
Terms for subject Commerce containing volume | all forms | exact matches only
actual volume实际产量
actual volume实际贸易量
breakeven volume不盈不亏产量
constance of volume体积不变
cost-volume-profit analysis成本-销售量-利润分析
cumulative volume累计体积
displacement volume被置换体积
encourage the customer to work up a larger volume of business鼓励客户做成更大业务
forecast of freight volume运量预测
forecasting of freight volume运量预测
physical volume实际贸易量
profit-volume ratio利润与销货数量比率
purchase goods on a volume basis按体积采购货物
The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period卖方有权通知中止合同
The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period合同规定买方所订货物未能完成一定时期的最低限额时
The volume of business does not justify a sole agency arrangement at present交易额尚不能证明目前安排独家代理是适当的
The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with the exclusive agency at present目前成交业务量尚不足以委托贵方为独家代理
The volume of business falls short of our hope交易额没有达到我们希望的标准
The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符
The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year此类货物的贸易额自去年以来有了很大增加
The volumes are identically equal容积相等
total volume总量
total volume of import and export trade进岀口贸易总量
transport volume货运量
volume checking账本核查
volume control容积调节
volume cost产量成本
volume-cost-profit analysis产量-成本-利润分析 (指盈亏分析 (break-even analysis))
volume density容重
volume flexibility产量灵活性
volume handled at ports港口吞吐量
volume of exports出口量 (与进口量(volume of import) 相对)
volume of freight handled at ports港口吞吐量
volume of freight transport货运量
volume of goods moved by rail铁路货运量
volume of industrial production工业生产产量
volume of investment costs per unit of production单位产品投资费用
volume of production生产数量
volume of retail sales商品零售额
volume of road haulage公路货运量