
Terms for subject Nautical containing very | all forms | exact matches only
highly skewed propellers and very highly skewed propellers大侧斜螺旋桨和超大侧斜螺旋桨
the air is filled with foam and spray. sea completely white with driving spray. visibility very seriously affected空中充满白沫和飞溅水雾,风吹飞沫使海面白 茫茫一片,能见度严重受影响。
very high holding power anchors超大抓力锚
very high sea怒涛海况 (浪高达20英尺~ 40英尺)
very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串飞溅,整个海面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。
very large crude carrier大型油船
very large crude carrier巨型油轮载重20万吨以上的
very large floating ring base深远海环形超大型浮式基地
very rough sea巨浪海况 (波高 8 英尺~ 12英尺)
very serious marine casualty非常严重的海难