
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing vortex | all forms | exact matches only
adjacent vortex附着旋涡
alternately spaced vortex交替分布涡
alternating vortex shedding交替旋涡脱落
alternating vortex shedding交替漩涡脱落
atmospheric vortex大气旋涡
attached vortex附着旋涡
axial vortex轴向涡流
bandwidth of vortex shedding旋涡脱落带宽
blade tip vortex叶尖涡
blade-tip vortex叶尖涡
bound vortex约束涡
bound vortex附着涡
bound vortex filament附着涡丝
bound vortex system附着涡系
bundle of vortex filaments涡丝束
closed vortex line闭合涡线
coherence vortex shedding相干涡脱落
concentrated vortex合成旋涡
concentrated vortex集中旋涡
confined vortex约束涡
confined vortex wind machine
confined vortex wind machine约束涡型风
conical vortex锥形涡
constrained vortex约束涡
Counihan type vortex generator库尼汉式旋涡发生器
cyclically alternating vortex周期性交替涡
delta wing vortex三角翼涡
discrete vortex无联系的旋涡
discrete vortex散立旋涡
downwash vortex下洗涡
elliptical vortex generator椭圆涡发生器
flow in vortex涡流
forced vortex强迫涡
free vortex自由涡
free vortex blading自由涡流叶片组
free vortex sheet自由涡流面
free vortex type自由涡流
frequency of vortex shedding旋涡脱落频率
geophysical vortex地球物理旋涡
hairpin vortex发卡涡
helical vortex sheet螺旋涡面
helicoidal vortex sheet螺旋面形涡面
horseshoe vortex马蹄涡
horseshoe vortex system马蹄涡系
infinite vortex street无限涡街
Karman vortex street卡曼涡街
Karman's vortex street卡曼涡街
laminar vortex shedding层流旋涡脱落
laminar vortex street层流涡街
leading edge vortex前缘涡
lee side vortex背风面旋涡
lift vortex升力
lifting vortex升力
line vortex线涡
lock in of vortex锁涡
locked in vortex-induced response锁涡响应
longitudinal vortex纵向涡
magnetohydrodynamically driven vortex磁流体动力驱动涡
main vortex主旋涡
marginal vortex边界涡
organized vortex trail规则涡迹
periodic vortex shedding周期性旋涡脱落
periodic vortex street周期性涡街
point vortex点涡
postcritical vortex shedding过临界旋涡脱落
potential vortex位涡
random vortex shedding随机旋涡脱落
Rankine's vortex兰金涡流
rectangular vortex ring矩形涡环
rectilinear vortex直涡丝
rectilinear vortex直线涡流
regular vortex shedding规则旋涡脱落
regular vortex street规则涡街
regular vortex trail规则涡迹
resonant vortex excitation共振旋涡激励
resonant vortex shedding共振旋涡脱落
ring vortex涡环
ring vortex环形涡
rolled up vortex卷起涡
root vortex根涡
rotor tip vortex旋翼叶尖旋涡
self excited vortex shedding自激涡脱落
separated flow vortex分离流的旋涡
separation vortex分离涡
shed vortex脱出涡
shed vortex脱体涡
shed wake vortex脱落涡
sinuous vortex蛇形涡
spanwise vortex跨向涡
spanwise vortex展向涡
spherical vortex球形涡
square vortex ring方形涡环
staggered vortex交错旋涡
staggered vortex street交错涡街
staggered vortex street交替涡街
standing vortex驻涡
starting vortex起动涡
stratospheric polar vortex平流层极涡
subcritical vortex shedding亚临界旋涡脱落
suction vortex吸入旋涡
supercritical vortex shedding超临界旋涡脱落
superposition of vortex旋涡叠加
swirling vortex旋涡
three dimensional vortex street三维涡街
tip vortex叶尖涡
tip vortex叶尖旋涡
tornado vortex龙卷涡
tornado-like vortex龙卷风式旋涡
trailing edge vortex后缘涡
trailing vortex尾涡
trailing vortex后缘旋涡
trailing vortex拖曳涡
trailing vortex后缘涡流
trailing vortex sheet尾涡面
transient vortex非稳定旋涡
transient vortex瞬时涡
transient vortex瞬变涡
translational speed of tornado vortex龙卷涡移动速度
translational speed of vortex street涡街移动速度
trapped vortex脱体涡
turbulent vortex紊流旋涡
turbulent vortex紊流涡
turbulent vortex street湍流涡街
unconfined vortex wind machine非约束涡型风力机
viscous vortex黏性旋涡
vortex anemometer旋涡风速计
vortex augmentor旋涡增强装置
vortex axis旋涡轴
vortex breakdown旋涡破碎
vortex bursting旋涡猝发
vortex cavity旋涡空穴
vortex circulation旋涡环量
vortex cluster旋涡群
vortex concentrator device旋涡集聚式风能装置
vortex cone涡流锥
vortex decay涡旋衰减
vortex density涡流密度
vortex drag涡阻
vortex eddy旋涡
vortex eddy涡流
vortex excitation涡激励
vortex excited oscillation涡激振荡
vortex excited response涡激响应
vortex filament
vortex flux涡通量
vortex formation region旋涡形成区
vortex free motion无旋运动
vortex frequency涡旋频率
vortex generator扰流发生器
vortex generator旋涡发生器
vortex induced acoustic vibration涡致声振
vortex induced displacement涡致位移
vortex induced noise涡致噪声
vortex induced oscillation涡致振荡
vortex induced response涡致响应
vortex induced vibration涡致振动
vortex intensity涡流强度
vortex intensity旋涡强度
vortex interference旋涡干扰
vortex invariant涡旋不变量
vortex lattice涡流栅
vortex lattice method涡格法
vortex layer旋涡层
vortex lift涡升力
vortex location涡流位置
vortex lock-in锁涡
vortex lock-on锁涡
vortex pair涡对
vortex path涡迹
vortex pattern涡流分布
vortex pattern涡谱
vortex plane涡面
vortex plane rolling-up涡面卷起
vortex response涡响应
vortex rhythm旋涡节拍
vortex ring涡环
vortex row涡列
vortex sensor涡流检测器
vortex separation旋涡分离
vortex shedding脱流
vortex shedding旋涡脱落
vortex shedding anemometer旋涡脱落风速计
vortex shedding frequency旋涡脱落频率
vortex shedding period旋涡脱落周期
vortex shedding rhythm旋涡脱落节拍
vortex sheet rolling-up涡面卷起
vortex street涡道
vortex street涡街
vortex strength涡强
vortex strength旋涡强度
vortex strip涡带
vortex structure旋涡结构
vortex systems涡系
vortex trail涡旋尾迹
vortex train涡列
vortex trajectory旋涡轨迹
vortex trunk涡核线
vortex trunk旋涡螺丝
vortex trunk涡线
vortex tube涡流管
vortex wake尾涡流
wake vortex尾流旋涡
wake vortex resonance尾流旋涡共振
wake vortex system尾流涡系
well organized vortex规则旋涡
wind spun vortex风动涡旋