
Terms for subject Securities containing voting | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition of voting rights获得表决权
acquisition of voting rights取得投票权
agreement on exercising voting right by proxy代理执行投票权协议
approval voting投赞同票
be incapacitated from voting被剥夺投票权
block voting大宗股票投票权
blocked voting冻结选举
blocked voting阻止投票
class voting种类表决
class voting股东集体表决
classified voting system按类表决制
classified voting system股东分类投票制度
common-law voting普通法表决
communication voting通讯表决
contingent cumulative voting或有累计投票
contingent voting right或有投票权
cumulative voting累积投票制选举董事的投票方式。股东股份数与表决选举的董事职位数相乘得选票总数,可把全部选票投给一位董事或数个董事
cumulative voting累计投票
cyclical voting循环投票
de facto voting control掌握投票权的公司
de facto voting control控股公司
de jure voting control合法投票权
differential voting差额投票
difFerential voting rights差别表决权
effective voting power有效投票权
electronic voting网上表决
electronic voting网上投票
enlarged voting share capital增加有表决权的股本
examination voting审核表决
exercise voting right行使投票权
exhaustive voting逐个淘汰制投票
fractional voting多股一票权
fractional voting多股一权
injunction to prevent voting or further purchase防止表决和进一步收购的禁止令
interests in voting shares有投票权股份的权益
issued voting share已发行有表决权的股份
issued voting share已发行有投票权的股份
majority voting rule多数表决规则
multiple voting复数表决权
multiple voting一股多权
multiple voting share一股多权股票
multiple voting share多种投票权股票
no-voting representative无表决权代表
no-voting representative列席代表
non-voting preferred shares无表决权优先股
non-voting security无表决权证券
non-voting share无投票权股票
non-voting stock无投票权股票
non-cumulative voting非累积投票
online general meeting voting网上股东大会投票
online voting网上表决
online voting网上投票
online voting system网上表决系统
ordinary voting普通投票法
outstanding voting rights现有表决权
outstanding voting rights现有的投票权
ownership on voting control拥有股票控制权
proxy voting guideline行使表决权准则
reporting for purchases of voting stock收购有投票权股票的报告
share voting right股票投票权
statutory voting法定投票
stockholder voting rights股东投票权
straight voting直接选举
straight voting直接投票
supermajority voting shares绝对多数选举权投票权股份
suspend voting rights中止表决权
temporary suspension of voting rights暂时中止投票权
two-thirds or more of the voting rights 2/3以上表决权
vote by voting group集体表决
voting agreement投票权协议
voting agreement enforcement投票权协议的执行
voting and nonvoting shares有投票权和无投票权的股票
voting by foot用脚投票股东对公司的管理表示不满
voting capital有投票权的资本
voting certificate股权委托证明
voting certificate有表决权的证明
voting certificate有投票权的凭证
voting equity有投票权的股本
voting list投票名单
voting list表决名单
voting of funds拨款表决
voting of funds拨款权
voting on-line网上选举
voting on-line网上投票
voting power拨款权
voting power hypothesis投票力量假说
voting preferred stock有表决权的优先股
voting procedures表决程序
voting results at annual general meetings股东年会投票结果
voting right股票投票权
voting security有表决权证券
voting security有投票权证券
voting share有表决权股票
voting stock有表决权股票
voting trust表决权委托
voting trust agreement投票信托协议
voting trust certificate委托投票证明
voting trust certificate委托投票证明股东会上
voting trust certificate表决权托证明
voting trust certificate投票信托证明