
Terms for subject Textile industry containing wages | all forms | exact matches only
absolute wage costs绝对工资成本
accrued wage应计工资
actual wage实际工资
average monthly wage月平均工资
ceiling on wage工资最高限额
ceiling on wage最高工资
daily wages日薪
deduction from wages工资扣减
differential wages差别工资
efficiency-related wages效益工资
fixed-wage system固定工资制
high wage高工资
high wage job高工资职位
hourly wage时工资
hourly wage计时工资
hourly wage每小时工资
implicit wages内含工资
imputed wage估算工资
increase wages增加工资
industrial wage structure行业工资结构
inflation of wage工资上升
job wage岗位工资
job wage职务工资
job wage system岗位工资制
job-skill wage system职务技能工资制
labor and wage system劳动工资制度
law of wages工资规律
low-wage economy低工资经济
low-wage system低工资制
machine downtime wage停机时间费用
management of wage工资管理
minimum wage rate最低工资率
moderate wage低工资
monthly average wages月平均工资
monthly wage月工资
monthly wage plan月工资计划
natural wage实物工资
premium wages额外工资
premium wages奖金
prepay wage预付工资
productivity wages累进计件工资
productivity wages生产率工资
productivity wages计件工资
profit-related wages效益工资
progressive piece-rate wage累进计件工资
quota wage system定额工资制
real wage insurance实际工资保险
reduce the wage降低工资
reduction of wages缩减工资
reduction of wages降低工资
regional wage differential地区工资差别
regular wage基本工资固定工资
retention wage保留工资
round-of-wage increase工资全面增长
salary and wage account工薪账
salary and wage insurance工薪保险
salary and wage policy工薪保单
salary and wage policy工薪政策
scale of wages工资率
scale of wages工资比例
scale up of wages工资按比例增加
sliding wage浮动工资
sliding wage滑动工资
standard of wage工资标准
standard of wage工资水平
standard of wage rate工资率标准
supplement wage补发工资
supplement wage追加工资
surcharge on wages附加工资
system of wage工资制度
task wages包工工资
theory of wage工资学说
theory of wage工资理论
time rate wages计时工资制
unclaimed wages未领工资
unclaimed wages fund未付工资
unpaid wages未付工资
wage accruals less disbursement支付现款后应付工资
wage adjustment工资调整
wage administration工资管理
wage and related expenses工资和附加费
wage and salary control工薪控制
wage and salary control工薪管理
wage and welfare工资及福利
wage attached to a post职务津贴
wage bill工资总额
Wage Board美国工资委员会
wage bracket工资等级
wage ceiling最高工资限额
wage costs工资成本
wage cut工资削减
wage demand工资要求
wage dividend工资股利
wage earner工资收入者
wage earning class工薪阶层
wage earnings工资收入
wage exponent工资指数
wage for subsistence维持生活工资
wage for workmen工人工资
wage fund source工资基金
wage fund theory工资基金论
wage growth工资增长
wage guidepost工资指标
wage incentive鼓励工资
wage including tax包括税金的工资
wage income工资收入
wage increase增加工资
wage level工资水平《管理》
wage level工资标准
wage pattern工资标准《管理》
wage pattern工资类型
wage-payment system工资支付制
wage payroll工资支付账
wage rate工资率《管理》
wage rate record工资率表
wage recapitulation工资结算
wage recapitulation sheet工资结算单
wage regulating form工资管理形式
wage scale行业或地区等的工资等级、工资级别《管理》
wage scale工资标准
wage sheet工资单
wage unit工资单位
weekly wage周薪