工资单价
wage rate paid实付工资率
wage scale工资等级表
wage scale工资级差
wage scale system工资级差别
wage sheet工资表
wage surcharge工资附加费
wage system工资制 (度)
wage system based on post technique in railway enterprise铁路企业岗位技能工资制
wage variation clause工资浮动条款
wage worker工资劳动者
wages and benefits待遇 (指物质报酬)
wages and salaries工资及薪金
wages and salaries book工资薪金账簿
wages book工资账簿
wages clerk工资员
wages department工资部门
wages for piece work计件工资
wages fund工资基金
wages fund management工资基金管理
wages fund plan工资基金计划
wages office工资部门
wages or salaries基本工资
wages per day日工资